Liang Ren’s graduation speech and defense meeting Perfection ended. Regarding his application for early graduation, the school set up three barriers, of which the first two have been cleared by him.

The next night’s professional five-star promotion competition is the last shiver. As long as he successfully advances to the professional five-star, he can successfully graduate from Saffron Middle School even if he completes the school’s graduation requirements.

Being promoted to a professional five-star is also his purpose of staying in Saffron City. After becoming a professional five-star trainer, he is ready to travel to the Orange Islands.

Challenge the start-up Orange Alliance, and inspect the reform of the Orange Alliance’s Gym system by the way, and provide some suggestions for modification and improvement. The two things can be done together.



Because Liang Ren will play the professional five-star promotion match at the Saffron City Stadium the next night, the city Stadium is hyped.

Grasp the hot topic of Liang Ren’s promotion match and directly turn the night of the battle the day after tomorrow into a promotion night not just in name only, but also in reality.

Now the entire Kanto first-tier cities need to be promoted to star trainers, whether they are one-star, two-star, three-star or four-star, they are now all gathered in the Saffron City City Stadium.

Because professional five-star trainers have stood at the top of the circle of professional trainers, Pokémon in their hands is on average LV.45 Gym-level strength, and some professional five-star trainers even have quasi-Elite strength. Pokémon.

Throughout the entire Kanto Region, not to mention the day after tomorrow, in the past six months or even a year, only Liang Ren satisfies the professional five-star promotion.


“Dad, mom, Little Lei, Kuroki, then you guys rest early, I will go back to school first.”

Because the day after tomorrow In the evening, I also went to Saffron City Stadium to watch his professional five-star promotion match. Father and Mother didn’t go home at all, but found a hotel in Saffron City to stay temporarily.

“Liang Ren, you have been tired for a day, and rest early when you return to school.” Ryoko said.

“Ok…” Liang Ren replied complied.

Taking a taxi back to Saffron Middle School, Liang Ren walked on the campus avenue, and the center of discussion among the surrounding students was still him.

Whether it’s a theoretical knowledge test in the morning or a speech defense in the evening, Liang Ren’s performance is amazing. Regarding breed Fighting Pokémon, the trainer must also know Fighting skills is still being used by students. Ledao.

Behind Liang Ren and Lucario’s uniform Fighting technique show, the super tacit understanding and fetters shown by one person and one pet are even more amazing.

At present, the topic is constantly fermenting. I believe that Liang Ren’s top Weibo search in the next few days will be a logical matter, but Liang Ren not at all is too concerned about this.

This kind of hot topic on the Internet comes and goes quickly, too much care will only mess up my mood.

Just now Liang Ren walked from the school gate to the boys’ apartment downstairs.

Obviously, the graduation speech evening has just ended. Liang Ren found that the discussion center of the students has gradually shifted to the night of the city Stadium promotion the night after.

“Huh-no matter how others discuss, it’s enough to be yourself.” Liang Ren, who went upstairs and returned to the dormitory, thought in his heart while taking Pokémon to wash.

There is basically nothing on the school side. The next thing he has to do is to adjust his state and prepare for the promotion game the next night.

“Although Pidgeot and Slowpoke are already Elite-level battle strengths, Ritchie has been out for so many years and his strength is not weak, and this promotion is a 6v6 duel for all players.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Monarch Snake, Liang Ren currently holds Pokémon, a total of only five, plus the unincubated Dratini, he can barely make up six Pokémon.

However, Pokemon eggs cannot be counted as Pokémon for the time being and cannot be registered for the competition. Therefore, Liang Ren can only use five Pokémon to participate in the competition for the promotion game the day after tomorrow.

Fortunately, as a challenger, Liang Ren does not have the question of whether he is qualified or not. As a professional four-star trainer, he won nine consecutive victories in qualifying, so he will naturally not say that he is not qualified. .

It’s just that the number of Pokemon is one less. Liang Ren, as a challenger, will be at a disadvantage here that’s all, but as long as he doesn’t mind, other people naturally have nothing to say.

“Sister Fu You will be contacted in a moment, and let her help send Cloyster back tomorrow morning.”

Liang Ren, who has dried his hair after the shower, uses a blower to help Slowpoke, Lucario blew the hair dry, thinking to himself.

Help Slowpoke them to blow-dry their hair, Liang Ren returned to the house with a few Pokémon, and then retracted directly into the bed.

Called Wu Forrest and Brock of Pewter City, Misty of Cerulean City, and the four sisters of Sakura, Peony and Iris, Ash of Vermilion City and invited them to participate in his five-star promotion the day after tomorrow. Match.

Liang Ren, who received the affirmative reply, was very happy, and then Liang Ren called Fuyou, who is far away in Asia Island in the Orange Islands.

Please send Cloyster to Saffron City tomorrow morning via the Poké Ball conveyor in Pokémon Center on Mandala Island.

Cloyster, as one of his three main Pokémon players, is it possible to lack it in this promotion.

Lucario battle strength has fully matured. Monarch Snake has also improved Extrreme Speed ​​in the twenty-odd days since Cloyster left the team. However, the promotion game is full of a pioneer role in the day after tomorrow.

Liang Ren has to rely on Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster if he wants to win.

【Lucario 】♂


Attribute: Fighting, steel

Character: loyalty, justice

Features: Mental Force, righteous heart

Stamina: 80【C】Blue

Attack: 151【A】Red

Defense: 75【 C]

Special attack: 115【B】Purple

Special defense: 75【C】

Speed: 104【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 600

Ability ————

“Attack”: Extrreme Speed, Feint Attack, Force Palm, Crushed Rock, Final Gambit, Aura Breakthrough, Alloy Claw, Vital Throw , Bone Rush, Spark, Reversal, Aura Sphere, Spiral Aura Sphere, Swift, grating cannon

(Fist moves: Thunder Punch, Mach Punch, Piaopiaoquan, Power-Up Punch, Ice Punch , Meteor Mash, Sky Uppercut, Bullet Punch, Dynamic Punch, Absorption Punch)

“Defense”: Iron Defense, Endure, Invisible Shield, Counterattack Shield, Quick Guard, Counter

” Control”: Thunder Punch (10% paralysis), Ice Punch (10% freezing), Piao Piao Quan (20% chaos), Force Palm (30% paralysis), Iron Head Gong (30% fear), Rolling Kick (30 % Fear), Dynamic Punch (100% chaos)

“Supplement”: Sword Dance, Detect, Calm Mind, Copycat, Metal Sound, Work Up, Refresh

———— ——

[Monarch Snake]♀



Character: arrogant and indifferent


Characteristics: Overgrow, antagonism

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 75【C】Blue

Defense: 90【C 】

Special Attack: 86【C】< /p>

Special defense: 90【C】

Speed: 130【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 576

Ability ————< /p>

“attack”: Tackle, Slam, Vine Whip, Leaf Blade, Return, Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon Tail, Leaf Tornado, Bubble’s aria

“Prevention”: Safeguard

“Control”: Sing, Grass Whistle, Tightening, Attract, Captivate, Petrochemical, Vertigo, Ultrasound, Lovely Kiss, Leech Seed, Glare

“Supplement”: Coil, Provocation, Desire, Follow Me, Sweet Scent, Simple Beam, Growth, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Grassy Terrain


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