“hu hu…” The dry sand particles were flying in the air with the wind.

If it is the four kinds of Pokémon restrained by Rock Type: insect, fly, fire, and ice, in this environment, the horror will burn out physical strength and lose the combat capability soon.

But Lucario, who has a Steel type, let the wind and sand hit its face at this moment, but it was not hurt.

Several Aura sensations hanging on the back of the head, flying in the air, Aura spread out like a radar sound wave, and feedback immediately after sensing the location of Tyranitar.

So far, the sand blow of the sandstorm and the wind and sand have lost their eyes. The two negative effects have been overcome by Liang Ren and Lucario. In the end, only Sand Tomb of Tyranitar is left.

As if feeling Liang Ren’s thoughts, Ritchie didn’t let him wait any longer and decisively ordered Tyranitar to use the trickiest and most deadly one of Sandstorm’s tactics.

“I don’t believe that Lucario can fly like Cloyster this time, Tyranitar, use Sand Tomb.” Ritchie shouted loudly.

“Roar—” Tyranitar’s throat let out a low roar of wind-sand passing over the wind-eroded grotto, lifting his feet to the ground, and the arena instantly became deserted and the dry sand began to flow slowly.

Liang Ren, who shared the vision of Lucario Aura, can see all the changes that take place on the court, including Tyranitar use Sand Tomb.

“Lucario, gather two “counterattack shields” under your feet. “It was discovered that Lucario’s body began to sink, Liang Ren also issued a response order.

After Mega evolved, Lucario’s control of Aura became more and more nuanced.

“Bzz Bzz ——” Upon receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, MegaLucario instantly condense two smaller counterattack shields on the soles of his feet.

The “counterattack shield” was developed based on the Fighting Ability “Counter”. The repulsive force of counterattack.

So Lucario, who stepped on the two counterattack shields, no longer sank, but floated smoothly on the soft quicksand.

So far, Ritchie and Tyranitar’s Sandstorm tactics, the last killer was also cracked by Liang Ren.

But at the moment the sky is full of yellow sand, Ritchie, off-site commentators and the audience are not aware of this. Everyone thinks that Lucario was dragged by Sand Tomb and buried in the ground.

“Tyranitar used Sand Tomb. Lucario does not have the ability to fly. This time it is estimated to be very dangerous.”

“Now ask the off-site staff to use the machine to show us the sandstorm The image presented by infrared rays…”

The commentator and the audience thought that Lucario was buried deep in the yellow sand, but Ritchie was not at all so optimistic at the moment. After playing so many games, he knew Liang Ren Not so easily defeated.

Moreover, since the evolution of Lucario Mega in this game, there was no sound from Liang Ren across the court. Facing Liang Ren’s silent command, Ritchie felt a lot of pressure.

“My God~MegaLucario is not at all caught in the vortex of quicksand, but stands steadily on the quicksand…”

“Is the means used up? Then It’s our turn to attack.” After seeing the opposite Tyranitar use Sand Tomb, there was no next move, and a smile suddenly appeared on Liang Ren’s face.

“Lucario, use Aura Sphere.” Conscious of sound transmission, without the limitation of speech rate, Liang Ren communicated the instructions to Lucario as a single thought.

“ao wu ——” Lucario nodded, a shallow blue ball was instantly rubbed out, and with a push, Aura Sphere pierced through the dazzling wind and sand and hit the opposite Tyranitar.

Tyranitar thought that Lucario had fallen into the vortex of quicksand. It did not expect that Lucario had not fallen into the yellow sand, but had launched a counterattack against him.

Visibility in the sandstorm is very low. Tyranitar finally reacted until Aura Sphere blasted in front of him. However, it was too late to hide at this time.

“Bang—” Aura Sphere hit the target and exploded. Tyranitar’s hard rock armor seemed to have shattered, and the force of the explosion was transmitted into the body, Tyranitar opened his eyes and wrote on his face Full of pain.


“Tyranitar!!!” Ritchie exclaimed.

Liang Ren was silent over there, he had long felt wrong, but to be honest, Lucario was dragged into the quicksand whirlpool, and he still had such expectations for the result.

Hearing the explosion and Tyranitar’s roar at this moment undoubtedly broke Ritchie’s illusion and brought him back to reality.

“Lucario, use the spiral Aura Sphere this time!!!” Liang Ren turned a deaf ear to Ritchie’s exclaim and Tyranitar’s roar, calmly and even indifferently constantly issuing Attack Orders to Lucario.

The dust flying in the sky blocked the audience’s sight until the Stadium used infrared scanning and imaging machines.

On the huge off-site projection screen, the sandstorm appears as a huge orange red under infrared scanning, and the Tyranitar like a giant beast is scanned with different shades of blue green.

And MegaLucario, full of Aura Force, appears as a shallow blue silhouette with a surprisingly clear outline.

At this moment, under the attention of the off-field game commentator and spectators, the blue silhouette on the electronic projection screen slowly raised his palm to aim at Tyranitar on the other side of the field.

A blue ball of light, which is bigger than before, has stronger energy compression and fluidity, is formed instantly.

On the other side, a completely unprepared Tyranitar was blasted by Aura Sphere. Tyranitar has not yet stood firm, and the spiral Aura Sphere in Lucario’s palm has once again blasted past.

Through the infrared scanning images displayed on the off-site electronic projection screen, the audience opened their eyes wide and watched attentively the presentation of this extraordinary game.

“Boom——” A terrifying explosion sounded, and the heavy yellow cloud covered with sand was also exploded into a huge hole by MegaLucario, the spiral Aura Sphere.

“Tyranitar…” Ritchie cried out anxiously again.

At this moment, Ritchie finally wakes up. The Sandstorm tactics he has high hopes not only have no effect on Lucario, but now it is a drag that interferes with his control of the situation on the field.

Ritchie, who figured this out, did not hesitate, and hurriedly gave instructions to Tyranitar: “Tyranitar, stop the sandstorm and use Earthquake to fight back.”

“Roar–” Lucario successively The Tyranitar of the two Aura Spheres did not even get up from the ground after receiving the instructions, but instead snarled and chose to execute Ritchie’s instructions first.

The power of the characteristic flying sand was suppressed. Under the control of Tyranitar, the Ability sandstorm began to take the initiative to lift, and the misty field finally began to return to clarity.

However, whether there is yellow sand interference, it makes no difference to Lucario who can tell the opponent where he is by relying on Aura.

The sand curtain began to fall, and the sand particles fluttering in the air fell down. However, the new offensive on Lucario’s side has been completed by Stockpile.

“Lucario, use the grating cannon!!!” Liang Ren’s command sound sounded in Lucario’s heart.

“ao wu ~”

MegaLucario’s mouth is like the muzzle of a Devil Crystal Stone energy cannon.

With a scream of fighting intent, a silver-white bright laser cannon erupted from the narrow muzzle in an instant, piercing the slowly fading sand screen Barrier, and the speed of light blasted towards Struggle who got up. Tyranitar.

“Boom—” Tyranitar had just sat upright with his arms on the ground, and his bent upper body was instantly blasted to the ground.

“Tyranitar, use Dark Pulse to fight back.” Ritchie moved towards Tyranitar shouted.

Up to now, Ritchie has become impatient, and Liang Ren, who is always in control of the rhythm of the game, still keeps his head calm.

“Dark Type attack?” Hearing Ritchie’s instructions to Tyranitar, Liang Ren’s mouth curled up, and then he gave an instruction that surprised everyone.

“Lucario, Dark Pulse next to the front.” Liang Ren said.

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