The staff lead the way and follow the passage to the center of the field.

Different from the Mauville City Stadium tower-like layering, the Saffron City City Stadium is in the shape of stars and moons. The 24 branch venues are distributed like petals in the outer circle, and the 3 main venues are stamens.

Holding Slowpoke and following the staff walked towards the internal main venue No. 1, the trainers encountered along the way cast surprise eyes at Liang Ren.

In order to prepare for tonight’s promotion night, Saffron City Stadium gathered all the players from Kanto’s first-tier city Stadium who are facing promotion to Saffron City.

And with the city as the unit, different city teams wear Stadium clothing representing their respective cities.

Viridian city’s dark green team uniform and palm tree gold thread embroidery logo, Pewter City Rock Yellow team and Colosseum logo, Celadon City white team uniform and colorful rainbow logo…

And Saffron City is the home court, and Kim Yellow has also customized a light golden team uniform with Contest embroidery for the trainers.

And Liang Ren is still wearing casual clothes as usual, with tied casual sports pants, New Balance casual sports shoes, and a gray hooded sweater with a baseball padded jacket.

Although they are dressed very ordinary, it is precisely because they did not wear the same uniform clothing as other city teams that made Liang Ren the most eye-catching presence, especially when the surrounding trainers recognized This is even more true after Liang Ren’s identity.

Liang Ren, who walked in through the door and walked into the battle hall at the No. 1 main venue, instantly attracted a lot of attention.

Different city representatives are divided into different areas, green’s Viridian team, Yellow’s Nibi team, white’s Rainbow team, blue’s Cerulean team, orange’s Vermilion team…

< p>The representative teams of different cities are sitting together, and their respective areas are entirely different. Just as Liang Ren was considering where to sit, a young man with brown hair in the front row of the waiting hall turned his head and said hello.

“Liang Ren, here!!”

“Ritchie, didn’t expect you to arrive early.” Liang Ren walked over with a smile.

As an opponent in the promotion tonight, Saffron City Stadium advertised Liang Ren’s relationship as incompatible as fire and water, but in fact, the two of them are very close friends in private.

“Ash, Misty and Brock were invited by you to come to Saffron City Stadium to watch our game, so I came here early and talked with them for a while.” Ritchie said.

“It turned out to be like this.” Liang Ren nodded.



The Orange Islands near the equator at the southern latitude are still wearing short sleeves. Saffron City on the mainland is already in season. It’s winter.

The days have become shorter, and the sky outside at seven o’clock in the evening is already dark, but on this special day tonight, the night sky of Saffron City is quickly lit up by blooming fireworks.

Saffron City citizens have been looking forward to the night of the City Stadium promotion for several days, and it finally kicked off.

The lights of the 24 branch venues and the 3 main venues suddenly went out. The audience outside the venue had not yet reacted, and suddenly a huge number ’10’ was projected in the center of the venue through the holographic projection technology.

The off-site audience finally reacted at this moment, with extremely excited emotions on their faces.


24 branch venues and 3 main venues, 150W spectators count down, even in the waiting hall Liang Ren was also shocked by the sound of the rehearsal.

“Peng Peng Peng Peng…” one after another Fireworks rushed out of the arena, flew into the night sky and exploded. The continuous explosion of fireworks Peng Peng was like the heartbeat of the players in the waiting hall.

Tonight is the night of the qualifying tournament. I have won nine consecutive victories through qualifying. No one wants to lose the most critical qualifying tournament. Even more how is the grand event in Saffron City Stadium. on the stage.

In the waiting hall, before the start of the game, a group of players chatted and discussed the strength of other city representatives, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

At this moment, the game officially started. Listening to the unanimous cheers of millions of spectators outside, the trainers waiting for the battle suddenly felt the pressure.

As the absolute protagonist of the promotion night tonight, Liang Ren, the participant of the professional five-star promotion competition, has a very relaxed expression at this moment.

Collect opponent intelligence, adjust Pokémon’s status, and do everything you need to do. Now Liang Ren really has no reason to be nervous.

“roar roar…Good evening, dear viewers and friends, I am the commentary tonight ××××

Bathed in the blessed sunny weather for three days , Tonight’s promotion night is finally here.

I believe you already know that tonight is not only the professional five-star promotion game of Celebrity trainer Mu Mu Liang Ren, but also all Kanto first-tier teams. And Super first-tier big city Stadium needs outstanding trainers to participate in the promotion match.

So tonight, in addition to cheering for your favorite trainers, please also cheer for your favorite cities and city teams Come on!!!”



As the commentator finished speaking, the audience burst out again Cheers like a tide.

“First of all, the opening ceremony. Tonight’s “Qualification Night” we are fortunate to have invited Mr. Lance, one of the four elites of Kanto Alliance, let us use the warmest applause and cheers, Please go to Elite to make a declaration for the promotion night tonight. “


“The dragon makes the crossing…the dragon makes the crossing…”

“The dragon makes the crossing…the dragon makes the crossing… “

Although Du is one of Kanto’s four elites, it is a real champion powerhouse. Its popularity in Kanto, Johto and Orange Alliance is not as popular as Steven, Wallace in Hoenn Region, and Leon in Galar Region. Bad.

Seeing the holographic projections to the silhouettes of the crossing in the middle of the stadium, the audience suddenly became extremely enthusiastic.

“No matter from Viridian, Nibi, Rainbow… …Or the trainers in any other city. You have accumulated a lot of experience and worked hard to come here in the Stadium of your respective city. “

“these all are irreplaceable wealth, nothing is superfluous, so everyone, on the night of the promotion game tonight, please let everyone collide. “

“Then not much to say, I am here to announce that tonight’s promotion night has officially begun! ! ! “

The body is enlarged and the projection is in the center of the 27 venues, a red-haired heroic man like a giant, oh la la shook the cloak on his body and announced with a wave of his hand.


“The dragon makes the crossing…The dragon makes the crossing…”

“The dragon makes the crossing…The dragon makes the crossing…”


In the waiting hall of the No. 1 main venue, thanks to the crazy audience, Liang Ren and Ritchie couldn’t help but smile.

“Mr . Is Lance’s popularity really terrifying? “Liang Ren sighed.

“I think Liang Ren, when you come on stage, the audience’s cheers will be louder. You have to know that 90% of the 150W audience tonight are for you. “Ritchie shook the head laughed.

“Impossible. “Liang Ren didn’t believe me.

“Wait until the promotion match of the major city teams is finished, when you finally play, you will know by listening to the cheers of the audience. “

“Now you, your popularity in the Kanto trainer circle has reached a level comparable to the Alliance Elite Four. I didn’t expect that you don’t seem to know this. “Ritchie was a little surprised.

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