Saffron Middle School approved Liang Ren’s graduation application, but it also set up three levels, and the difficulty is the nightmare version of the graduation requirements for Saffron Middle School graduates.

A Top Rank comprehensive theoretical knowledge test covering all Attributes has become a test with difficulty comparable to the Top Rank Pokemon researcher exam.

Write a graduation thesis, and then defend the graduation thesis in front of five Top Rank teachers from other schools, considering that Liang Ren has no time to write the thesis.

The defense turned into facing hundreds of teachers and students, 25 school teachers and school leaders in the auditorium. The contestant’s next Pokémon was used as an example to give a comprehensive and detailed explanation.

Then accept a series of questions about Pokémon’s daily training, ability matching, ability structure construction, ability development, ability determination, tactical strategy, Attribute inferiority battle, etc., and accept the reply Teacher and off-site full body refiner The master asks questions.

The normal defense of 15-30 minutes was extended to 2 hours. This is the 2nd hurdle Liang Ren faces when applying for early graduation.

As for the difficulty of the 3rd level, not to mention, the original privilege class students only need one-star career record to graduate, but Liang Ren needs five-star career.

To sum up the three conditions above, Liang Ren was forced to graduate with nightmare difficulty.

Walking on the campus avenue, the surrounding students are all discussing Liang Ren’s application for early graduation.

“Have you read the original questions of the Mumu Liang Ren theory test announced by the school at noon? It really makes me look confused.”

“I am almost like you, When the school announced the test papers at noon, I tried to do it. Guess what in the end?” a student asked his companion mysteriously and secretively.

“Why?” By this question, several companions suddenly became interested.

“One of my special questions will not. Afterwards, I went to find a third-year Senior I knew and checked with their textbooks. It turned out that the test papers were all textbook questions beyond the outline. The school gave The difficulty of this set of questions from Mumu Liang Ren is too terrifying.”

“Who said it was not? However, it is such a difficult question, Mu Mu Liang Ren can get a perfect score of 100. Good scores, it’s really a pervert.”

“Do you think Mumu Liang Ren can cheat? I admit that he is very difficult to deal with, but how can I get such a difficult question? Full score is 100 points~”

“Cheating is impossible. My friends from Primary Rank school were in the privileged class. When Mumu Liang Ren took the exam in the morning, there was a girl in their class. In the whole process, Mu Mu Liang Ren’s exam was broadcast live.”

“The entire classroom was empty except for the middle table. When Mu Mu Liang Ren took the seat and started the exam, the grade director, the owner of the Academic Affairs Office, and Principal Morisuke old man Wait, there are a total of 15 Teachers surrounded by Mumu Liang Ren.”

“Being surrounded by 15 Teachers, let alone cheating, it’s pretty amazing to be able to complete the exam calmly, didn’ t expect Mumu Liang Ren, he can still get a perfect score.”

“Tsk-tsk~This person’s psychological quality is also very good, I think Legendary Big Heart describes him like this!”


“Yes, Mu Mu Liang Ren is too good. I heard that he started reading and studying in the library when he was four years old.”

“Wow ka ka ~ worthy of it I’m a schoolmaster. I didn’t even know words when I was four.”

“When I was four, I didn’t even know what Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander were.”


“Hey, compared to other scholars, I think I am a Muggle.”

“Who said no? Now the school is set up The first difficulty, Mumu Liang Ren, is a perfect pass.

The 2nd level is a graduation defense. It will be held in the auditorium at 7 o’clock this evening. When the time comes, he will not only pick his own Pokémon to do it. Explain, and will accept questions from the teacher and students from the defense team.”

“Wow! Can we ask questions too?”

” Of course, all the teachers and students present can ask questions, and the whole defense lasts for two hours~”

“Wow, this kind of graduation defense, in the history of the establishment of Saffron Middle School, only Mu Mu Liang Ren enjoyed this kind of treatment, right? “

” It’s really enough to face up, but I don’t dare to participate in such a graduation defense. I definitely can’t pass it. I will face the 25 responding Teacher school leaders and how many teachers and students in the school. Hundreds of people, I’m afraid my legs will tremble, and I can’t even speak. “

“Me too, but have you ever thought about asking Mumu Liang Ren to ask me questions in the evening?” “A boy with big front teeth and freckles on his face suddenly asked.

“Ask? I think it’s better to forget it. We can’t even understand the basic questions for the exam questions in the morning. We are not in the same rank with Mumu Liang Ren. Asking each other’s questions does not reveal our level. “

“That is, I heard that many Senior Senior Sisters in senior grades do not intend to ask questions, but instead intend to use the guise of asking questions to ask Mumu Liang Ren about their Pokémon training and training. Problems encountered in training. “

“Wow! ! As expected to be a Senior Senior Sister in a senior year, this is too clever. I can think of such a questioning method. I really learned. “

“So, now you think about the problems that you have encountered when you breed and train Pokémon that you can’t overcome, and then take the opportunity to consult with Mumu Liang Ren in the evening. “

“When he graduates, it won’t be so convenient for him to answer questions later.

On the training of Eevee in the previous new semester challenge, classmate Liang Ren Mu Mu gave me very good advice. After that, my Eevee strength really improved a lot. “

“Wow! ! Then I must ask a few more questions tonight, not to waste such a good opportunity. “

“It’s just—”



Walk into the campus and listen around A smile appeared on Liang Ren’s face during the students’ discussion.

This time he applied to graduate early, the school set up three difficult graduation levels for him. Although the school’s Teacher is not at all Malice, Liang Ren still feels a little unsure.

In the evening, he will give a graduation speech and defense in the school’s auditorium. Faced with questions from the whole school, Liang Ren is also afraid that some students will ask some weird and uncommon questions. .

Walking on the campus avenue at this moment, listening to the discussion of the surrounding students, and knowing that they will not come to make things difficult for him, Liang Ren’s heart is only slightly sighed in relief.

Of course Liang Ren not at all, relax your vigilance. These are just the attitudes of a small group of people, and do not represent all the teachers and students in the school.

Tonight’s graduation speech and defense are definitely not that easy, so he has another The preparations for the series are to be done.

“Casey, thank you for staying with me today. I will write the manuscript of the graduation lecture tonight when I go back. I will not send you upstairs. “Downstairs in the girl’s apartment, Liang Ren stopped walking and said to the girl.

“Different, Liang Ren, you should go back and make preparations. Graduation speech in the evening must come on, I will organize classmates. Take a seat in advance, sit in the first row and cheer for you. “

Casey said fighting spiritedly.

“Okay, thank you, I will cheer. “Liang Ren nodded, he turned and left after watching Casey go upstairs.

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