
Level: LV.1

Attribute: Dragon

Character: Brave, bold

Features: Molting, magical scales

Stamina: 51【C】Green

Attack: 74【C】

Defense: 55【C】

Special Attack: 60【C】

Special Defense: 60【C】

Speed: 60【C】

Comprehensive: 360

Ability ——

“Low level”: Wrap, Leer

“Genetic”: Dragon Rage, Outrage, Draco Meteor


The Attribute panel of Dratini was called out with expectation. Liang Ren had high expectations in his mind originally, but after seeing the Attribute data of Dratini, he was still shocked.

“My dear, should I say that I am indeed a child of champion Dragonite?” Liang Ren looked at the stared wide-eyed Attribute panel in front of him.

Little Dratini’s data, after the overall summary, there are three points that shocked Liang Ren.

The first point is: Dratini has the Implicit Characteristic of “magic scales”, which is still in Liang Ren’s expectation. After all, Little Brat’s father is a champion Dragonite.

As soon as it hatched, Dratini’s Implicit Characteristic “magic scales” has awakened, which is a bit scary.

Using the saying in the previous wuxia novel, Liang Ren, the little Dratini, was born not only with a wide range of veins, but even only a breakthrough Innate expert can pass through the two veins of Ren Du and Du through the Heavenspan Bridge. It is also born. Get through.

Liang Ren, this little Dratini is simply Martial Dao genius…No, it should be said that he is a genius Pokémon.

The second point that shocked Liang Ren was the individual innate talent value of Dratini. Dratini’s comment Species Strength was 300, and his individual innate talent value reached a terrifying 360.


Liang Ren took a look. It happened to be physical strength, attack, physical defense… each of the six abilities increased by 10 points of innate talent, which adds up to 60 points.

Don’t underestimate the 60-point innate talent gap. You must know that Dratini is still in its infancy.

Even if it is an ordinary Dratini breed properly, the innate talent is fully developed and evolved to the final form of Dragonite, the Species Strength limit can reach 600.

If Liang Ren, the Dratini breed is appropriate, the initial The 60-point individual innate talent advantage at this stage continues to the final evolution stage. When the time comes innate talent Species Strength can reach a terrifying 660.

You must know that Liang Ren’s current strength is the strongest. After many Attribute additions Slowpoke, which was also modified by Mega Divine Beast Ho-Oh using the perfection law of life, has an individual innate talent value of 660.

The individual value of Dratini’s innate talent alone , It can be regarded as a super high evaluation in the future.

The third point that surprised Liang Ren was the Ability pool of Little Dratini. Although there are only five Ability tricks at present, but…

“Wrap and Leer are still normal, but Dragon Rage, Outrage, and Draco Meteor what the hell is that? Let’s take a look at Genetic’s three skills Ability, and there are also two Dragon Type Unique Ability.”

“This Little Brat’s innate talent is really better than Lucario It’s even higher than the Monarch Snake.” Liang Ren couldn’t help sighing, knowing that Lucario and the Monarch Snake’s Hereditary Ability are also two.

“Huh…” Liang Ren exhaled heavily, regaining his surging emotions.

Little Dratini is now his Pokémon. High innate talent is a good thing, because only with super high innate talent can he be the main force in the future.



Cloyster returned to the team. After that, he originally planned to go to the hotel and take his parents to his Fragrant Mountain Villa to take a look, didn’t expect Little Dratini even hatched.

It took nearly three hours for the health check at the Pokémon Center. When Liang Ren walked out of the Pokémon Center, it was already lunch.

I called my parents quickly.

According to the father’s words, Casey went to the hotel early in the morning and led them to play in Saffron City in the morning. When he called, they were also about to call him. Ask him to go out for lunch.

“I know Dad, I’ll come right away.” After Liang Ren replied, he stopped a car on the side of the road and rushed to meet them.

For what Casey did, Liang Ren didn’t say anything, but he was very moved.

“Ya Duo——੭ᐕ)੭*⁾⁾Are you ready to confirm the relationship?” In his arms, Slowpoke turned his head to look at Liang Ren.

“Slowpoke, what do you know? Don’t talk nonsense.” Liang Ren’s complexion is as usual, but if he is more careful, he will find that his ears are redder than before.

“Ya duo——(๑‾◡‾)σ»Liang Ren, you are shy, I heard your heartbeat speed up!” Slowpoke stretched out his small paw and covered his mouth with a smirk Poke Liang Ren’s heart and said.

“No Road Race Yo~” Liang Ren’s hand holding Slowpoke suddenly tightened.

“Ah duo——(*゚ロ゚)!!Ahhh, Liang Ren, you want to kill people, you can stop them, be careful I send the underwear you changed last night to the girls with Teleport The dormitory.”

“What dream did you have last night (´⊙ω⊙`) did you dream of someone else’s Casey.” Slowpoke pouted, and his eyes were a little small. Said trivially.

“Daily, you’re done–” Liang Ren flushed his cheeks, and grabbed Slowpoke threateningly.

“Ah Liang Ren, I was wrong–“

“It’s late.”


“…… “

After lunch, Liang Ren gave the key to Casey’s son and asked her to help take his father mother and younger sister to the Xiangshan Mansion villa in the afternoon.

Because tomorrow night will play the professional five-star promotion tournament, he has to make some preparations in advance.

Go online to find information about Ritchie’s Pokémon and study the tactical style of the opponent’s game to ensure that tomorrow night’s promotion will be foolproof.

Of course, today, because Dratini’s eggs have hatched, Liang Ren will take Dratini to the mayor’s mansion to meet Du and Dratini’s father Dragonite.

When Liang Ren came to visit with Dratini, Du and Dragonite were indeed very happy. Little Dratini and Dragonite were alone for an hour, while Liang Ren was chatting on the other side. .

When Liang Ren was about to leave, Dragonite also sent the little Dratini back.

But unlike the solitary suit when he came, Dratini, who was sent back by Dragonite with his palm, has an extra necklace on his neck.

A white, sharp tooth is bound with complex and delicate techniques on the unknown rubber band.

“This is?” Liang Ren looked at him for a moment, then looked at the tooth pendant on Dratini’s neck necklace, his face showed a surprised expression.

“A bauble I gave to Dragonite in the early years. With Dragonite’s current strength, this Dragon Fang has no effect. It is pretty good to give to this Little Brat.”


Seeing the tooth pendant on Little Dratini’s neck, a flash of astonishment flashed across Du’s face, followed by a gentle and loving smile.

“Dragon Fang, sure enough.” Liang Ren said in surprise.

“Dragon Fang” is a precious item that can increase the Dragon Type Ability by 20% formidable power, and its value is hard to describe with money for professional trainers.

At the beginning of the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild autumn auction, the same “Talisman of Talisman” that increased the formidable power of the Ghost Type moves was taken by Gen Shizuka at a high price of 35 million.

Because the Dragon Fang in front of me is Dragon Type Items, its value is even higher than the Spell Tag.

It is precisely for this reason, Du said in such a relaxed tone, but Liang Ren could not accept this Present easily.

However, Du also detected Liang Ren’s thoughts, and before he refused to say anything, he said directly: “This Item is not given to you by me, but Dragonite gave it to the child’s birth Present. Liang Ren, you have no right to refuse!!”

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