At the end of the exam, Liang Ren did not go back to the dormitory, but at Casey’s request, took her to the Nancheng apartment assigned by Alliance to take a look.

Today, Pidgeot was resting. Liang Ren did not ride Pidgeot on the way. Instead, he stopped a taxi at Alakazam Square outside the school gate.

“Master, go to Xiangshan Mansion next to Xiangshan Park in Nancheng.”

“Okay–” The taxi master answered complied.

Just like its name, Fragrant Hill Park is a park near the suburbs in the south of Saffron City. The environment is very beautiful.

The apartment assigned by Alliance to Liang Ren, according to the text message Du gave him, is located in a community called Xiangshan Mansion next to Xiangshan Park.

“Wait, Liang Ren, are we going to Xiangshan Mansion next to Xiangshan Park in the south of the city? Is the house allocated to you by Alliance in Xiangshan Mansion next to Xiangshan Park?”

Get in the car and fasten the seat belt. Hearing Liang Ren’s conversation with the taxi master, Casey’s pretty face was surprised.

“Mr. Lance’s text message seems to say that Xiangshan Mansion is correct. What’s wrong, Casey, is there any problem with this place?” Liang Ren asked with some confusion.

It has been a year since I came to Saffron City to study, but Liang Ren often took time off and left school to travel. On the contrary, his knowledge of Saffron City did not have as many Casey students who had been looking forward to the school.

Saffron City is located in the Saffron Plain, once the Kanto granary, and now the economic heart.

Taking Jiantian City and Saffron City as the East-West Economic Dual Wingbeat, with Cerulean City in the north and Vermilion City in the south, Saffron City is also divided into East, South, West, North and Centre Five Great Cities districts.

Saffron City high-speed rail station and Airport are located in Dongcheng District. It is the new economic zone of Saffron City and is an area where many Internet and biotechnology companies are concentrated.

Xicheng District is the old city of Saffron City. In the early years, old industries such as Saffron City’s chemical industry and steel were concentrated. Before Liang Ren helped his younger sister to conquer Rotom, he went there once. Old street pipeline in the city.

Beicheng District is the logistics distribution center of Saffron City. The headquarters and branches of many bulk logistics, express and express companies in Kanto are mostly set up here.

The central city is the golden CBD location of Saffron City. It is the most luxurious area for commercial and entertainment industries. Stadium, like the city that Liang Ren usually visits, is located in the central city.

The southern part of Saffron City is mainly a residential area, with various living infrastructures complete, but it is not as noisy as the central city.

Saffron Middle School is in the Nancheng District of Saffron City, and Xiangshan Park, where Liang Ren and Casey are taking a taxi, is also located in Nancheng District.

Saffron Middle School is more north, closer to the city center, while Xiangshan Park is more south, closer to the suburbs.

Faced with Liang Ren’s rhetorical question, Casey didn’t answer immediately, but shook the head and said: “Wait a moment when we get to Xiangshan Mansion, Liang Ren, you will know why I am surprised.”< /p>

Seeing what Casey said, Liang Ren didn’t ask any more questions. Saffron Middle School is not far from Nancheng Xiangshan Park. The taxi arrived in less than ten minutes.

“This is?!” Get out of the taxi and stand at the entrance of Xiangshanfu community next to Xiangshan Park. After seeing the building in front of him, Liang Ren was surprised that his mouth opened wide.

“As you can see Liang Ren, Xiangshan Mansion is a real rich community in Saffron City, and if you want to live in this villa, it is not enough to have money, but you must have a large enough Power.”

“As far as I know, this is all in the Alliance system, where many powerful people take care of retirement after retirement, or where their families live.”

“at first Liang Brother Ren, you said that Alliance assigned you an apartment. I am still wondering, you are now the chief director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, how did Alliance assign you an ordinary apartment.”

“Look It should be Brother Liang Ren, you have misunderstood. The house assigned to you by Alliance is not an apartment, but a small villa.” Casey held Bellossom in his arms and pointed at the villas in the Xiangshanfu community. .

I heard Casey say this, Liang Ren only spirit slowly recovers, although with his current strength, status and worth, it is nothing to buy a 2-Layer single-family villa.

But the two I bought and the one distributed by Alliance felt quite different. In addition to the little surprise just now, it also made Liang Ren feel that he was enjoying the joy of power.

And just like Casey said, this Xiangshan Mansion villa area next to Xiangshan Park, you can’t live in with money.

“Let’s go, let’s go and take a look.”

“Okay—” Casey followed Liang Ren’s footsteps, with a happy smile on his face.

The young man in front of her is the one she has always dreamed of and admired since childhood. Now the other person has become so outstanding and the most dazzling star of Kanto Alliance, which makes her feel very satisfied and proud. Yan.



Xiangshan Park is very similar to Donghushan Park in the outskirts of Saffron City Dongcheng.

They are all one lake and one mountain, the mountains and rivers are adjacent, and the mountains and rivers embrace each other. However, Donghushan Park is six points and four points of water, and Xiangshan is six points and four points of water.

Donghushan Park is a downtown oasis created by the city government not far from the urban area, but it can temporarily forget the hustle and bustle of the city and can be enjoyed by ordinary citizens.

And the Xiangshan Park is attached to the Xiangshan Mansion Community, unless the owners in the Xiangshan Mansion Villa District, outsiders cannot enter.

After showing his ID at the gate of the community, he saw that Liang Ren did not drive over. The security guard of the community also drove the two in a patrol car to the house assigned to him by Alliance.

“It’s really a small 2-Layer villa.” Standing in front of this elegant and chic villa, Liang Ren couldn’t help showing a touch of joy.

The Xiangshan Park is generally composed of a huge lake and a hilly hill. Xiangshan Mansion is not so much adjacent to the Xiangshan Park, as it is built on the hilly mountains in the Xiangshan Park.

The mountain is full of smoked smoked trees. In autumn, the smoked smoked leafage covering the mountains and the plains is as red as the flame Normal, and turns deep purple red after the frost.

Bright red, pink, scarlet, and pink, the layers are distinct, in the soothing autumn wind, like red clouds coming from the mountains, the whole mountain seems to shake, and there are green phoebes dotted with red and green. Gorgeous.

Elegant small villas, clustered or sparsely landed on the hills, the environment is not only quiet, but also beautiful as a picture scroll.

Saffron City is famous for its red leaves in Kanto, and there are two places where you can enjoy the red leaves in Saffron City.

One is the Red Maple Forest in the eastern suburbs of Saffron City, and the other is Xiangshan Hongye in Nancheng Xiangshan Park. Compared with the former’s Maple Forest and Hongye, the latter is more famous.

At this time, the frost has passed, and the red leaves on Fragrant Mountain have transformed from flame-like red to deep purple red.

A gust of wind blows, and the smoked cocklebur tree covering the mountains and the plains on Fragrant Hill shakes down, and even the Fragrant Mist Lake below, which is clear and bright like a mirror, is reflected like a clear amethyst .

“Brother Liang Ren, your environment is too beautiful.” On the second floor balcony of the villa facing Xiangwu Lake at the foot of the mountain, leaning on the pure white railings will take the beautiful scenery of Xiangshan’s red leaves and Xiangwu Lake. Casey in the entire scene sighed heartily.

“The environment here is indeed very good.” Liang Ren also nodded expressed his satisfaction. If he does not join the Alliance, he is probably impossible to live in the picturesque Xiangshan Mansion no matter how rich he is.

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