

I am in a high position like the director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau, because I applied for early graduation from Saffron Middle School. In order to facilitate his work, the Alliance directly gave He allocated a small villa.

Besides a pleasant surprise, Liang Ren and Casey took a good stroll on the Fragrant Mountain after viewing the villa, and took a close look at Fragrant Mountain, which even ordinary citizens of Saffron City could not enjoy. Red leaves.


It was not until noon when the sun rose to the center of the sky, Liang Ren and Casey, who were slightly hungry, dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to go shopping. , Make a turn and return to the city for dinner.

“Du—” The two had just returned to the city and took a taxi to get on and off at the food street entrance of Hubu Alley. Liang Ren’s mobile phone rang suddenly.

This is the reminder of receiving a text message. I remembered that after the morning test, the invigilators said that after the exam papers were corrected for a while, they would be announced in the school bulletin board and sent to his mobile phone via text messages. on.

“Brother Liang Ren, did you get results?” Casey asked curiously when he got out of the car and was finishing her bangs.

“Hmm—”Liang Ren, who took out his mobile phone, clicked on the text message, and saw that the sender was the official Saffron Middle School, Liang Ren nodded.

However, when he clicked on the text message and scanned the content, Liang Ren’s flattened brow suddenly frowned.

“What’s the matter, isn’t the grades satisfactory?” Seeing Liang Ren’s expression, Casey suddenly had a bad feeling.

“Look at it for yourself–” Liang Ren frowned and handed the phone to the girl.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren, please know that for your application to the school for early graduation this time, as your teacher, we are very pleased and have high expectations for you, because you are our school The most outstanding student.

In this comprehensive knowledge test, the questions presented by the school’s teachers are indeed a bit over-the-top, and the difficulty is even difficult for top-rank graduates, but the teachers are right You are still very confident.

But speak frankly, when the test paper correction work is completed, we are actually not satisfied with your results this time, as your Teacher. In the past studies, The mastery of knowledge, you don’t at all reach the level required by the Teacher…”

After receiving the mobile phone handed over by Liang Ren, Casey read it word by word in a low voice. On the originally relaxed and pleasant pretty face, gradually Full of worry.

“Why is this? The school teacher is not satisfied with Liang Ren’s test scores. Didn’t you meet the 85 points requirement?” Casey read the text message several times, the worry on his face was already Rich to the extreme.

As the Mega genius of Saffron Middle School, the super-popular trainer of Stadium, and the Celebrity veteran who has tens of millions of fans on Weibo, Liang Ren applied to the school for early graduation. This has been spread in Kanto during this time. To the point of being well known.

Although he has not yet officially graduated, the school has set up three graduation levels for him. In Casey’s view, although these three levels are difficult, she believes that Liang Ren must be fine.

Didn’t expect the first hurdle, the comprehensive knowledge test that Liang Ren took in the morning, the results were not satisfactory.

“What should I do? If you fail the first test, Liang Ren, if you fail to graduate this time, there will be many people in the trainer circle and on the Internet who will mock and attack you.”

At this moment, Casey seems to have become Liang Ren’s personal assistant and agent again. He is worried about the negative public opinion consequences of Liang Ren’s failure to graduate.

“Well, don’t worry. The school text did not reveal the results, and it’s okay even if I failed to graduate. Anyway, I don’t often take time off to go out to practice at school. For me Not at all, too much influence.”

Looking at Casey who was holding the phone with a worried face, Liang Ren’s heart was also warm, and he extended the hand ghostly and touched the other’s head comforted.

“嘤——” Perceiving Liang Ren’s movements, the worried girl’s cheeks instantly changed to the color of a red Fuji apple.

“Liang Ren, you are now joining Kanto Alliance. With your innate talent, strength and popularity, it is very possible to become the champion of Kanto Alliance in the future. If you fail to graduate this time, I am afraid you will become your resume A big stain in the middle.”

“Don’t you worry about Liang Ren?” Casey pouted, and asked with some doubts in her heart.

Hearing the question of Casey, Liang Ren rubbed his chin.

“It’s fake to say not to worry, but it’s useless to worry right now.” Liang Ren shrugged said: “To be honest, I am quite confident about the morning exam, even if my grades are not satisfactory. , But I think there are 85 points no matter how much.”

“And the school text did not disclose the results, I guess the paper has not been modified yet, I think the score It shouldn’t be too Poor, I still know what I did on my own.” Seeing Casey caring about him so much, Liang Ren felt warm in his heart, so he comforted her with a few more words.

“Is that true?” Casey asked suspiciously.

“Of course, don’t you believe in my strength?” Liang Ren showed a smile on his face, “Go, let’s go to lunch, I know that there is a restaurant where Roasted meat tastes very good. “


Holding Liang Ren’s mobile phone in his hand, Casey followed Liang Ren to the store, and one person ordered a portion of Roasted meat.

As soon as I sat down, Casey lifted the head to look at Liang Ren solemnly and said, “Brother Liang Ren, if your test results are not satisfactory this time, you must be caught by that many Teacher in the morning test. Surrounding and interfering with you, it’s definitely not that you are incapable.”

“Uh-” Hearing Casey’s forced wave of comfort, Liang Ren suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Ah, don’t worry, the test score will never be lower than 85 points. I will definitely be able to graduate this time, I promise you.”

“So you hurry Put your phone down and eat something obediently. The Roasted meat in this store is great. You see how delicious Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Lucario are.”

Liang Ren took the phone in Casey’s hand. , And then said.

“Oh oh–” The girl was nodded, with two dull hairs on top of her head shaking like a blue cotton bird, and she obediently cut her head into Roasted meat.

However, Liang Ren noticed that the girl still glanced at the phone screen on the table from time to time. It was the page on the bulletin board of Saffron Middle School’s official website. He didn’t know when the girl opened it.


At the moment, in the office of the Student Office of Saffron Middle School, the grade director Terikawa looked at the smirking Principal Fuji Morisuke.

“Principal, it’s already very unkind to produce such a difficult test paper. Wouldn’t it be too good if you send such a text message? It’s not our own student.” Sai Chuan cautiously said.

“Hard fart, if your papers are so difficult, can this little bastard get such a high score?” The gray-haired old man raised his eyebrows.

“Ten minutes before the results were officially released, I sent a coaxing text message to make fun of this kid. Anyway, it was my own student, and I did not disclose the results saying that I did not reach 85 points.”




“Ah!!! Brother Liang Ren, look at the bulletin board of the school’s official website, your results for the comprehensive test in the morning have come out.”

In a Roasted meat shop in Hubu Alley Food Street, Casey is eating Roasted meat with a small bite, with a surprised expression on his face.

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