“I have been busy training most of the time this year. Recently, a new Pokémon has joined the team. It is estimated that it will be busier in the future, so there is no way to have that many free time to shop and forums.” Liang Ren shook the head said.

“It turned out to be like this. When I met Brock Ash in the afternoon, Brock also took the initiative to talk about you, saying that you are the highest and hardest trainer he has ever seen innate talent. .” Ritchie sighed in her voice.

“How can it be so exaggerated as you said, there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, and I can’t afford the highest evaluation of innate talent.” Liang Ren shook the head.

“Since you choose to eat the vocational trainer and choose this career path, you should devote time and energy to it.”



As an invited guest, Du, after making the opening ceremony declaration, finally kicked off the promotion night tonight.

Branch won nine consecutive victories to advance to professional one-star

Professional one-star advances to professional two-star

Professional two-star advances to professional three-star

Professional three-star Promoted to the professional four-star

Except for Liang Ren’s professional five-star, which was separated separately, the first four ranks have officially started.

It was originally a match between trainers of the same rank of Stadium in this city. In order to increase the highlight, Saffron City Stadium adjusted the rules to allow different city teams to scramble and mix together for random matching of the same rank. .

Opponent’s unfamiliarity made the game more challenging. Even the branch’s nine-game winning streak was promoted to the professional one-star 1v1 game to warm up the field, but also played a lot of impressive performance .


“Marowak, use Bonemerang.”

“Quah!” The small yellow dinosaur with muddy skin color raised his head and howled. The thick stick bone in his hand was swung vigorously, and he stared at the weak spot of the opponent and threw it straight out.

However, the trainer on the other side was not friendly. Seeing’swish’ turning over to Bonemerang, the trainer hurriedly ordered his Pokémon to dodge and counterattack.

“dodge, Dodrio, use Tri Attack.”

“Hey–” Dodrio returned to complied.

As a 100-meter sprinter in Pokémon, Dodrio kicked the ground towards the Bonemerang who was spinning from a sprint dodge.

Rather than waiting for Bonemerang’s second-stage damage to be hit, Dodrio’s three heads were aimed at Marowak on the opposite side at the same time.

——The bird’s head representing happy mood opens its mouth, and the red flame in the mouth begins to burn.

——The bird’s head representing anger opened its mouth, and the sparkling Spark in its mouth began to move chi chi.

——The bird’s head representing sadness opens its mouth, and the white freezing air in the mouth is gurgling.

Marowak uses Unique Ability Bonemerang to attack, and Dodrio also uses his strongest Ability: Tri Attack is still in color.



Ability to complete Stockpile’s Dodrio and leaping high to dodge Bonemerang’s second-stage attack, three Each bird spit out a pillar of energy in its mouth.

The crimson red of the flame, the gold of thunder and lightning, and the whiteness of the cold air, the three energy pillars with completely different Attributes in midair, like a ramie flower, quickly turned into a colorful three-color beam of light.


“Quah!!” In order to pick up the Bone Club weapon that spun back, Marowak’s body was hit by the three-color beam of light.

Fire burns, thunder and lightning paralysis, freezing air, three Attribute damage, 3rd-layer different torture, I saw Marowak body red, white, and convulsions.

The fierce battle has been anxious for a long time, and both sides have reached the danger line. Bonemerang did not defeat the opponent. Marowak, who was bombarded by Tri Attack, was undoubtedly defeated by Dodrio.

“Marowak can’t fight. The red player Anta has lost all the combat capability of Pokémon in his hands. The winner of this game is the blue party’s Kuribayashi.”

“Let us use the most enthusiastic Congratulations to Lilin for his successful promotion to the second-star professional.”



The competition continued, and the cheers of the audience on the spot came and went, with a loud voice. After a while, the pressure on the contestant is also higher than that.

The joy of winning, the face of frustration in losing, some people are happy and some are worried, the cruelty of the game can be said to be obvious.

After the professional one-star promotion game is over, the professional two-star promotion game begins, and after the professional two-star promotion game is over, the professional three-star promotion game starts…

7pm “Promotion Night “It officially started. As time went on, the atmosphere of the promotion match became more and more elevated. Under the lights of the venue, the expressions of the audience outside the venue were extremely excited and enthusiastic.


At 10:30 in the evening, the one-star, two-star, three-star and professional four-star promotion matches have ended. If you look at the normal night of battle, it is now the end of the game. Up.

At this moment, there are indeed many spectators standing up outside the venue. However, the atmosphere in the venue is not only not cooling, but it seems to be accumulating continuously, waiting for the next bigger wave of outbreak.

The spectators who bought the pass were excited to sit in their seats and did not move. Other spectators who only bought the previous qualifying match could only leave the stadium regretfully, or switch to the branch to watch the game.

Liang Ren and Ritchie, who sat together to watch other trainers’ games in the waiting hall on the No. 1, chatting for several hours, went out to the toilet while the audience was changing seats. Separately rest for a while.

The previous four-star promotion game has ended, and the next is the professional five-star promotion game. Liang Ren and Ritchie will also prepare to play.

Privately, the two are friends, but after playing next, the two must try their best to defeat each other’s opponent.



The twenty-minute seat change is over. The spectators who bought the professional five-star promotion game tonight have been in different Stadiums and found belonging Take your seat and sit down.

“Dear audience friends, after the first four games, now we finally come to the final Peak matchup on the night of our promotion tonight.”

“Already in the professional four-star The trainer who won nine consecutive victories in the stage: Mumu Liang Ren, next will challenge the professional five-star trainer Shinhiro.”

“Then who can win? It is Mumu Liang. Player Ren defeated Jinhong and successfully advanced to the professional five-star trainer, or Shinhiro defeated Mumu Liang Ren and let his nine-game winning streak return to zero.”

“Where are the two previous results? One kind will become true, and I dare not jump to conclusions, because both players are super trainers who are very familiar to us and have both fame and strength.”

“So…who wins in the end Who loses, let the two trainers personally tell us with their actions.”

“Next, please let Mumu Liang Ren and Masahiro appear on the stage!!!” Sky, the first main venue, The narrator was riding a Flying machine and announced in a passionate tone.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren …… “

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

As the Peak powerhouse of the city Stadium: a professional five-star trainer, Ritchie’s popularity and popularity is not low.

Following the narrator’s order, many spectators outside the field cheered Ritchie’s name, but compared with Liang Ren, it was not as good.

In the waiting hall, Liang Ren not at all paid too much attention to these details. Standing up from the position, Liang Ren and Ritchie looked at each other.

“Finally it’s our turn to play, I won’t release the water next, of course you don’t need me to release the water.” Ritchie said.

“It should be this way, let us fight a battle without regrets.” Liang Ren slightly nodded with a smile.

“Bang——” The two touched each other’s fists and stepped into the entrance hall together.

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