“Liang Ren can make such a call, indicating that his fighting technique realm has reached a very high level, and he already has the style of a fighting master.”

Off the court, he was taken by Rei Abe. Kiyo, who had been invited over, sighed and said inwardly.

Liang Ren can say that after such a call, tonight is not only a student, graduated from Saffron High School, but also as a Gym dísciple, finished apprenticeship from his Kiyo.

In less than a year, Direct Disciple can grow to a level where the fighting realm can rival him. Kiyo is also very pleased.



He won a lot of applause for his incisive words, gained a lot of fanatical eyes, and watched his children so good. Ryoko and Mu Mu Yiren who were in the first row off the court were also full of pride.

Liang Ren’s speech not at all ended. Gradually quieted down after meeting the applauding students in the hall. Liang Ren nodded slightly smiled and continued his speech.

“In Pokémon Ability, even the simplest Tackle, it also contains the energy operation technique to increase power, increase speed, and strengthen Pokémon defensive power.”

“So the learning of Ability It will greatly consume and occupy Pokémon’s energy.”

“Although I have said that the previous two biases about Fighting Pokémon’s early training are not wrong.”

“But I personally It is still recommended to choose second in the early stage of Fighting Pokémon’s strength, focusing on pure Fighting skills training, supplemented by Ability learning.”


I mentioned a little Tracey talk about Lucario. Part of the Fighting skills training part also ended, and then Liang Ren began to explain the second part of the content developed by Lucario Aura.

Aura is a very Top Rank power, and very few Pokémon can master Aura Force. Therefore, for Aura this peculiar power, let alone the students off the court, even the Teacher does not know much about it.

“Aura is a measure of spiritual strength. It can be said that everything exists in Aura.”

“Although Aura is a very powerful force, not everyone has it. The innate talent who perceives and uses this power……”

So before explaining the content developed by Aura in the second part, Liang Ren also took the power of Aura from the most basic nature to a detailed explain.

Have previous theoretical knowledge, and Liang Ren has consulted various known documents about Aura before helping Lucario develop Aura. When explaining Aura Force to everyone, Liang Ren can be said to be Easy to drive and handy.

With regard to the development of Aura, “Invisible Shield, Counterattack Shield, Spiral Aura Sphere, and Aura Breakthrough” these four abilities, Liang Ren did not have any hidden personalities, and generously went from principle to form of expression. Explained for teachers and students off the field.

The main reason why Liang Ren dared to announce it generously is that other people don’t have sense sharing of bondage links. Even if they know the principles of these skills, they can’t help Pokémon establish energy spells.

Without the energy operation technique, no matter how powerful the Ability is, it can’t be used. Even if you get a little bit of fur, you can’t display the original formidable power.

This is why Pidgeot’s “air blasting·pseudo” formidable power that Pidgeot now masters is not bad, but he still wants to get real air blasting from Lugia.

Of course, the students off the court did not know the doorway.

See Liang Ren generously revealing the secret of Aura developed by Lucario, and gave a detailed explanation of the four-stroke Ability. The students off-site also felt sincere admiration for Liang Ren’s nobleness and selflessness.

“Whether it is helping Riolu with fighting technology cultivation or helping Lucario with Aura development, it is basically trying to make Lucario stronger.”

“But in my opinion Now, if you want Pokémon to become stronger and exert the most powerful battle strength in actual combat, the most fundamental and effective way is to connect with Pokémon’s mind and let the trainer and Pokémon fight together.”

“To do this, you need to establish a tacit and profitable bond.”

“I have talked about this many times when students from the school network media center visited me in the past. , I won’t go into details here, because in the future, my Pokémon Lucario and I will show you directly with actions.”

The more you listen to his lectures, the more excited you are. Student, Liang Ren’s face is also full of smiles.

“Please wait a moment–” Liang Ren nodded politely to the teachers and students on the field, and took Lucario back two steps. The smooth and clean floor under his feet suddenly resembled a lifting platform. Settle down.

“bang bang bang da~”

Lighting, music, exiting to change clothes, because Liang Ren has practiced with students in the backstage student union, so the efficiency is very high, not at all Teachers and students wait a lot.

The students from the student union backstage were waiting in full battle. Liang Ren retired on the lifting floor tiles. A girl quickly rushed forward to help him take off his classic, calm and elegant Academy uniform, and then help him change into a suit. White’s practice clothes.

In less than one minute in the whole process, the sinking lifting floor tiles once again supported Liang Ren and Lucario on the stage, but his clothes had been changed to practice clothes.

“Ahhh……Liang Ren Senior is so handsome!!!”

“Liang Ren Senior is so handsome, I’m dying, I’m going to faint.”

< p>“…”


If Liang Ren, who was previously dressed in a casual suit, was a polite, well-trained nobleman and gentleman, he fits perfectly The girls off the field have fantasies about White Horse Prince.

At this moment, I changed into the white practice clothes, and my whole body was less elegant and bookish, and a bit more masculine and Yingwu Liang Ren, so that the girls off the court couldn’t help howling wolves.

“This little bastard, didn’t expect to be so attractive to girls at school, it really deserves to be my kind.” Listening to the cheers of the girls in the venue, the Mu Mu Yiren sat in the first row. His face was sore.

“You haven’t studied before, and your son is like you.” Ryoko, who was sitting next to him, said ruthlessly.


“Next, Lucario and I will show everyone: Fighting skills, Aura Ability and fetters.”

“But Before we officially start our presentation, please allow me to convey my gratitude to a few people. First of all, I want to thank my parents and family. Because of them, I am on the stage today.”

After finishing speaking, Liang Ren turned slightly and bowed to his parents and younger sister who were sitting in the front row of the venue, expressing deep gratitude.

I originally thought that Liang Ren would show it immediately after changing clothes back on stage. He didn’t expect that he would do such a thing.

However, for Liang Ren’s actions, not only did the teachers and students not feel impatient, but were deeply moved, and then applauded him from the heart.

“bang bang bang bang ……”

No matter outstanding or not, people who are filial to their parents and know how to be grateful will always make people unable to help but produce a great first impression. Good impression.

At this moment, Ryoko and Mu Mu Yiren sitting in the first row of the venue were moved to tears as they watched the sudden behavior of their children on the court.

“This child~” Ryoko choked speechless.

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