

Once again hit by Lucario’s Aura · breakthrough, Swellow finally lost the combat capability, and his body was like a kite with a broken wire, moved straight towards Falling down on the field.

“Swellow can’t fight. Lucario of the blue side will win this game.” The referee raised the red signal flag and announced the final result.

“Swellow is proud, but in the face of Lucario’s fierce attack, she finally fell.”

“Let’s congratulate Liang Ren on another victory, five stars away from promotion One step closer”



“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Wood Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

Because Saffron City Stadium has had no professional 5-star qualification for a year. Now, this professional five-star promotion tournament was held particularly grand and grand.

Because of Liang Ren’s fame, it was originally only his promotion match.

In the end, it evolved into a sensational event for the entire Kanto trainer circle. It brought together trainers from the entire Kanto first-tier city Stadium who met the conditions to host the promotion night.

The event was promoted several days ago. Regarding the match between Liang Ren and Ritchie, there are various speculations about the final result.

It is said that Liang Ren will definitely defeat Ritchie, break the record of Saffron City City Stadium, and become the youngest professional 5-Star level powerhouse;

Some also think that Ritchie will definitely defeat Liang Ren. After all, Ritchie is also a famous genius trainer expert in Kanto Pokémon’s professional circle.

The first time I participated in the Indigo Plateau Conference when he debuted, Ritchie made it into the top eight. It has been two years since he became a professional five-star trainer and is now a quasi-Elite trainer. .

Liang Ren is very famous, but if the opponent is Ritchie, it doesn’t seem to be a problem to be defeated by the opponent.

However, when the night of the qualifying game came, after Liang Ren and Ritchie officially met, the audience was surprised to find that they thought they had a high estimate of Liang Ren’s strength.

But in fact, Liang Ren is still too underestimated. This handsome and handsome boy on the court is so powerful that he far exceeds their imagination.

In the game at first, the two sides returned you and me, but as they got to the back, the audience found that Ritchie was actually suppressed by Liang Ren, even if Ritchie did his best to send Trump Card as the main force.

Liang Ren’s three main players in the first echelon, only Cloyster has lost the combat capability, while Pidgeot and Slowpoke have not yet appeared.

Lucario, originally from Liang Ren’s second echelon, is now undefeated even after beating Tyranitar and Swellow Pokémon in a row. The audience outside the court has been shocked speechless.

Listening to the enthusiastic cheers of fans off the field, Liang Ren’s heart is not fluctuating. In fact, after two games, Lucario’s state is not optimistic.

Although most of the power consumption of Mega Evolution is maintained by the Mega Evolution wave sent by him, Lucario has not much physical strength left after two games.

Especially in this game just now, although Aura induction for radar positioning, Metal Sound weakened Swellow’s special defense to the extreme, and Aura’s breakthrough can hit ×1 times the damage.

It stands to reason that this game should end soon, and it will not be too long. However, Swellow relied on his arrogance and his lonely and tenacious Willpower, forcibly dragged the game more than a dozen. minute.

Swellow was indeed defeated, but Lucario’s stamina was almost exhausted, even if Lucario could use “absorption punch” to recover the lost stamina.

However, the consumption of Aura Force is irreversible. Absorbing punches and restoring abilities can only restore physical strength, not Aura Force.

Without Aura’s power, Lucario’s battle strength can be said to be a big discount.



The fact is just as Liang Ren thought, the new game started again, this time Ritchie sent a Tentacruel to play.

According to the application before the competition, the venue will be replaced with a water venue.

At the start of the game, Tentacruel dived into the bottom of the pool. Spit Up Black’s ink and use black fog made the pool water dark, and then used ultrasound to attack at the bottom of the pool.

Aura Force is exhausted, Lucario without Aura perception can only use Thunder Punch to attack the entire water field indiscriminately.

However, because of the lack of physical strength, Thunder Punch also lost its former power, and was caught off guard by Tentacruel’s Hydro Pump, and Lucario fell directly into the pool.

Finally, I was knocked down by Tentacruel with a wave of water and lost the combat capability.



Little Dratini can’t play. Monarch Snake, Lucario, General and Cloyster have lost their battle strength.

So far, only the two Elite Trump Cards Pidgeot and Slowpoke can play in Liang Ren’s hands.

People outside only know that Pidgeot has a breakthrough Elite level and is the strongest Trump Card Pokemon in Liang Ren’s hands, but they don’t know that Slowpoke is the Pokémon with the highest level of strength under Liang Ren.

But Liang Ren is not interested in letting the audience know the inside story.

Since he became famous, Liang Ren’s privacy and secrets have become less and less. He is very happy that others do not know that Slowpoke has also reached the Elite level.

Because Flora and Casey are their own people, Liang Ren will not shy away from telling them that Slowpoke is already Elite.

But externally, Liang Ren hopes that the less people know his true strength, the better. After all, he has a hole card, which is also a kind of protection for himself.

Lucario was defeated, Liang Ren sent Pidgeot, his original Pokémon known to the outside world, and had already broken through the Elite Trump Card.

Tentacruel defeated Lucario with strange tactics, but in fact, in terms of strength level alone, Tentacruel Level not at all reached the quasi-Elite level.

The strength gap between the quasi-Elite and the Elite is still like a ditch, let alone Tentacruel, who is not even the quasi-Elite.

In the game at first, Liang Ren directly let Pidgeot use Lie Hurricane.

The pool of the pitch-black as ink tank was instantly sucked dry by the Twister who fell into it, turning into a black water spout standing in the center of the pool and spinning.

Pidgeot kept a safe distance and flew around. A pair of sharp bird eyes searched for prey in the black liquid tornado, and Pidgeot quickly found the target and launched an attack ruthlessly.

Opening his mouth with a burst of air, Ritchie’s Tentacruel was instantly killed, and there was no resistance from beginning to end.

In the face of absolute power, any strange tactics are a joke.


“hua hua…”

Hurricane scattered, the black liquid tornado oh la la fell back into the pool with a sound , The broken ash-gray Bubble splashes everywhere.

“Tentacruel can’t fight, the blue side’s Pidgeot won the game.” The off-court referee announced loudly.

“Pidgeot ……Pidgeot ……”

“Pidgeot ……Pidgeot ……”


“Let’s congratulate Liang Ren on his next city. After more than a dozen fierce matches tonight, now Liang Ren has taken the lead in getting the match point for the promotion tonight.”

“Ritchie also The last Pokémon Pikachu is left, and Liang Ren also has three Pokémons, Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Dratini.”

“Then it is Ritchie player who makes five chase six to complete an impossible headwind. , And then defend the glory of the veteran professional five-star trainer.”

“Liang Ren like a hot knife through butter successfully won the last victory and successfully promoted to the youngest professional Saffron City Stadium Five-star trainer.”

“Let us all wait and see–“

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