“Woo–” In the bifurcated entrance passage, Liang Ren and Ritchie, who walked to the end of each, also lifted the round platform to support the battlefield.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren …… “

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

As it is lifted up by the lifting platform, the’round shining moon’ above the head slows down Slowly zoom in and zoom in, as if it has become’a ​​huge and bright well head’.

Through this well, Liang Ren could hear the enthusiastic cheers of the audience outside the venue. His original calm mood gradually became excited with the cheers of the audience.

Prepared for almost half a month. After returning to school, he almost came to Saffron City Stadium every day to play competitions. He finally jumped from a professional three-star to a professional four-star and achieved nine consecutive victories in qualifying.

If the promotion game tonight is as smooth as usual, then after tonight, he will not only become the most Peak Level professional five-star trainer in the city Stadium, but will also graduate from Saffron Middle School successfully.

As his strength, fame, and social status continue to grow, Liang Ren is eager to get rid of the shackles of the school, although from the very beginning of Saffron middle school, he has not been restrained much.

But his strength has reached the Elite level, he has joined the Alliance and served as the director of the Supervision Bureau, and it is time to graduate from Saffron High School.

“Boom Kaka——”

“Boom Kaka——”

The lifting round table one after the other comes on stage with two trainers, slightly surprised Liang Ren was also awakened by a loud vibration.

The off-site photographers were busy working, and the two cameras were moved towards Liang Ren and Ritchie. They were given a close-up shot. The huge and clear portraits were displayed in 3 main venues and 24 branch venues. On the huge display.

The only difference is that Daoist appears in the main venue on the 1st, while the other two branch fields and 24 branch fields use holographic projection.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

Seeing Liang Ren coming on stage, with 3 main venues and 24 branch venues, 1.5 million people cheered like mountain cry out and sea howl at the same time.

Hearing the deafening cheers, it was the first time that Liang Ren had a clearer understanding of his current popularity and popularity.

“Uncle, Auntie, look, Liang Ren, Brother Liang Ren is on the stage.” Casey said excitedly to the front row of the battlefield on the east side of the main venue.

“Second brother, come on!!” Mu Mu Lei exclaimed excitedly, making a horn with her hand.

The handsome boy with short light brown hair also followed suit, shouting at Liang Ren, “Second brother, come on!!”


“Didn’t expect Liang Ren to play against Ritchie in the professional five-star promotion match. I have to say that it is really fate.”

Brock, Ash and Misty were brought by Liang Ren to watch the game. Liang Ren also directly got a few front row tickets for free through the Stadium connection.

Seeing Liang Ren and Ritchie appearing in midfield with enthusiastic cheers from the audience, Misty and the others also discussed each other in the audience.

“Ritchie is very strong. When Ash you participated in the Kanto Alliance competition, you also lost to the opponent when you reached the top of 16 in the top 8. Although Liang Ren’s Pidgeot has broken through to the Elite level, Just one Pidgeot is not enough.” Brock said, rubbing his chin and squinting.

“And as far as I know, Liang Ren currently has only five Pokémons that can participate in the battle. The sixth Pokémon is a Quasi-Legendary cub obtained from the Alliance. It was hatched just yesterday.”

“And Ritchie’s next main team Pokémon, with the exception of Butterfree and Tentacruel, which are limited by Aptitude currently stuck at Gym level, the other four main Pokémon have reached Quasi-Elite level.”

< p>“Liang Ren met Ritchie in the promotion match, and there was still a lot of pressure.” Brock said.

Hearing what Brock said, Misty nodded, not at all, said that who had the better chance of winning the promotion tonight, but Ash showed very strong confidence in Liang Ren.

“Don’t worry, Liang Ren’s strength is very strong.” Ash has a bright smile on his face.

“You are all attracted by Pidgeot. In fact, I told you that when I went to Yuanzhu City to treat Liang Ren’s Slowpoke with Rainbow Wing summon Ho-Oh, Slowpoke’s strength It has also reached Quasi Elite.”

“Pidgeot Elite, Slowpoke Quasi Elite, Cloyster is the main force of Liang Ren’s next echelon. Guess what strength it will be, so the new game tonight is definitely the dragon wars, the tiger battles.” Ash said.



When Ash, Brock, and Misty were discussing with keen interest pleasure, the referee had already begun to announce the rules of the game, Liang Ren And Ritchie’s expressions also became serious.

“…The rules of this game are 6v6 duel for all players. Now, both players are asked to send the first Pokémon ready to play.” The referee ordered.

Liang Ren and Ritchie at both ends of the field did not hesitate at all. They put their hands on the trainer’s belt, and an enlarged Poké Ball was thrown out.

“Monarch Snake, you will be the leader today.” Liang Ren shouted.

“Bobby, the First Stage battle is over to you.” On the other side, Ritchie also released Pokémon in an imposing manner.



The baby ball opened in midair, and two Pokémon also appeared on the field, Liang Ren The leader here is the monarch snake, and Ritchie chose Butterfree to play the First Stage.

“roar roar…”

“Following the referee’s preparation instructions, the blue player Liang Ren and the red player Shinhiro have already released the first players to play Pokémon.”

“We can see that the monarch snake was sent by the Liang Ren player. In the previous qualifying, the monarch snake was indeed very strong, especially All kinds of control abilities that are hard to guard against…”

“Oh!!! Liang Ren had a bad start. Player Shinhiro turned out to be Butterfree.”

” From the Attribute point of view, both the Bug Type and Flying Attribute exerted great restraint on the Monarch Snake. The Liang Ren player in the first game was too unfavorable. Will he immediately replace the Monarch Snake after the game starts?”

After the game commentator finished speaking, after seeing that both players and Pokémon were ready, the referee decisively issued a start instruction: “The game begins.”

“Monarch snake, use Sunny Day.” At the moment the referee started to issue the instructions, Liang Ren immediately gave the Monarch Snake the action instructions.

Seeing Liang Ren’s reaction, the Sky commentator on the stadium became excited, and shouted loudly, holding the lever of the Flying machine: “Oh…Liang Ren player not at all replace the monarch snake , But directly let the monarch snake use Weather Ability: Sunny Day.”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren… …Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

The start was a big disadvantage, and fans outside the field were full of worries. However, Liang Ren’s hard-hearted move immediately detonated the atmosphere of the game.

What about the disadvantages of Attribute, he can also win the disadvantages of Attribute! ! !

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