Before the game, he specially checked the Liang Ren Stadium game video, and he will never forget the game that Liang Ren played at Stadium after Liang Ren returned to school half a month ago.

That night, Liang Ren’s Ivy Snake was one-to-two, and after defeating Sandslash and Ponyta, it evolved into a monarch snake.

At that time, the Monarch Snake showed this Ability Return, which is linked to intimacy and is very unpopular.

At that time, the monarch snake’s tail directly smashed the field to pieces. Afterwards, the trainers in the circle called the monarch snake’s return tail whip nicknamed the tail of the fissure.

Although Butterfree is very innate talent in Ability study, it still can’t change the fact that it has low defensive power and is a crispy Pokémon.

If it is drawn by the tail of the monarch snake, Butterfree is afraid it will lose its combat capability directly.

“Miles…” The bad wind hit, and Butterfree, who had just escaped alive, sensed the danger, and hurriedly used Safeguard to resist the whiptail of the monarch snake.

But Butterfree still underestimated the formidable power of the Return Ability of the Monarch Snake. Before the big half a month, the Monarch Snake had its tail broken and even the ground was broken into two. It was in a panic and used Safeguard. How is it possible to block this attack.

“ka ka bang…”

“hong long! !!!”

The hazy colorful protective cover was blown apart like an eggshell.

Dark Red’s whiptail slammed down, and there was a deafening roar. In the close-up of the off-site camera, the entire stadium was ploughed into pieces.

The location where the Monarch Snake was just now is a big pit with cracks and depressions, and the bottom of the pit is Butterfree, which has lost its combat capability, and thorn vines that have been pounded into pieces.


“roar roar ~ Faced with the return attack of the monarch snake, although Butterfree used Safeguard to defend at the crisis, it underestimated the return of the monarch snake The formidable power of this game, it’s just seconds away!!!”

“Butterfree can’t fight. The blue side’s monarch snake wins this game.”

“Monarch snake…Monarch Snake…”

“Monarch Snake… Monarch Snake…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

” Mu Mu Liang Ren …… Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

Attribute was restrained, and it was an absolute disadvantage to start the game. Although the audience outside the court had confidence in Liang Ren, everyone thought that he would play here. The fight was very difficult, and didn’t expect that the monarch snake won.

One move is beautiful to the extreme, and at the same time violent to the extreme Return, a tail is pulled down, and Butterfree is directly killed in seconds.

Ding, experience +470

Ding, found special attack innate talent value +1

Ding, found special defense Attribute value +1


The cheers of the off-field audience continued, and Liang Ren also put away two innate talent red coins, one red and one white with joy.

“Hmm! The monarch snake’s breath has become stronger.” Just after putting the Attribute coins into the system backpack, Liang Ren suddenly turned his head and looked at the monarch snake who was absorbing the experience fog group.

Liang Ren, who sensed that the monarch’s snake breath became stronger, called up the Attribute panel to view.

【Monarch Snake】♀



Character: arrogant and indifferent

Characteristics: Overgrow, antagonism

Stamina: 110【B】Purple

Attack: 75【C】Blue

Defense: 90【C】< /p>

Special Attack: 86【C】

Special Defense: 90【C】

Speed: 130【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 576

Ability ———————

“attack”: Tackle, Slam, Vine Whip, Return, Leaf Blade, Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon The end of the tail, Leaf Tornado, Bubble’s aria

“Prevention”: Safeguard

“Control”: Sing, Grass Whistle, Tightening, Attract, Captivate, Petrochemical Power, Vertigo Dance, Ultrasound, Lovely Kiss, Leech Seed, Glare

「Supplement」: Coil, Provocation, Desire, Follow Me, Sweet Scent, Simple Beam, Growth, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Grassy Terrain


“Sure enough, the monarch snake has been upgraded.” See the level data item. The monarch snake Level has changed from 41 to Level 42, and Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

It is also ≥LV.40Gym level, Ritchie’s Butterfree Level is several levels higher than the Monarch Snake.

Attribute does not have the upper hand. The Monarch Snake can achieve the ultimate victory. Thanks to the hard training during this period, the Ability structure required for the three sets of tactics of the Monarch Snake has been built.

Faced with the control of the monarch snake, even Butterfree can’t bear it. From this point, we can see how strong the battle strength is for a fully developed monarch snake.

“You performed well in this game, come back, Butterfree.” At the other end of the field, Ritchie also used the baby ball to take back Butterfree, who had lost the combat capability.

Looking up towards the opposite side of the arena, Ritchie Black’s bright eyes reflected Liang Ren’s upright silhouette. The battle just now made Ritchie a deep understanding of the strength of the opponent.

Although Liang Ren has only five Pokémon with battle strength in his hands, his initial Pokémon Pidgeot has reached the Elite level. The gap between the Elite level and the quasi-Elite level is clear to Ritchie.

“It seems that tonight will be a fierce battle for me.” After a secretly sighed in Ritchie’s heart, he saw Liang Ren and he had no plans to change Pokémon. Ritchie also picked it from the trainer’s belt. The second Poké Ball was dropped.

“The red player is asked to send the second Pokémon ready to play.” The off-field referee looked towards Ritchie and reminded him.

“Give me Ben, the second fight is over to you.” Hearing the referee’s reminder, Ritchie also decisively released the second Pokémon.

“Hoooo…” The baby ball opened, and a wyvern with orange skin and cream colored belly to the bottom of the tail roared on the stage.


“roar roar…appeared, the first round competition failed, after seeing that Liang Ren had no idea to replace the monarch snake, Ritchie player Sure enough, Attribute was sent to restrain the Monarch Snake Pokémon.”

“According to the information reported by Ritchie players, Charizard is the absolute main force of his first echelon, and his strength has reached the quasi Elite Top Rank. This game Liang Player Ren’s monarch snake is in danger.”



“Mumu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”


“Charizard? Fire+Flying Type, Attribute is being completely restrained again.” Liang Ren sighed inwardly.

The same two Attributes restrain the monarch snake, but Charizard is not comparable to Butterfree, and Charizard is much stronger than Butterfree.

I felt the breath of Charizard who was moving towards the sky and breathing fire, and the opponent’s strength seemed to have reached Quasi Elite.

“The game begins.” Liang Ren was not given time to think about tactics. Seeing that the Pokémon on both sides were ready for the battle, the referee decisively issued the start signal.

Originally, the battle was on the verge of fire. The referee’s instructions seemed to light the fuse, and the battle started instantly.

“Monarch Snake, use Attract.” The real big disadvantage started. Liang Ren didn’t hold himself high and grabbed the first hand and decisively issued instructions to the Sovereign Snake.

“I had expected you to come this way.” Ritchie was not surprised on his face, and gave Charizard a greet command loudly: “Charizard, use a grimace.”

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