“On the night after tomorrow’s battle night, Mr. Liang Ren and Mr. Masahiro’s finale were cancelled, and the two promotion competitions were separated.

The competition between the two was used through holographic projection technology. Perfectly project to the other two main venues and all branch venues.

Then separate tickets for different venues, although there is only one Stadium, the ticket price of the first main venue is 300, and the remaining two main venues and The ticket price of the branch is 100, which is much lower than the normal ticket.”

“But with small profits but quick turnover, originally there were only 10W tickets for the main venue No. 1, which became (3 main venues×10W)+ (24 branches×5W)=150W tickets.

When the time comes if all the tickets are sold out, (1×10W×300)+(2×10W×100)+(24× 5W×100)=170 million”

“My God, Mr. Liang Ren, you are a business genius!!!” In the Conference Hall, Saffron City Stadium Chief-In-Charge Sim was excited. His face was bloodshot and turned into pink.

According to the original Stadium’s arrangement for this professional five-star promotion, at most, the ticket price for the night will be increased.

Because the match between Liang Ren and Ritchie was held in the main venue, even if the normal ticket price of 500 was increased to 700 that night, a main venue would only have 10W spectators.

The fare revenue that night was 700×10W=70 million. However, the commercial marketing plan proposed by Liang Ren directly increased the ideal revenue to 170 million.

The ideal revenue from the original normal plan turned out to be only a fraction of Liang Ren’s plan.

Moreover, the Liang Ren promotion match is separated from the previous normal schedule the night after tomorrow. During the period from 7 to 9 o’clock, the 3 main venues and 24 branch venues are still normal according to the ticket price of 500 and 300. Operations.

Normal schedule + Liang Ren’s promotion match, I estimated the revenue of the night in my heart. Even if he manages Saffron City Stadium, Sim, who has handled many large games, was shocked by the horrible revenue.

Even if the promotion game and the front game are separate, because of the promotion game, the tickets for the front game that night will definitely sell better than before.

I bought the tickets from the front, will the audience not buy tickets for the qualifying match? After all, the original price has only increased by 300 and 100 respectively.

If some spectators do not sell tickets for the next promotion game, Sim believes that there are a lot of people outside who are willing to spend 300 and 100 alone. Let’s see Liang Ren’s promotion match.

With Liang Ren’s current popularity, Sim feels that this is entirely possible.

“Mr. Sim is too polite—” Liang Ren shook the head with a smile.

Although he is reluctant to hype, but the ticket sale that night is directly linked to his own revenue share, Liang Ren does not mind trying to make more money for himself.

The purpose of this marketing plan is to make the cake bigger. It is proposed to separate the promotion match from other competitions on the night of the battle, and the income distribution is more clear.



Xim decided to adopt Liang Ren’s plan.

Because the next night’s game is Liang Ren’s promotion game, Ritchie is only an invited guest to participate in the game. If it is Ritchie’s game, the popularity and sales rate is definitely not as high as Liang Ren.

The success of this marketing plan is largely based on Liang Ren’s popularity, so Liang Ren should have the bulk of the revenue share.

What’s more, Liang Ren proposed this marketing plan. Liang Ren is an Alliance official, and Stadium is an official organization under the Alliance. Liang Ren and Saffron City Stadium are essentially their own people, and Ritchie is not It’s not.

So the final ticket revenue of the promotion match that night is finalized after deducting the pre-publicity cost and the technical cost of the holographic projection that night, the venue cost and so on.

Liang Ren alone owns 40% of the remaining net profit, and Stadium and Ritchie each have 30%. This split-recipe case is still the result of Liang Ren’s voluntary concession.

At first Sim’s initial proposal for dividing the recipe is that Liang Ren monopolizes 50%, Stadium and Ritchie each divide 20% and 5~

Exhaustion and power cannot be exhausted. This is Liang Ren’s way of life. Another reason is that he also has the intention of making friends with Ritchie.

Ritchie, who defeated the protagonist Ash in the 16-finals of the Indigo Plateau Conference to advance to the 8th in the original book, is definitely a trainer of innate talent.

Being friends with trainers who have innate talent is his great hobby.



As for the pre-match promotion, the in-match venue, and the post-match profit distribution, Liang Ren and Ritchie will stop by in the afternoon. I took the makeup photos for the promotion.

It was about five o’clock in the evening when the things on Stadium were finished. Liang Ren, who was interested in befriending Ritchie, also took the initiative to invite him to have dinner.

Because of having a mutual friend, Ash, as the topic, the two quickly got acquainted with each other and Casey also got in on the topic of the trainer, so the three had a very pleasant chat.

The dinner is over, because Liang Ren and Ritchie exchanged contact information and they separated because they had to go back to school at 7pm to participate in the graduation defense.

“Ritchie is indeed a very interesting person. He already has five-star professional strength at a young age. I really look forward to the match between Liang Ren and him the next night.” Casey said.

“I am also looking forward to it. I will call Ash later when the time comes and invite him to come and watch our game.” Liang Ren nodded.


Take a taxi and return to school. Today is Sunday, although classes will be held tomorrow.

However, because Liang Ren had to conduct graduation defense in front of all the teachers and students in the school auditorium in the evening, the atmosphere on campus was very lively at this moment.

In order not to be recognized, Liang Ren and Casey both took Slowpoke and Bellossom back the baby balls, wore masks, and put on the hats behind the sweaters.

Although he was not recognized, he was walking on the campus boulevard, and the excitement of the discussion from the surrounding students came over, which also made Liang Ren feel recognized.

Saffron Middle School has a history of nearly 100 years. It was an aristocratic institution known as Kanto Region long ago. After reforms, it also recruited students for ordinary commoners.

It is the real Heaven’s Chosen Child to be able to enter Saffron Middle School. However, it is the first time for a student to apply for early graduation in such a century-old institution.

In Saffron Middle School, the name Mumu Liang Ren can be said that no student and Teacher don’t know. After all, he is known as the most talented student in Saffron Middle School in a century. that many major event.

Liang Ren applied for early graduation. The teachers and students of the school were shocked. However, after careful consideration, it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

The most outstanding class of Saffron Middle School: the privileged class. When facing graduation three years later, one of the most demanding conditions is nothing more than becoming a professional one-star trainer in Stadium, a first-tier city in Kanto.

This condition Liang Ren has not only been fulfilled, but also over fulfilled.

Now he is the largest prosperous super first-tier city in Kanto Region, and the professional four-star trainer of Stadium in Saffron City, and he will hit the professional five-star the next night.

Moreover, it is now reported that Liang Ren already has Elite Pokémon in his hands, and he has been appointed by Kanto Alliance as the Pokémon Supervisory Bureau’s Top Rank position.

Liang Ren applied to Saffron Middle School for early graduation. Not only is there nothing wrong with it, but it should be done.

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