For a long time, Rookie trainers have participated in Stadium competitions, and they basically gave this group of Old Fox records. I have seen Rookie trainers get crushed again and again, but if this Rookie can beat the previous three-game winning streak Taguchi, is this a counterattack by Rookie’s rookie?

“Fearow, use the pursuit.”

Dodge Pidgey’s Air Slash was dangerous and dangerous, Taguchi did not hesitate, and directed Fearow to launch a counterattack following the direction of Air Slash.

“Spark retreated in a flash.”

Fearow looks huge, but under one flap, the speed is amazingly fast, a sharp beak fiercely pecked towards Pidgey Come here, fortunately, Spark is very proficient in Pidgey’s side, and it is dangerously dodge.

“It’s now, use hole drilling and pecking.”

Liang Ren originally thought that the opponent’s offensive had ended. He didn’t expect that the opponent’s chase just now was just a cover, just to Let him relax his vigilance, but the real big killer move is hidden behind. Pidgey just used Spark to escape, Taguchi’s side suddenly violently, under the action of the spiral force, Fearow’s whole body is driven towards Pidgey. Rush away.

“Pidgey, Wings of Steel.”

didn’t expect Taguchi will suddenly break out. Fortunately, Liang Ren’s reaction is not slow. Instead of letting Pidgey escape, Turning around with a move of Steel Wings, he faced Fearow’s hole drill and hit it.

“His, this kid is very bold.”


There was no more time for the off-site audience to sigh, for a while The light turned into steel-like wings, fiercely knocked on Fearow’s sharp long beak, only the sound of clang metal collision was heard, and Pidgey was directly knocked out.

“Pidgey, Double Team.”

The formidable power of the hole drilling and pecking has a period of rapid rise after launching. Liang Ren took the initiative to increase the formidable power of the Fearow hole drilling and pecking to the limit. Let Pidgey greet him, seemingly stroking a stone with an egg overestimate one’s capabilities, but in fact this blocked the killer move of Fearow at the least cost.

Steel Wings strengthened the defensive power of Pidgey’s wings. Although Pidgey was directly knocked out, in fact not at all suffered too much damage.


Pidgey, who flew upside down, quickly adjusted his body, fluttered his wings and quickly withdrew to keep a relatively safe distance from Fearow.

At this point in the battle, even if Taguchi finally won the game, this record is not so glorious for him. On the contrary, it is Liang Ren’s side, a Rookie with Taguchi has been in a stalemate for so long, regardless of whether he wins or loses in the end, he will only get praise in the end.

“Fearow, Spark has a flash.”

Taguchi’s frowned head, hole drilling and pecking, this big move was solved by Pidgey, and Pidgey even mastered the Wings of Steel. For Top Rank’s Unique Ability, Taguchi was also secretly surprised.

“Pidgey, Double Team, catch.”

Watching this battle gradually began to evolve towards the chase war, this is not the ending Liang Ren hopes to see. Although Pidgey is physically strong It is much more outstanding than its peers, but it is not as good as the Fearow that has evolved to its final form, and the race of Fearow is notoriously high in patience.

In the eyes of the audience, as long as he prolongs the fighting time a little longer, it won’t matter if he loses in the end. On the contrary, the longer Taguchi’s side procrastinates, the more people criticize him.



Fearow is swiftly approaching behind, Pidgey flickers and appears again in the air Six identical Avatars made Fearow’s attack on Smack Down empty.

“xiu—— shua shua!!!”

Liang Ren started to counterattack here. What he wants is not to lose decently, but to win the game. .


Fearow didn’t expect Pidgey to be so bold. After rushing past it, he directly attacked it in turn for several consecutive rounds. The confrontation, Fearow at first seemed aggressive, but in the end it did not take advantage.

“Extend the distance and use Air Slash to attack Fearow’s wings.”

Now Pidgey has fully adapted to Fearow’s imposing manner. The opponent is fast and the offensive is fierce, but the opponent There is no long-range attack on Ability. When the opponent slams his face, he uses Double Team to interfere, and then takes the opportunity to fight back.

Fearow does not have its flexible body shape. After examining the appearance, it is actually not at all as terrifying and invincible as expected.

“Fearow, peck with a hole drill.”

Taguchi apparently found that he has completely fallen into the opponent’s rhythm here, and he must now use a fierce attack to disrupt the opponent’s establishment. The rhythm of getting up, otherwise he will appear battered and exhausted even if he wins in the end, which he cannot accept.

“Hoothoot ——”

Pidgey is a distance from Fearow. Watching the Fearow use big move rushing over, Pidgey’s small spirituality eyes are not flustered, first The Agility boost was applied to the self whose speed-up effect had faded, and then the red white flame burst on the petite body, and the body rushed straight down towards the battlefield.


Pidgey made a sudden change of direction. With Spark’s flashing effect and skilled flying skills, Fearow’s hole drilled fiercely and hit the battlefield below. , The solid Ground was instantly energized by the spiral of Fearow’s long beak, and a big pothole was drilled.

“Now, use Air Slash to attack Fearow’s wings.”

“Damn, Fearow, put your wings away soon.”

This disparity in strength In the battle of wits and courage, Fearow, who was originally at the first and unbeatable, has now fallen into a weird disadvantage.


For Air Slash’s standard head, Liang Ren and Pidgey were not trained for nothing. Fearow folded their wings and pulled out the long beak from the field at the same time. Unfortunately, Pidgey at first didn’t want to attack the other parts of Fearow’s wings. Its attack point was always the root of the wings.

A wind blade of azure slashed at the roots of Fearow’s wings half-and-half, under the broken and hard feathers, the pink muscles rolled back, and bright red blood beads quickly leaked out from the wound.

“Fearow, take out your spine and fly high.”

“Don’t give each other a chance, use Lie Hurricane.”

The instruction of the trainer of both parties Quickly, Liang Ren, who is at first disadvantaged, builds his own advantage little by little, and now he controls the situation on the court.

“hu hu ~”

Fearow shook his head and shook off the sand in his mouth, his two paws clasped on the ground, and his blood-dropped wings raised high , Ready to fly again.

Liang Ren won’t give Fearow this chance. Pidgey flickered up ahead of Fearow’s head, powerful wings vibrated fiercely, and a violent wind wall moved towards the Fearow below was pressed down.


The heavy wind pressure on the back greatly increased the pressure on Fearow to lift off. The wing muscles twitched suddenly and there was a sharp pain. Air Slash was used as a Flying Type. The high-damage single Ability, the damage caused to Fearow is not small, especially the Fearow’s wings.

“Continue to use Lie Hurricane.”

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