“First of all, these two biases are not at all. After all, this is an effective training method summarized by the predecessors, but…” Liang Ren turned his head.

“The common part of the two biases, that is, the enhancement of physical fitness. Many trainers often deal with it rough when helping Pokémon develop training plans.”

” Take the fighting pokémon in Kanto Region Region as an example. Hitmonchan is known as the ghost of boxing, so the focus should be on speed and explosiveness during training, instead of blindly exercising Performance and increasing muscle mass.”

“In the arrangement of training tasks, items related to exercise speed and explosive power should account for at least 50% or more.”

“And physical strength and physical attack like Strength/Machamp Only the better Fighting Pokémon should focus on Performance exercise and increase muscle mass.”

“As for the proportion of training modules, we can do it according to the Pokémon’s Species Strength and individual value. Scientific allocation, in short, Fighting Pokémon training cannot blindly perform Performance exercise and gain muscle.”

“Of course, the choice is also related to the trainer’s philosophy and the expectations of Pokémon under the opponent, but regardless of What kind of expectation can not be separated from the actual and objective scientific laws.”

“Because no matter whether it is Fighting Ability or pure Fighting moves, these two biases are not too problematic, so about Riolu’s breed I I also choose from these two biases.”

“Because Riolu was not strong in all aspects in the early stage, Performance and attacks tended to be mediocre, and Ability learning was very energy-consuming.”


“So I chose the second bias for Early-Stage training on Riolu, which is to learn from fighting skills that are less difficult and easier to get started.”

“When you hear this, you may Some students questioned, since Riolu and I also chose these two conventional biases for training, why is there such a strength that is far beyond the same level as it is now? Is the battle strength mainly derived from the development of Aura.”

< p>“If it mainly comes from Aura, is it a detour in the early stage of Fighting training, is it better to develop Aura from the very beginning?”

When Liang Ren said this , Glanced at the students off the field, the person who nodded really Many.

“It looks like I guessed everyone’s idea.” A smile appeared on Liang Ren’s face.

“In this case, let me give my opinion and answer first. That is: It is very necessary to help Riolu with fighting training in the early stage. If at first, I am eager to help Riolu develop Aura. It’s going astray.”

“You may not know if you are not a martial arts practitioner. The cultivation of Fighting technique in the early stage is mainly the exercise of moves. Only in the later stage will it be sublimated to’qi’. This kind of physical power control.”

“Why Fighting Pokémon needs to exercise, and the Fighting cultivation base reaches a very Profound Realm in order to comprehend the ability of the long-range special attack of “Qi He Bo”. Why are most of them pure Fighting Type Pokémon? In the early stage, I realized that the melee object attack ability is not the special attack ability. “

“The reason is what I said above. The cultivation of Fighting technique and the improvement of strength all have a step by step process. Aiming too high is neither for Pokémon nor for trainers. a good thing. “

“Riolu, as Aura Pokémon, is special because it possesses the special qi of “Aura”. “

“But no matter how special, Qi is a very high-end strength after all. It is undoubtedly that you have not yet learned how to walk if a Pokémon who has just passed the infancy and started training to master the high-end strength of Aura Just go for a run, and fall and fall are certain. “

“This is why Aura Sphere has this ability. Except for some extraordinary natural talents Riolu can master, the overwhelming majority must evolve into Lucario to realize it, and that’s why. “

” So, I think everyone here has doubts again. Since Riolu chose Fighting skills training in the early stage, not at all for the development of Aura, why did Riolu show it in actual combat? What about battle strength stronger than the same level? “

“Is there any secret in the routine training of Fighting skills?” Or do I have any original training methods in this area? “

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the students off the court had their eyes brightened, and sat up straight and looked at Liang Ren with expectant eyes. Everyone was very curious about Liang Ren’s secrets.

< p>Liang Ren did not appetite everyone, nor did he not at all disappoint them. He gave an answer that satisfies the students off the court.

“Yes, in Fighting skills training, he is original I can’t say it, but I do have some tips that belong to me, that is: learning Fighting. “

After listening to Liang Ren’s words, the doubts on the faces of the students not at all dissipated, so Liang Ren explained: “I mean, the trainer is learning fighting technique.” “

“If you want to breed a Hitmonchan, then as a trainer, you should report to a class and learn boxing systematically. “

“If you want to breed a Strength/Machamp, then as a trainer, you should learn to wrestle. “

“Only a trainer can breed and train a powerful Fighting Type Pokémon if he knows the Fighting technique, and only a trainer who is a Fighting technique practitioner, can he maximize his skills in fighting. potential. “

“It is different from Pokémon, which has supernatural powers such as breed Water Type, Fire Element, and Electrical Department, because trainers cannot do Eruption Discharge like Pokémon. “

” But breed Fighting Type Pokémon is different. Trainers can fully experience the mood of Pokémon by learning Fighting technique, and realize the battle method and battle method of Fighting Type Pokémon during training together. Battle style. “

“So for the breed of Pokémon that takes the Fighting route, my view and attitude is: trainers also need to learn Fighting skills, trainers don’t need a profound Fighting cultivation base, but must do. “

“Only a Fighting family can the trainer be fully connected to the Fighting Type Pokémon. In actual combat, the trainer and Pokémon can enter the state of fighting together and exert superb battle strength. ——”

After Liang Ren finished speaking, the off-field students and Teacher couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. It was not until a few minutes later that the off-field teachers and students showed enlightenment and suddenly realized expressions.

“It’s very good ~”

“bang bang bang bang……”

As the school karate club students applaud first, they look at the stage with admiration and enthusiasm. On Liang Ren, thunderous applause broke out in the venue.

“Trainers can breed and train powerful Fighting Type Pokémon only if they know Fighting”

“Trainers Only those who train in Fighting skills can maximize the potential of Fighting Type Pokémon in the battle.”

“Only a Fighting player can a trainer achieve complete spiritual communication with Fighting Type Pokémon.”

The three simple sentences express the essence of Breed Fighting Pokémon. The simple three sentences are thought-provoking and make people feel deaf and shocking.

At the end of this graduation speech tonight, I believe that Liang Ren’s exquisite words will become a trainer in the circle of trainers, become a trainer to breed training Fighting Pokémon, the clearest and clearest theory Coaching.

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