“Oh~Have the results finally come out?” Liang Ren lifts the head, who is helping Lucario cut Roasted meat after hearing the girl’s words.

“Hmm! The teacher who sent you the notification message just now is too bad, it said that Liang Ren, you did not pass the exam, said that the school teacher was very dissatisfied with your grades, and said You don’t have a firm grasp of knowledge.” The girl said angrily.

“Listen to you, my score was pretty good this time, no less than 85 points.” Liang Ren inserted a piece of Roasted meat and fed it to Slowpoke in his arms, smiling at Casey. Zi asked.

“More than 85 points, Liang Ren, you got 100 points.” When he said this, Casey didn’t have the slightest smile on his face.

“A full 100 points, isn’t that good.” Liang Ren nodded, he said in his heart.

However, Casey did not agree with Liang Ren’s words.

“The full score of 100 points is good, but the Teacher who sent the notification text message just now is too bad. As far as the words in his text message are concerned, it seems that Liang Ren, brother, did not pass the pass.”


“Scared me to death, ka ka~” The girl held a fork in her mouth and bit fiercely with her teeth like white jade beads.

“Hey, anyway, just pass the test.” Liang Ren didn’t have much reaction to the text message just now.



After lunch, Stadium called and asked him to come over, saying that it had been arranged for him The opponent of the professional five-star promotion game.

The school graduation defense only started in the evening. Liang Ren, who was free in the afternoon, simply took Casey to take a taxi to the city Stadium, and met with Opponent who was going to fight the next night.

There is one more thing Liang Ren needs to discuss with the other party! ! !

“Here…” Casey said, looking at the huge building in front of him when he got out of the taxi.

“Let’s go in, don’t let the opponent trainer wait too long.” Liang Ren said.

“Hmm~ I don’t know who Liang Ren’s opponent is in this professional five-star promotion.” Casey held Bellossom to follow Liang Ren’s footsteps, and the words were full of curiosity.

“The people at Stadium didn’t disclose it, but as a professional five-star trainer, you should be a very famous and capable trainer in the trainer circle.” Liang Ren said: “We will see in a while. The other party.”

While speaking, the two walked into the registration hall, and a young man in a casual suit walked up to us.

“Mr. Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, you are here so soon.” There was a hint of surprise on the man’s face.

“Good afternoon, Dave.” Liang Ren greeted the oncoming young man. The other party also proposed to sign him as the contract trainer for Saffron Stadium. The relationship between the two is relatively familiar.

“The Minister and Mr. Masahiro are already upstairs in the Conference Hall, let’s go up first.” Dave said.

“Yes.” Liang Ren nodded.

Following Dave, the three people took the elevator to the Conference Hall upstairs and pushed in. Liang Ren also saw the opponent who was about to fight in the professional five-star promotion game the next night.


In the office, in addition to the Chief-In-Charge of Saffron City Stadium and Chief-In-Charge of the tournament department, there is also a hairstyle, appearance, Dressed as a young man with seven points similar to Ash.

But this young man’s hair color is different from Ash, Ash’s is Black, and this one has brown red hair.

When Liang Ren walked into the Conference Hall to observe the young man, the other party was also looking at him.

“You look a bit like a friend of mine.” Liang Ren said hello.

“Really? That’s really fateful. I am Masahiro from Flemish City. You can also call me Ritchie directly like my friend.”

From Liang There was no sense of Malice in Ren’s words. The young man wearing a yellow and blue sun hat also got up from his seat and extended the hand towards Liang Ren friendly.

“Okay, I am Mumu Liang Ren from Celadon City. You can also call me Liang Ren directly.” After Liang Ren shook hands with the youth in a friendly manner, he also politely made a self Introduction.

“haha, okay.” The young man in front of him has a very cheerful personality, which is very similar to Ash.

In fact, when the other party introduced himself and said he was called Ritchie, Liang Ren had already realized that this young man in front of him was not the one Ash encountered when he was in the top 16 when he reached the top 8 when he participated in the Indigo Plateau Conference. Opponent.

“I didn’t want to meet a character who appeared in the original plot again.” Liang Ren, who was seated with Casey, couldn’t help sighing.

“Mr. Zhenhong and Mr. Liang Ren, I invite two of you over today for two main purposes. One is about whether you two have special venue requirements when you advance to the next night. The other It’s about the promotion of the game the day after tomorrow.”

Seeing that both sides have been present and seated, Sim opened the mouth and said sitting in the main seat.

“For the venue, I need to arrange a water venue here.” Ritchie on the other side raised his hand and gestured.

“Is the water field, okay, where is Mr. Liang Ren?” After writing down Ritchie’s request, Sim looked at Liang Ren and asked.

To be honest, Liang Ren actually has too many requirements for the venue, not at all, and he doesn’t like to subdue the Pokémon that is rigidly dependent on the venue, like the Water Type Pokemon like Goldeen.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Sovereign Snake, the five Pokémons have no rigid requirements for the venue, but there are matching venues, which does increase the strength of Pokémon to a certain extent.

“Since Ritchie has asked for a water field, I also want a grass field.” Liang Ren thought for a while and finally said.

“Okay.” Sim nodded, and noted Liang Ren’s request.

“Then I will not say much about the venue rules. I believe both of you are very clear. If only one side applies for the venue in a game, then the venue will be used as the main venue.

< p>If both sides apply for the venue in a game, or the venue applied by one side has not been cancelled, and the other side also applies for the venue in the subsequent battle, then the two venues will be integrated.”

Said one side looked towards Liang Ren and Ritchie.

“No problem~”

“No problem~” The two people nodded and said in unison.

“Okay, then let’s talk about the issue of competition promotion and revenue sharing.”



The promotion of the competition is very simple. Stadium is fully responsible. Liang Ren and Ritchie, who are the contestants, only need to take two makeup photos as promotional posters.

Of course, the reason why the pre-match promotion was proposed for discussion is mainly because both parties are Celebrity trainers in the circle. If the promotion is appropriate, both players and Saffron City Stadium can achieve a win-win situation. .

This propaganda, the most important thing is whether the players are willing to authorize and cooperate with Stadium officials to make hype on some topics.

If it’s purely for fame, it’s okay to make a proper hype, but Liang Ren has now joined the Kanto Alliance, and some of his behaviors are also related to the public’s impression of Alliance.

In addition to Liang Ren’s entry into Alliance, he has his own power ambitions, so now he has to deliberately avoid generating some negative public opinion.

Rejected Stadium’s proposal for topical hype, but for revenue sharing, Liang Ren put forward a suggestion that made Sim shine in the game arrangement and ticket sales method.


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