As soon as he was busy with trivial matters, Liang Ren, who was tired for a day, didn’t even reply to the private message on Weibo, so he hugged Slowpoke back into the bed and fell asleep until seven or eight hours later.


In the early morning, the morning sun just revealed a small half of his face, like a little baby in the swaddling clothes, caressed by the colorful Yunxia Make love, slowly rise…

Yesterday, because of the Stadium’s discussion about pre-match publicity, and the graduation speech and defense meeting at the school in the evening, Liang Ren, who was tired, slept hard today. Too lazy.

Get up at eight o’clock and open the curtains. At this moment, the sky outside is fully lit. In the garden behind the apartment, a few Butterfrees are bathing Morning Sun dancing lightly and gracefully.

“Heh~Slowpoke, get up quickly. After washing and eating breakfast, we will go to the Pokémon Center to pick up Cloyster.”

“Ya Duo——(ू˃o˂ू ) Okay, I’ll get up right away.” Slowpoke, who was about to sleep in bed, jumped out of bed after hearing that he was going to pick up Cloyster.


In the small nest formed by the scarf on the headboard of the bed, the Dratini egg Bzz Bzz trembled and then emitted a bright white light.

“Little Brat, are you looking forward to picking up Cloyster too?” After touching the Dratini egg that showed signs of hatching, Liang Ren also showed a gentle smile on his face.

From where to get this Dratini egg, Liang Ren can’t remember how many times this is the Dratini egg showing signs of evolution, and this Little Brat is really bearable.

Although the Dratini egg did not hatch, Liang Ren could clearly feel that the Life Aura inside the egg was getting stronger.

Sometimes when the Pokemon egg is facing the light, you can even see a black shadow of Dratini sprouting inside.

“Dratini’s body has been fully developed, compared to Shell Smash, which is the past few days.” Liang Ren thought to himself.


After taking a few Pokémon to wash and eat breakfast, Liang Ren directly took a taxi to the Pokémon center.

After calling Fuyou last night, she asked the sea sage Hippo King on the island to go to Ice Island to pick up Cloyster.

When I got up in the morning, there was an unread text message, which was sent by Fuyou.

I said that younger sister Flora is going to Mandolin Island this morning, and she has asked her to send Cloyster back to Saffron City.

“Leaving the team for more than 20 days, accepting coaching from Articuno, the god of ice, every day. I don’t know how much Cloyster’s strength has improved now.” In the taxi, Liang Ren could not help thinking while holding Slowpoke.

I don’t know if I felt Liang Ren’s urgency. The taxi speed also increased a bit. After more than ten minutes, Liang Ren arrived at the Pokémon Center in Nancheng.

Saffron City is the metropolis of Kanto Region. There is a Pokémon center in the five districts of Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern and Central. Saffron Middle School is located in Nancheng. The Pokémon center in front of you is the closest to the school. Of one.

Flora, as a student of Saffron Middle School, is not surprising, she should have teleported Cloyster to the Pokémon Center in South City, the nearest to the school.

“Good morning, trainer, is there anything I need help?” Seeing the teenager wearing a mask approaching, Joy, who was on duty behind the service desk, greeted with the sweetest smile.

“Nurse Joy, did someone from the Orange Islands bring me the baby ball from the Orange Islands in the morning?” Liang Ren asked Joy politely while handing his ID card to Joy.

“It turned out to be Director Liang Ren. I’m sorry, but I didn’t recognize you just now.” After receiving Liang Ren’s ID card, Joy showed a surprised look on his face.

As the director of the Kanto Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau, Liang Ren is now very famous in the Joy family. After all, not everyone has the ability to defeat the Joy man, the eldest daughter of the Joy family patriarch.

“It’s okay, please help me to see, is there a Pokémon from the Orange Islands?” Liang Ren waved his hand and asked again.

“Okay, please wait a moment.” Joy responded to complied, and quickly checked on the computer in front of him.

“The Pokémon Center on Mandolin Island sent a Cloyster in the morning, and the receiver happened to be Mr. Liang Ren.” Joy looked up and said, “I’ll go to the baby ball storage room to get it for you.”< /p>

“Okay, thank you.” Liang Ren replied complied and waited at the front desk. One minute was less than one minute, and Joy had already walked out with a small tray dedicated to holding baby balls.

In one of the hemispherical grooves in the tray, it is Cloyster’s ice blue Dive Ball that has been modified to have a spa function.

“Come out, Cloyster.” Liang Ren, who took the baby ball from the tray, opened it directly, and a familiar white silhouette appeared in front of Liang Ren.

Yingying like jade, covered with spiked snow-white shells, a crystal clear ice horn stretched from the forehead of the shell’s inner body.

“Ticket——” Perceiving the movement outside, Cloyster opened the shell and saw Liang Ren and the others, who had been worried about him after parting recently.

