“hu hu…”

The last ray of wind blew a bulge like a lonely grave on the ground.

The yellow sand on his body was blown and fell down, revealing a skeletal snow-white body. This is the Cloyster who has lost his battle strength.

“Cloyster can’t fight, this game was won by Tyranitar of the red side.” Judging that Cloyster has lost the combat capability, the referee announced the result of the game loudly.



Cloyster, one of Liang Ren’s three main Trump Cards, was taken by Ritchie Tyranitar defeated, and Ritchie fans off the court became excited.

As a professional trainer in the circle, it is rare that there is no tainted Celebrity trainer, Ritchie fans do not hate Liang Ren.

But because of the first fan of Ritchie, they also hope that in this promotion tonight, they will see Ritchie be able to defeat Liang Ren and become famous as Kanto.

“Huh…Cloyster, thank you for fighting so hard. Let’s leave it to other companions.” Liang Ren took Cloyster back the baby ball. The cheers for Ritchie fans off the court are not at all too big. Reaction.

Although Cloyster lost this game, it also gained a lot of experience. After all, Pokémon who can suppress it in weather manipulation is hard to meet.

The pressure that Tyranitar brings to Cloyster today is bound to become the motivation for it to understand spirit willpower and breakthrough Elite, and…

“There is no real Trump Card main force yet It’s not that easy to beat me on the court.” Looking at Tyranitar’s tall body on the court, Liang Ren ran his fingers across the trainer’s belt around his waist, his confidence in his heart did not diminish at all.

“Please blue player, send out the Pokémon who are going to play next.” The referee on the sidelines looked at Liang Ren and reminded him.

With the appearance of Pokémon, the main Trump Card players of both sides, this professional five-star promotion tonight has also entered a climax, and the hearts of the off-site audience are nervous and excited.

“This opponent, I believe you will be very satisfied.” Liang Ren ran his finger across the middle of the trainer’s belt and directly took off a Premier Ball with white as the main color.

Liang Ren’s several Pokémon, only Cloyster, Lucario and Monarch Snake use special Poké Ball.

Cloyster is a modified Dive Ball with a spa, Lucario uses a Premier Ball, and the Monarch Snake is a pink Friend Ball.

“Come out, Lucario!!!”

“Bang——” The white Premier Ball opened in midair, and Lucario made a strong backflip and landed firmly on the field.

“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren …… “

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

Lucario appeared handsomely, and Liang Ren fans outside the court suddenly cheered loudly as Liang Ren’s subordinates. The only Pokémon that can evolve Mega, Lucario is very popular.

“Fighting +Steel Type Lucario? Attribute is very against Tyranitar.” Seeing Pokémon sent by Liang Ren, even Ritchie, who had just won a game, his expression became solemn.


“roar roar…From the first game, whether it is Butterfree, Charizard, Tyranitar, Ritchie players are sent by Attribute to take advantage Pokémon.”

“Cloyster was defeated in the last game, Liang Ren also chose to send Attribute to restrain Tyranitar’s Lucario to play.”

“The previous few battles, Player Liang Ren showed us how he can build his own advantage and win victory through his strong game advantages and disadvantages operation ability and battle rhythm control when Attribute is disadvantageous.”

“Now facing Attribute What would Ritchie player do in the inferior battle?”

“Although Lucario is not the main force of Liang Ren’s Trump Card, he has mastered the mega evolution of Mega Evolution…”



“The game begins.” The off-site commentator spoke quickly and saliva splashed across the audience to explain the game. At this moment, the referee also issued the start of the game. Signal.

“It’s going to happen, Lucario.” Liang Ren exchanged glances with Lucario, and his expression became solemn: “Aura Force, in my heart!!”

< p>Liang Ren and Lucario established a bond link, each one pampered in his heart and said silently, Liang Ren and Lucario also showed dazzling brilliance.


“Oh! I have to say that Liang Ren is very decisive. Although Lucario has the advantage in Attribute, his strength is still comparable to Ritchie’s Tyranitar. There is a certain gap.”

“If Lucario is really allowed to fight like this, it will undoubtedly give Ritchie an excellent opportunity to attack in the early stage of the game. Maybe Tyranitar has a strong fast-paced attack, simply not giving Lucario. Mega has a chance to evolve.”

“Fortunately, Liang Ren considered it very carefully. Not at all gave Ritchie a fast break opportunity in the early stage. Liang Ren gave the start signal to the referee. In an instant, Lucario decisively made the Mega evolution.”

“The attacking style is very fierce, but when the defensive contraction strategy is adopted, the Liang Ren player is not one drop of water can leak out. No Give opponent a chance.”

“Faced with such a difficult opponent, can Ritchie successfully break the game and take the rhythm of the game into his own hands?”





“ao wu ~” The light of evolution dissipated, and the mighty and handsome MegaLucario appeared In the sight of the audience.

The long hanging Aura body floats in the air, a ripple of Aura wind blows out of MegaLucario, and the soft sand on the court is blown out of circles of fish scale waves.

“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

The audience outside the venue cheered Lucario with fanatically, Showing powerful power is the only way to mobilize the audience’s emotions.

“Is this Lucario’s Mega evolution? It is indeed very powerful.” Looking at Lucario, who has completed Mega evolution on the field, Ritchie couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Originally, Lucario’s aura was much weaker than Tyranitar, but now that Mega evolves, the gap in strength between the two sides has been reduced a lot in an instant.

In the face of MegaLucario today, Ritchie dare not say that his Tyranitar will surely win. After all, besides MegaLucario, Liang Ren, a trainer, makes him even more difficult.

But he can’t retreat at this time. Whether he wins or loses in the game tonight, he must spare no effort. This is respect for friends and also for opponent.

“Tyranitar, the opponent is very strong, but we are not bad. Let the opponent see what a desert tyrant is.” Ritchie moved towards the field and shouted.

“Tyranitar, unleash the power of characteristic blowing sand while using sandstorms.”

“Roar——” Tyranitar, who looks like a giant beast, raised his head and roared, his sight was clear. On the clear and clean field, a yellow wind blew again.

“Here is here, Ritchie player’s Sandstorm tactics, the power of blowing sand + sandstorm, the fierce wind and sand once again blew up on the field, I don’t know how Liang Ren player will crack it?”< /p>

Ritchie’s side started to rise, but Liang Ren’s side was not idle either.

“Lucario, close your eyes and use Aura Lock On Tyranitar’s position.” On the sidelines, Liang Ren closed his eyes first and used the bond link to communicate with Lucario.

Lucario, whose personality became colder after Mega evolved, did not respond, but he immediately followed Liang Ren’s instructions and closed his eyes.

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