“Roar–” Charizard, who was facing the sky Eruption on the field, turned his head abruptly, looking at the monarch snake with a terrifying expression.

The Attract of the Monarch Snake vs. Charizard’s grimace

The huge gap in strength makes the charm of the Monarch Snake control not at all effective. Instead, Charizard stared at him, revealing a touch of the Monarch Snake’s face The color of fear.

Liang Ren’s heart sank after seeing this scene.

“It seems that only the third set of tactics has been adopted in this game.” Liang Ren said in his heart.

1. When encountering the three types of Ground, Water and Rock restrained by the Grass Type, the Monarch Snake relies on its fast speed and powerful special attack output.

In the form of high speed and high burst, use a set of Grass Type Ability to crush opponent.

Second, encounter three types of grass, dragon, and steel that have strong resistance to Grass Type Ability.

There are disadvantages but not to the point that they can’t completely deal with the damage, so the monarch snake will control the opponent as the main and restore it, and then pull and hit the damage.

Three, if you encounter the five types of insects, poisons, flying, fire, and ice, you will not only have a strong resistance to the Grass Type attack, but also seriously restrain the Grass Type.

There is a very big disadvantage. One who is careless will lose the battle, so the monarch snake will use the most conservative and safest battle method.

Mainly to exert its own strong resilience, supplemented by opponent control, and put the damage to the last step for consideration, and truly engage in a protracted war of attrition.


These are three sets of tactics developed by Liang Ren for the monarch snake.

In the last game Butterfree, although Attribute was very restrained from the monarch snake, after the first round of testing, Liang Ren found that by controlling the pull, he could deal damage, so the monarch snake used the second one in the previous battle. Set of tactics.

However, the temptation of the Monarch Snake just now made Liang Ren understand that Charizard is not comparable to Butterfree. In this game, the Monarch Snake only has the probability of winning with the third set of tactics.

Since he understood the current strength gap between the enemy and us, he did not hesitate, but decisively ordered: “Monarch Snake, use Sunny Day.”

“Wum—— “On the field, the monarch snake is nodded.

A white dangling ball of light instantly formed from the mouth, and then with a shake of his head, it slammed into Charizard, who was flapping its wings and rising to midair.

“Charizard, close your eyes.” Ritchie, who had suffered a loss once, didn’t dare to be careless, and hurriedly ordered Charizard to evade.

“Boom——” The ball of light burst, and a dry and hot air stream moved towards all directions. Charizard, as a Fire Element Pokémon, did not at all feel a little discomfort when closing its eyes.

Seize the gap where Charizard closed his eyes to avoid the’Shiny bullet’, Liang Ren and the monarch snake also seized the opportunity to adjust their status.


“roar roar…For the second game, Liang Ren still chose to start with Sunny Day.”

“Sunny Day, as a weather ability, can indeed activate the Synthesis innate talent instinct of Grass Type Pokémon, thereby greatly improving the movement speed and performance recovery efficiency of the monarch snake.”

“But Sunny Day is also a trick of Fire Type Auxiliary Ability can greatly increase the damage of Charizard Fire Element Ability.”

“Although Liang Ren’s move enhanced the power of the monarch snake, it also magnified Charizard’s threat to the monarch snake.”

“The monarch snake will face a stronger and more threatening Charizard in the next game. What will he choose to do?”



Faced with the commentator’s question, Liang Ren answered him and the audience with actions.

“The monarch snake, move flexibly and be careful not to be hit by the opponent’s Ability. Now use Grassy Terrain.” Liang Ren ordered.

“Wum–” The monarch snake moved flexibly on the field.

The thick vine-like tail suddenly resembles a staff waving in the hands of a forest goddess. Not only does it become as transparent as a soft crystal material, it also emits a vibrant green fluorescence.

With a flick of his tail, the ground that was broken due to the impact of the battle was suddenly covered with fresh grass and small wildflowers.

“Swish——” The speed of the monarch snake galloping around on the court was once again improved, and the whole thing was like’flying on the grass’ Normal, causing the audience outside the court to exclaim again and again.

“Grassy Terrain + Sunny Day, is this a protracted war of attrition? It won’t make you happy.” Liang Ren, a second-tier Pokémon, forced him to send the first-tier Trump Card. For this battle, Ritchie’s desire to win has reached an extreme.

“Charizard, fly into the air and use the strongest Fire Spin on the field.” After detecting Liang Ren’s tactics, Ritchie ruthlessly commanded Charizard to launch an offensive without any hesitation.

“Roar–“Charizard, who spread wings and hovered on the field, an Opelucid looked wild, and a hot pillar of fire blasted down with a roared sound.

The reason Grass Type Pokémon is weak in the late stage of strength and why it is not favored by professional trainers, the form on the field has been clearly revealed at this moment.

There are too many attributes for restraining and resisting Grass Type. There is no theoretical problem with the third set of tactics of the Monarch Snake.

But after it was really implemented, I found that whether it was Sunny Day or the effortless Grassy Terrain, Charizard’s large-scale Fire Spin was instantly burned out.

Heavenly Fire fell to the ground, and the yellow dry grass on the wasteland became the biggest accomplice to the wildfire. The monarch snake fled around, but the living space was squeezed to the limit.

But not at all just give up like this. Although Attribute is not dominant and there is a big gap between the strengths of the two sides, the Monarch Snake has now formed its Ability structure and is able to act on its own.

Even if it is an opponent like Charizard, the monarch snake is not without the power of a battle.

“Monarch Snake, use Bubble’s aria to sweep away the flames.” Liang Ren raised his hand and waved.

“Wum–” The monarch snake fluttering in the flames responded to Liang Ren.

Using the power in the bloodline, accompanied by a high-pitched and sharp scream, the water vapor evaporated from the burning grass on the field quickly gathered towards the monarch snake, forming masses of thick-walled hollow water bombs all around the body.

“Boom boom——” The water bomb moved towards all directions boomed, moved towards the wildfire that the monarch snake spread quickly, and was instantly cleared out of a two-meter-diameter circle.

“Charizard, don’t keep your hands, use Flamethrower to attack.” At the other end of the field, Ritchie launched another offensive.

At the stadium Sky, Charizard, who received the diameter, stretched his neck and raised his head to the sky like a mouthwash, and the flame molten molten surging in his mouth.

However, just as Charizard Stockpile was about to attack, Liang Ren’s command sound rang from the field.

“Monarch snake, use Follow Me +Attract.”

“嘤——” In a small circle without flames, the monarch snake received Liang Ren’s order, two charm control Ability use come skillfully.

In the Sky of the game, Charizard seemed to hear a whisper, and the attacking momentum paused, slanting his eyes and looking down the field.

The small circle without flame is like a stage, and the icy green monarch snake is like the most eye-catching Celebrity on the stage.

Even without the strange attraction in the dark, Charizard immediately was attracted by the monarch snake in’a little green in the fire’.

Charizard is a straight male cancer among straight male cancers. If the opponent monarch snake shows a slight weakness at this time, instead of giving birth to pity, it will attack more aggressively.

But at this moment, although the Monarch Snake uses Attract, it does not at all learn from some delicate types of Pokémon, showing a pitiful expression. Instead, it looks at Charizard with a proud, stubborn and unyielding expression, but everyone with discerning eyes You can see the embarrassment and weakness of the monarch snake at the moment.

Being stared at by the eyes of the monarch snake, Charizard, who was originally a straight man with cancer, had a stone-like heart miraculously softened.

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