“Ya duo——*⸜(•ᴗ•)⸝*My dear, I miss you so much, do you miss me.” Slowpoke broke free from Liang Ren’s arms, Confusion flew to Cloyster asked happily in front of him.

“Kacha——ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*), do you want to tell the truth? Actually, not at all.”

“Ya duo——(´⊙ω⊙`)”

“You obviously miss me very much, I will be telepathic, my dear, you can’t fool me.”




Cloyster officially returned to the team, waiting for the two young lovers to finish their love story. Liang Ren was about to leave. However, at this moment, he put his shoulders on his back Suddenly Bzz Bzz trembled in the backpack.

“Bzz Bzz…”

“This is?!!!” at first Liang Ren There is still a hint of doubt on his expression. Suddenly thinking of something, his face suddenly shows a touch of surprise.

Hurrying to the rest area of ​​the cafe next to no one disturbed, Liang Ren opened his backpack, took out the incubator and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

“ka ka…” Liang Ren just took off the glass protective cover of the hatching chamber. Yellow Pokemon eggs scattered with purple cloud spots suddenly appeared a slight glowing crack.

It has been incubating for half a year in the hands of Du, and the Dratini egg, which frequently showed signs of evolution a month ago, is finally about to hatch.

Looking at the glowing Pokemon egg, not only the eyes of Cloyster who just returned to the team were full of excitement, but the three baby balls on Liang Ren’s waist also opened automatically, and Pidgeot, Lucario and the monarch snake also came out to surround Look at the Pokemon eggs that are about to hatch at the coffee table all around.

“Bang——” It seems that the trainer Liang Ren and the five Pokémon companions who will fight together in the future are all here.

The shells of the Pokemon eggs on the base of the tea table incubator finally shattered and disappeared. A lovely Dratini appeared in front of Liang Ren and a group of Pokémon.

Dratini looks a bit like a snake, but its appearance is much higher than that of a snake.

Light blue body, ash-gray belly, bright and intelligent purple eyes, white wings-like fins on both sides of the head, and the mouth is covered by a large horizontal oval nose. .

“Eu You——” Although he is familiar with Liang Ren and the scent of the pets, knowing that they are all his companions, but staring at it so close, Dratini still uttered a weak and clear cry .

“It’s Dratini!!” Joy, who came here sometime, saw the newly hatched Pokémon on the coffee table and let out a surprised sigh.

Dratini, as the initial form of Kanto Region Quasi-Legendary Dragonite, is not an exaggeration to be called the most precious Pokémon. No wonder Joy was so surprised.

Liang Ren smiled towards Joy nodded, then realized the communication system backpack and took out a baby ball.

“Dratini, would you like to be my partner in the fight like Pidgeot and Slowpoke?” Liang Ren held Poké Ball’s hand and said.

“Euyou——” Little Dratini rubbed his head against Liang Ren’s hand, squinted his eyes and nodded happily.

When Liang Ren got the Pokemon egg from Du, it happened to be the stage when Dratini gave birth to consciousness.

For more than half a month, Liang Ren carried Pokemon eggs, whether it was eating Rest or training. Dratini was familiar with Liang Ren’s breath.

In addition, after the incubation right now, the first person eyes opened to see is Liang Ren. It can be said that the favorability level was full in the previous moment.

As a child of Trump Card and champion Dragonite, Dratini within the body not only has the noble dragon’s blood, it also inherits Dragonite’s innate talent for fighting.

For being Liang Ren’s partner in the battle, Dratini not only didn’t feel the slightest trouble, but there was a touch of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

“So young Dratini, please give me more advice in the future!!” Liang Ren finished speaking, and gently pressed the white switch on the Poké Ball’s center line to Dratini’s forehead.

“xiu——” A magical collection power enveloped Dratini’s body, and the little Dratini instantly turned into a red light and was collected into the baby ball.

“Du…Cheng!!” Because the favorability was full and Dratini was willing to be subdued by Liang Ren, the baby ball shook slightly in his hand and then directly subdued it.

“Mr. Liang Ren, congratulations, the team has added an excellent Dratini with an innate talent.” Seeing Dratini’s success, Joy, who stood quietly behind Liang Ren, also congratulated him.

“Thank you, little Dratini has just hatched, and I will ask Nurse Joy for the next comprehensive health check.” Liang Ren said.

“Leave it to me with confidence.” Joy received Dratini’s baby ball from Liang Ren and replied to complied, and moved quickly to call his work partner Chansey.



Because Dratini has just hatched, and Joy is helping Dratini undergo a health check, Liang Ren, the trainer, also stayed with Dratini throughout the process Around.

Until it took three hours to complete the health check and feed Dratini to Joy’s specially configured juvenile Dragon Type Pokémon special food, Liang Ren had time to call out the mini Dragon Type panel for viewing .

As the child of champion Dragonite, Liang Ren Dratini’s innate talent, Liang Ren is also full of curiosity in his heart.


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