Lee Hurricane is Pidgey’s only second proficiency to master the Top Rank Ability. After mastering Air Slash, Lie Hurricane mostly interferes with the opponent, but it does not mean that Lie Hurricane’s ability to injure the enemy is weak. .

With all my strength to vibrate the wings, the messy and violent wind wall fiercely pressed on Fearow’s back. With Fearow’s wings injured, Pidgey’s fierce Hurricane accelerated Fearow’s physical exertion.

The blood drops on the wings were a bit dry by the wind, but the dizziness and weakness caused by the heavy bleeding made Fearow unable to fly for a long time.

“Fearow, keep using Spark like this for a flash.”

“Retreat, Air Slash Stockpile.”

The advantage is getting bigger and bigger, Liang Ren instead Be more cautious, Fearow’s injury is not at all as heavy as imagined, and it still has a chance to comeback. Its powerful attacking power only needs one move, and it can completely bring the situation back. Liang Ren who knows this is determined not to give it. Fearow this opportunity.


The red white light on his body gushes out, Fearow leans on Spark’s flash, and the breakthrough wind wall flies again, Liang Ren behind The retreat was very decisive, and immediately retreated when the situation was wrong, and did not give the opponent the slightest opportunity.


Looking at Pidgey who flashed to the other side of the field, Pidgey exchanged a glance with one pet, and Pidgey moved towards Fearow silently, waving his wings, an azure The wind blade aimed at Fearow’s injured wing and hit it.



When Pidgey was dodging, the Air Slash had already started Stockpile. Fearow worked hard to break through Hurricane’s Suppress, rush up to the sky and scream.

Pidgey stared at this timing, turned to bow and waved his wings in one go, azure’s wind blade aimed at Fearow’s injured wing root and cut off. Taguchi expression was surprised and wanted to command Fearow many times. Pidgey’s offense was a few beats slower.


Fearow is stronger than Pidgey, but its autonomous combat capability is weaker by more than 10%. The injured wing is hit hard again, and the body cannot maintain balance. Fearow fell straight down.

“Don’t let the opponent go, continue to use Air Slash.”

When a bird Pokémon loses its flying ability, it can be said that the battle strength of the whole body goes directly to most of it, like Fearow This kind of Pokémon, who did not master the ability of long-range attack, fell to the ground at this moment, and the battle strength went directly to 80% to 90%.


Pidgey the more fights the more brave is, in a state of high mental excitement, even the display of Ability becomes exceptionally smooth, with a sudden wave Wings, a huge moon arc of azure moved towards Fearow below.

“Bang——Ka! !”

The size of the usual wingspan of two meters gives Fearow a great advantage in close combat. Now after losing his flying ability, But let it become a target of Pidgey.

Azure’s moon arc fiercely cut on Fearow’s body, and the rough brown feather inch by inch broke apart, and a hideous wound was formed on Fearow’s back again.

Looking at the wailing Fearow on the battlefield, the audience outside the field boiled again. Didn’t expect that the Rookie in front of him could reverse such a disadvantaged match to this extent.

“roar roar……”

“This rookie actually pressed Taguchi to fight, this……”

The battle on the field was exciting all off the field. The audience around cheered again and again, and even the trainers in the waiting hall outside, their eyes widened in disbelief.

“It is indeed the opponent I approved.” On the contrary, he put out a wooden shirt, staring scorchingly at the broadcast screen on the wall, looking at the focal point of ten thousands on the field, the teenager overwhelmed by emotions said.

“wu wu ~”

Vulpix originally watched the game well, but suddenly his ears were squeezed by his trainer, and he couldn’t help groaning.

“Ah~ I’m sorry, Vulpix, I didn’t mean it.” I lowered my head and saw Vulpix with tears rolling in his eyes. He panicked out of his wooden shirt and quickly released the pinch on Vulpix’s ear. Finger apologized.

“I recognize…”

“Pidgey, use the strongest Air Slash.”

Liang Ren, with a calm expression, looks like a bear at this moment With the burning flames, Liang Ren, who was in a high level of excitement, did not give Taguchi a chance to surrender and issued an Attack Order to Pidgey loudly.

A azure moon arc wind blade moved towards the messy feathers below Fearow and cut it away.


I was chopped by Pidgey with Air Slash more than a dozen times. Even if Fearow is more resistant to beating, he has reached the limit at this moment. It is much stronger than I didn’t know at the beginning. The huge wind blade, the terrifying damage directly obliterated the last point of Fearow’s persistence.

The slender head fell softly to the ground, and in the end, without a groan, Fearow had lost its combat capability.

“Fearow lost the combat capability, this game was won by Mumu Liang Ren.” After counting for a few times, seeing that Fearow did not stand up anymore, the referee announced loudly.


“roar roar ……”

As a rookie, no one at first is optimistic about him, only First Rank Level 2 Pidgey, who is chased by the aggressive Fearow, can only be a strategic withdrawal.

However, Liang Ren seized the advantage of Pidgey’s flexible stature and forcibly pulled the situation back little by little. The long and difficult process made the off-field audience subconsciously forget that Liang Ren was a novice. identity of.

Looking at the young teenagers on the field, really relying on a Pidgey to defeat Taguchi, who had a record of three consecutive victories before, for a time the entire battlefield echoed with the audience mountain cry out and sea Howl like cheers.

“Pidgey ……Pidgey ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

Compared with looking at an old seniority The trainer ravaged the rookie, and Rookie counterattacked down the veteran who had a lot of record, which undoubtedly makes people feel much more interesting.


Looking at Pidgey’s descent body steadily resting on his shoulders, Liang Ren let out a deep breath, and he endured the battle. The pressure is not small.

“Pidgey, did a great job, didn’t expect that through this battle, your control of Air Slash has broken through.” Liang Ren touched the feathers on Pidgey’s neck, with a look on his face Said with a smile.

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey was so happy that his eyes were narrowed into crescent moons after being praised by his own trainer. In the past, relying on the speed of skipping grades to challenge, the number of times he won the final victory was not Less, but this time the pressure is the greatest.

“Let’s go.”

Liang Ren beckoned to the cheering audience outside the field, and then took Pidgey off the field. The audience who bought tickets to watch the game are just pictures A lively event, Liang Ren and Rookie actually defeated an experienced trainer and won a lot of applause, but this does not mean that these people are his supporters.

“Applause and applause are all imaginary, and everything is still focused on improving strength.” Liang Ren sees these things very clearly, and the reputation without strength is just a mere illusion.

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