

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

With the arrival of the most critical match point.

The commentator tone barely fell. There were obviously two groups of spectators off the field. At this moment, they used the loudest voice to cheer for the players they supported.

Listening to the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, if it is not clear that they are watching the game, I am afraid they will feel that they are crazy.

But listening to the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, I believe that any trainer will become enthusiastic at this moment, and then display his strength supernormally.


As Ritchie took back Tentacruel, who had lost the combat capability, the water field was changed back to the normal field.

“Huh—” Listening to the cheers of the off-field supporters, Ritchie closed his eyes and cried out to take a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, a pair of divine light piercing eyes had already ignited a flame of fighting spirit, which was the strongest fighting intent he has ever seen in the professional arena so far.

“Ren, let us play a wonderful game without regrets.”

Ritchie holds a Poké Ball with a dark blue background and a Yellow five-pointed star sticker logo. Said the voice.

“Beep—” Poké Ball shook, apparently this was Pikachu’s response to Ritchie in the baby ball.


“Please red player, send out Pokémon who are going to play in the next game.” After the support of the audience weakened slightly, the referee turned his head to face. Ritchie reminded here.

“Come out~ Ren, it’s up to you!!” Ritchie did not hesitate, and decisively threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

As the commentator said, let five chase six and complete a headwind turnaround. Ritchie did not report any hope for this, but it was used as a key game to determine whether Liang Ren could successfully advance to the professional five-star tonight.

He won’t let Liang Ren win so easily. After all, for Liang Ren, an Elite Pidgeot, he has also painstakingly prepared a gift for the other party.

Ritchie thought, touching the bracelet full of strange power in his pocket.


“Pika ——” The baby ball opened, and a cute Yellow creature appeared on the field.

“Pidgeot, the most critical round is here, spare no effort and be careful at the same time.” Seeing Ritchie release the bangs Pikachu named Rennes, Liang Ren also warned Pidgeot with his consciousness sound transmission .

“Beep Eagle-rest assured~ Boss, I will not underestimate the enemy.” Pidgeot nodded, as Liang Ren’s main force Trump Card, Pidgeot will not be underestimated by Pikachu’s cute appearance.

“Hmm~” I got a reply from Pidgeot, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

The main natural habitat of Pikachu is in Kanto, and there are also a few in Johto Region. Although Pikachu is cute, few professional trainers use Pikachu as the main force of Trump Card.

Most of them were adopted as pets by the wealthy Young Lady of the upper class. As Liang Ren knows, Kanto also cultivated Ash and Ritchie as their main battle pets, and also cultivated them. It has a very strong battle strength.

So for this last game, Liang Ren didn’t relax at all. Ritchie, this Pikachu, is absolutely unique.


“Well, at the reminder of the referee, player Ritchie has released the last Pokémon, which is the most among his three Trump Cards. Strong: Pikachu ——”

“Previously, it was rumored on the Internet that the Ritchie player, Pikachu, is already a quasi-Elite Peak, and his strength is infinitely close to the Elite level.”

“Tonight I don’t know what kind of Ember the two sides will collide with Liang Ren, an Elite Pidgeot.”

“Last year Saffron City held a grand trainer auction, and Ritchie made a big deal for Pikachu. After taking an exclusive booster Item “Light Ball”, Pikachu’s battle strength can be said to be greatly improved. “

“Although Liang Ren’s Pidgeot mastered Mega evolution, Ritchie’s Pikachu also mastered a magical power no less than Mega evolution~”

“Plus electrical The Flying Type is restrained, and it is said that Pikachu can really try Pidgeot’s cutting edge, but for the specifics, you still have to see the real chapter. “



“The game begins. “Both trainers and Pokémon are ready to fight, and the referee decisively announced the start of the game.

“Pikachu, use Electric Terrain. “Liang Ren is a silent commander. Ritchie is not disturbed by the rhythm, and directly follows the tactics set by at first.

Pidgeot hovered at high altitude, Agility + downwind use, and his movement speed increased linearly, far from the previous Ritchie. That Swellow can be compared.

“Beep Pika-Tweet”

Pikachu, who received Ritchie’s order off the field, slapped Jellicent’s red on the cheek with his little paw. Electric pouch.

“Chips…” The electric Ember zi zi splashed for a while, and the electric ions in the whole field became active in an instant.

Clear and bright air, It seemed to have been dyed into a faint golden yellow. Liang Ren’s short curly hair on the sidelines also became fluffy under the action of electric ions.

There was no chance for Ritchie and Pikachu to continue doing things. Liang Ren, who has completed the speed increase, directly ordered Pidgeot to launch an attack.

“Pidgeot, use Hurricane. “Liang Ren is not polite. Compared to single attacks like Air Slash and Air Blasting, hitting Pikachu with a large-scale ability like Hurricane can make it more difficult for the opponent to dodge.

“Beep Eagle——” Arena The Pidgeot hovering in the Sky shook its wings violently, and the turbulent air flow turned into a thick wall, moving towards the whole arena was suppressed indiscriminately.

The translucent wind wall pressed down, as if the sky was falling The doomsday of the sunken world, even Ritchie, who is full of confidence in his side at first, does not look so pretty.

“Pikachu, use Light Screen to defend. “Ritchie moved towards the field and shouted loudly.


“roar roar…coming here, player Liang Ren is on the rise. “

“Ritchie player chose to use “Electric Terrain” to increase Pikachu’s Electric Type output ability. “

“However, Liang Ren didn’t give Ritchie a chance to make a special attack. After all, Pikachu equipped with Light Ball will get X Sp. Attack, the output ability is still very scary. “

“Liang Ren chose to attack and use Hurricane to interrupt Pikachu’s rhythm. From the very beginning, it was Flying Type’s big move. Liang Ren was indeed arrogant, but this also shows that His determination. “

“A wall of wind is suppressed, as if the sky has collapsed Normal, forcing the Ritchie player to direct Pikachu to use Light Screen to back defense. “

“The Liang Ren not only interrupted Ritchie’s rhythm, but even the Electric Terrain that Pikachu took so hard to create was also broken up by Hurricane. “

“Liang Ren’s terror dominance over the game can be seen from these details at this moment…”


” Pika! ! “The wind wall suppressed it, and Pikachu, who was wearing a Light Screen protective cover, was lifted off in an instant.

“Pikachu, stabilize the center of gravity and pray for rain. “Looking at Pikachu who was blown in midair by Hurricane, Ritchie suppressed the panic in his heart and tried to recover the broken rhythm.

“Pika! ! “Pikachu, a petite body, was thrown into midair with the blasting airflow. Although dizzy, Pikachu quickly adjusted the center of gravity with a stubbornness.

Holding his chest together, a hazy ball of light hit the sky with a swish.

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