
“In addition to my parents, I would also like to thank my class teacher Sabrina, Ayan Teacher, and Master Kiyo who taught me and Lucario Fighting because of your selfless teaching I have become what I am now.”


“Finally, I would like to thank the school, all the Teachers, my roommates and classmates, and all the help My people, thank you very much!”



Strong strength can be awesome, but The noble character is even more admirable. Just a small move during the graduation speech, Liang Ren won the respect of all teachers and students off the field.

“Next, Lucario and I will demonstrate fighting skills, Aura Ability and bondage.” When the venue gradually calmed down, Liang Ren took Lucario and bowed slightly to everyone.

In the center of the stage, one person stood up straight, with piercing eyes and a powerful aura from all over.

“Aura Force, in my heart!!!” One person said silently in his heart.

Through the telepathy, Lucario made everyone in the conference hear the voice of Liang Ren and his heart.

“Sneak–” Everyone hasn’t come back to his senses yet, only to see a dazzling light of evolution rising from Lucario on the stage.

“Om——” did not use the Mega Evolution wave, this time Liang Ren only used the power of fetters to directly let Lucario complete the Mega Evolution.

“ao wu!!!” The light of evolution dissipated, and MegaLucario screamed, and a warm and strong Aura wind also moved towards all directions.

“It’s really useless Mega Evolution Stone Items. Lucario Mega has evolved only with fetters. It’s amazing!”

“Is this MegaLucario? So handsome!”




The long Aura body behind the head, the fluffy foxtail, and the stronger body.

Looking at this MegaLucario, which is seven points similar to Lucario, but is more mighty and handsome, the teachers and students exclaimed in exclamation.

Liang Ren did not pay attention to the reaction of the people in the field of mind, and used the bond link to share the perception with Lucario, and then one person and one pet on the stage also started the demonstration of Fighting skills.

Straight punch, uppercut, swing punch

Front kick, side kick, jump kick, back spin kick, half moon kick…

at first Liang Ren What Lucario showed was not a profound Fighting technique, just some basic movements in Fighting technique, but the teachers and students off the field were stunned.

Because…Liang Ren and Lucario, the movements of one person and one pet are completely synchronized. From the front, you can see that they are two people. But when you turn around and look from the side, the silhouettes of one person and one pet completely overlap, as if It’s the same as a show.

This scene not only shocked the students off the court, but at this moment even the school leader Teacher in the first row who was responsible for the defense and questioning work, and Kiyo sitting next to his daughter, were also shocked by Liang Ren and Lucario To.

The trainer and Pokémon have the same mind. As long as the trainers of a certain level have made such remarks, few people can really do it.

Many trainers and Pokémon have a heart-to-heart connection. At best, they are in a tacit understanding that’s all. However, there is really nothing known in the world to be able to do something like Liang Ren.

Of course, if you ask Liang Ren himself, he might answer: “Ash and Greninja, Sabrina and Alakazam can also.”

But Liang Ren knows that it does not mean that ordinary people outside I know, the graduation lecture is over tonight.

In addition to the three incisive words about Fighting Pokémon training, Liang Ren and Lucario did Fighting to show this video, I am afraid it will be popular all over the Internet again.

Through the ears, grab the wrists and smash the elbows, block the arms and cut the legs, cut the ribs and hit the chest…

As the fighting moves displayed become more and more complex and more difficult , Liang Ren and Lucario move faster and faster, and the movements of one person and one pet are still completely synchronized.

Swipe like twins with telepathy, Liang Ren and Lucario’s Fighting skills show, leaving the audience an unforgettable scene.

At the same time, I also taught all of them a lesson, letting them know that when a trainer and Pokémon are in good agreement, they can do this step.

If Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s Yunhai Calm Mind video was exposed, the word genius was redefined.

So from now on, Liang Ren and Lucario will redefine what is called “tacit understanding” to Pokémon professional circles.

As long as words like tacit understanding and fetters are mentioned, everyone will immediately think of the name Mumu Liang Ren.



After nearly 15 minutes, the Fighting technique, Aura, and Bond were clearly displayed.

“Hah! !!!”

One person, one pet, and full of breath, then use a trick to neatly draw a handsome and bursting volley Jump Kick on this display A perfect ending.

“bang bang bang bang…”

“bang bang bang bang…”

Looking at the handsome silhouette standing on stage, off the court The teachers and students couldn’t help but burst into prolonged applause.

“The above is all the content of my speech tonight. Thank you for your patience and listening. Next, please ask the teachers of the defense team and the students on the scene to ask questions and Coaching.”

Liang Ren did not leave the stage to change his clothes. He just wore a white exercise suit, walked barefoot to the center of the front of the stage, stood still, and said politely to the teachers and students.

“Then I will come first.” The respondent teacher in the audience was at the center, and Saffron Middle School Principal Fuji Morisuke spoke first.

“Liang Ren, your speech tonight is very exciting. The Fighting technique demonstration with Lucario just now will also summarize the three theoretical content of Fighting skills, Aura and Fetters you talked tonight, and use the actual The action has been shown to us all.”

“On the whole, both the content richness and the logical structure are very perfect. If this is a paper, I will give you an outstanding evaluation.”< /p>

For Liang Ren’s performance tonight, even Fujimori, an old teacher who has been teaching for many years, couldn’t fault it.

“However, in the third module of your lecture, about the content of fetters, you made some omissions on the grounds that you have made detailed explanations in the interviews of the school’s past network media center. “

“I have seen the past interviews you mentioned. You did give a very detailed explanation about the bond between the trainer and Pokémon, but I still have a question in my heart to hear your answer? “

Fuji Morisuke looked at Liang Ren on the stage with a kind smile on his face and said.

“Teacher, you say~” Being stared at by the entire venue, Liang Ren raised his hand in a please gesture, and smiled.

“The outside world says that you have a deep bond with your Pokémon, and you can even help Pokémon Mega evolve without using Items like Mega Evolution stones.”

“From According to your previous presentations with Lucario, the rumors from the outside world are indeed true, but according to the information I have collected, currently you only establish a state of “fetter link” with the three Pokémons, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Lucario. “

“Then I would like to ask Liang Ren, what do you think is required to establish a bond with Pokémon?” It is also the Cloyster who was conquered by the first echelon during the same period. Why didn’t you establish a bond with you? “

“Treat your few Pokémons, do you subjectively prefer someone else, or do you prefer a certain Pokémon less than other Pokémon? “

Although Fujimori is smiling, the questions raised are very tricky, and there is even a suspicion of instigating the relationship between him and Pokémon.

I heard this. Not only did the students off the court get their spirits, but even Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Monarch Snake standing on Liang Ren side Lucario and the baby ball on his waist, all pricked their ears to hear how Liang Ren answered this question.

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