“Bobby, use Poison Powder dust after launching.” Seeing that Liang Ren has given instructions to the Monarch Snake, Ritchie at the other end of the field did not hesitate, and decisively gave Butterfree instructions.

“Miles…” Butterfree flapped the huge white wings with Black veins behind him, seeming erratic and weak, but the speed of the lift was exceptionally amazing.

Scaly pink holes at the roots of the wings, Spit Up a large amount of purple Poison Powder dust, as the Butterfree flapped its wings into the air, looking into the distance as if wearing a huge purple cloak cloak.

“Wum–” The monarch below does not move slowly.

After receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, the monarch snake swam flexibly, opening its mouth with a round and bright light bullet like a moon lamp moved towards Butterfree, which was ascending into the sky.

Seeing the movement of the monarch snake, Ritchie at the other end of the field has a great alarm bell. After viewing the game video of Liang Ren this monarch snake in the past two days, he knows that the monarch snake this move’Sunny Day’ has How dangerous.

There have been many trainers and Pokémon before, because Sunny Day is a non-destructive auxiliary ability, and they slack off. As a result, the shiny bullet flashed their eyes and finally let the monarch snake lead the nose A set of control Ability is controlled to death.

Ritchie will not despise Liang Ren’s monarch snake because of Butterfree’s restraint on Attribute, let alone let down his vigilance because Sunny Day is not lethal.

“Bobby, close your eyes and continue to lift off.” Ritchie straightened the brim of his hat and waved towards Butterfree ordered at Sky in the arena.


“Miles!!!” The light bullet came out, and then before Butterfree hadn’t completely closed his eyes, it burst open and sparkled. The dazzling rays of light carrying the scorching heat of the sun made Butterfree let out an uncomfortable scream.

Fortunately, the glaring sunlight in the light bomb comes and goes fast. If not, just letting this light ball explode in front of you is almost equivalent to being hit by a weakened version of Solar Beam. in.

But even so, the weak spot exposed at the moment Butterfree was dazzled is enough for Liang Ren to do a lot of things here.

“Monarch Snake, use Simple Beam.” Liang Ren flexed his hand, and Ka determined the time to attack.

“Wum–” The Sovereign Snake glides close to the ground and moves flexibly, without the need for Stockpile. A light pink energy beam is opened like a laser cannon Normal, which penetrates the air and instantly comes to Butterfree.

“Bobby…” Ritchie exclaimed. The Monarch Snake’s super proficiency with Ability was a bit beyond his expectations, Liang Ren disrupted his rhythm a bit.

“Miles!!!” In midair Butterfree I just opened my eyes and saw that I was hit by a light pink beam. Although my body did not feel any discomfort, Butterfree was still taken aback.

“Is it like using Simple Beam to pave the way for charm control? You made the wrong move in this move.” Seeing Liang Ren’s using Simple Beam, Ritchie’s face showed a smile.

The simple state imposed by Simple Beam does have a miraculous effect on the boost charm control, but it is also easy to be used by opponent to make Pokémon rise or fall Stat Modifiers twice as much.

Ritchie, who understands the nature of Simple Beam Ability, didn’t give Liang Ren and the Monarch Snake the opportunity to control Ability. He seized the opportunity to adjust his status and resolutely used the Ability effect of Simple Beam.

“Bobby, don’t panic, use Butterfly Dance.” Ritchie’s excited voice spread throughout the audience, and the off-site game commentator also explained the audience who didn’t know the situation.

“The Simple Beam that Liang Ren asked the Monarch Snake to play was used by the Ritchie player, and the Pokémon ability level change in the pure state will be doubled.”

“If Really let Butterfree successfully use Butterfly Dance. After the special attack, special defense, and speed abilities are enhanced by two levels, the disadvantage of the Monarch Snake’s Attribute will undoubtedly be further amplified.”

” Enough to use Ability, Liang Ren’s normal control of Ability will undoubtedly be more effective. Could it be Liang Ren’s mistake just now?”

“But anyway, now Liang Ren What the players have to do is to contain the expansion of the disadvantages. Butterfree must not be allowed to use Butterfly Dance, but at this distance, can Liang Ren interrupt Butterfree’s Butterfly Dance performance?”

“… …” As the commentator analyzed the situation on the field, the audience supporting Liang Ren in the off-field audience suddenly became worried.


“Monarch Snake, use petrochemical work.” Attribute has a big disadvantage, and Ability made a mistake. No matter what the off-court commentator said, Liang Ren remained calm and calm on the field. .

“Wum–” The command was issued, and the monarch snake mobilized the power in the bloodline, and a pair of Ruby-like eyes instantly turned into a strange gray green.

Two eyes moved towards the front like a searchlight. Butterfree, spinning lightly and gracefully in the sky, was instantly imprisoned by a strong domineering force.


“roar roar!!! Success, the monarch snake of contestant Liang Ren interrupted the performance of Butterfree Butterfly Dance with a petrification skill…”< /p>


“Bobby, don’t panic, use Bug Buzz.” As a long-established professional five-star trainer, Ritchie also shows a high level of combat literacy at the moment .

“zi zi ……” in midair Butterfree, who was imprisoned by petrochemical work, underneath the azure nose, two sharp teeth frustrated each other, and the mouthparts made a sound like a summer cicada Harsh noise.

Although Butterfree is imprisoned by the petrochemical power of the Monarch Snake, it seems that it has not been affected at all at this moment, and it directly turned on the counterattack.

Bug Buzz is a Bug Type Top Rank move. The initial damage value of Ability is determined to be 90. At this moment, the damage is doubled under the effect of Attribute restraint, and the initial damage of 180 is hit, even if the physical strength is strong and the recovery power is strong. The monarch snake can’t bear it.

The off-site commentator and the audience exclaimed again and again, all surprised at Ritchie’s wit and reaction speed, but Liang Ren was not at all panicked off the court.

In response to the instructions, Ritchie directed Butterfree to counterattack immediately and was also conveyed to the monarch snake.

“The monarch snake, use Grass Whistle.” Liang Ren shouted loudly, and the monarch snake immediately responded.

The slender tail is pushed up, and a leaf that I did not know from where is pinched by the tail and placed on his lips, the monarch’s snake kisses lightly, and a melodious music turns into a sound barrier, making Butterfree ‘S Bug Buzz is blocked outside.


The music is crisp and sweet, like a harmonica, and like the sound of a bamboo flute in the mouth of a shepherd boy riding a cow.

The warm wind makes the tourists drunk, the bamboo forest slouch, the spring flowers on the field bloom, the sun lightly licks the cheek like the tongue of a little milk dog, itching makes people particularly relaxing.

After being hit by Simple Beam, I became pure Butterfree. At this moment, the red crystal-like compound eyes revealed a touch of obsession. The sharp and harsh Bug Buzz became smaller and smaller, until it finally became a low voice. Whispering and dreaming.

“Ba~bi~, soon… wake up… yeah!!!” Ritchie yelled anxiously on the field.

However, seeing Liang Ren in this scene, a smile finally appeared on his flat face.

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