After chatting with Flora for a while, the issue about this news media company was finally finalized.

Because the funds for the founding of this company are all funded by Liang Ren, Liang Ren is the boss behind the news media company, and Flora is just the CEO of on the surface.

Liang Ren invested 50 million yuan, accounting for 90% of Primal’s shares, while Flora Technology and Human Resources took up 5% of the company’s shares, and the remaining 5% of the shares were distributed to other backbones of the company.

The company’s name is abbreviated as “Sun News”. After the company is established, it will publish the “Sun Daily” in two ways: paper newspapers and online new media.

In order to found this news media company, Ciflora brought out all the backbone elites in the Saffron Middle School Network Media Center club.

With Flora’s rich work experience in online new media, Liang Ren believes that the company “Sun News” is very promising, and there is him behind this company.


Although the direct purpose of calling Flora this time is to let her take down the Gym of Mandolin Island, the news media company’s matter is just mentioned by the way .

But this does not mean that Liang Ren does not take this matter seriously. On the contrary, when Liang Ren thought about it and offered to inject capital, it already means that he was serious.

As a transmigrator, Liang Ren knows what a well-run news media company means in modern society.

Pokémon world has a population of 1 billion, not everyone is a trainer, not everyone will run and travel around the world.

Therefore, because of the barrier of distance in geographical space, people who want to get the latest events happening in the distance can only use TV news and online media.

A huge news media company, if it is well managed and large enough in scale and volume, can even manipulate the direction of public opinion in the entire Region and even the entire world.

Orange Alliance has just been established, and various infrastructures are not perfect. This special time is an opportunity and a window period for Flora’s news media company.

If it can be established in the shortest time and seize the market in the Orange Islands, this will not only be huge profits for Liang Ren, but also have some deeper meanings.

Because he is not a simple businessman and capitalist, he is also the director of the Indigo Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau, and he seeks the highest power of the Indigo Alliance.

Of course Liang Ren funded Flora to establish a news media company. This is not a conspiracy. It can only be said that the business vision and political situation are more ambitious than others.

Dewen Group, Shiluf Company…, Pokémon world consortium giants made their fortunes in industry, and Liang Ren chose to embrace the Internet and the new media era of big data.

Selecting the field and direction, maybe in the future, while he sits on the throne of the highest power of Alliance, he will unconsciously become a generation of news giants and media tycoons.

Who knows the future.


As soon as Liang Ren hung up, the girl walked over with a cup of brewed black tea.

“Did you call Flora Senior Sister?” While passing the black tea to Liang Ren, Casey pretended to ask casually.

In Saffron Middle School, Liang Ren, who has an easy-going personality and a handsome appearance, does not know how many girls are the White Horse Prince, but for these girls, Liang Ren always keeps a certain distance.

In the school, apart from Casey’s four dormitories and the female classmates in the class, only Flora Senior Sister from the third grade network media center is closer to Liang Ren.

The two had just decided on their relationship a few days ago. The girl lacked a sense of security due to her love instinct. When Liang Ren called Flora, Casey couldn’t help but ask.

Of course, as a smart girl, Casey is not as sensitive and demented as many girls in love relationships. Any contact between her boyfriend and other women will be suspicious or even harassment.

Of course, upon hearing Casey’s questioning carelessly, Liang Ren immediately understood his girlfriend’s feelings, and lightly squeezed the girl’s catty little hand and gave a simple explanation.

“Orange Alliance was founded. Next, I plan to set up seven new Gyms. I called, I wanted Flora Senior Sister to find a way to see if I could win a Gym. After all, a Gym contains Great interest.”

“Furora Senior Sister is planning to start a news media company. Recently, she was busy looking for investors, but kept running into a wall, so I decided to inject capital to help her.”

Taking a sip of black tea, Casey is not only good at various dances, but because she helped out at Liang Ren Mother’s shop, she learned that Liang Ren likes tea.

During Liang Ren’s visit to Hoenn during the summer vacation in the first half of the summer, Casey who stayed in Saffron City to improve her dancing ability also enrolled in a class to learn tea art.

“Hmm~” Her cautious thoughts were detected by her boyfriend, and the girl couldn’t help feeling shy, but seeing Liang Ren gently explain to her, Casey still felt very sweet in her heart.

“Before the Indigo Alliance appointed Momoa as the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym. It was also due to the innate talent of Momoa’s trainer and Liang Ren, who worked together on your side. The result.”

“Although the Orange Alliance created a new Gym, there were a lot of free Gym Leader spots at once, but Flora Senior Sister would not be so easy for her to win one.” Casey talked about his concerns.

“You look down on our Senior Sister too much.” Liang Ren took the girl’s hand and sat down on the chair on the balcony, shook the head with a smile.

“Oh~ Does Flora Senior Sister have a great family background in the Orange Islands?” Casey is very clever. Listening to Liang Ren’s tone, she instantly interpreted a lot of things.

“Almost, in the early years when the Alliance was not established, the Orange Islands was respected by Asia Island. As the maiden of the sea, Flora Senior Sister was in the mind of the islanders of the Orange Islands. High status.”

“Even now that the Orange Alliance is established, the status of Asia Island has been weakened a lot, but the influence of the islanders in mind is still there, and the background and network of connections are still there. “

“In addition, the Orange Alliance has just been established, and the talent gap is very large. As long as the strength reaches the level of Gym trainer, after joining the Orange Alliance, there is a high probability of being appointed as the Gym Leader of the new Gym.”< /p>

For this, Liang Ren clearly understands that Joy Red is the Nurse Joy in the center of Pokémon on Cinnabar Island, because he has Pokémon with quasi-Elite strength in his hands.

As a result, after joining the Orange Alliance, he was directly appointed as the head of the Pokémon Supervisory Bureau. You must know the same level of position.

In Kanto Johto, a well-developed Alliance, at least a trainer with one or two Elite strengths can serve as a trainer, and there is a must for seniority and background.

“Although it is said that, but as the new official power, will Orange Alliance reject the traditional power of Asia?” Casey asked.

“No, because Asia has a more important mission here. The lineage of Asia has a lofty status in the mind of the islanders since ancient times, but it is not at all integrating the intention to rule the Orange Islands. .”

“So Orange Alliance will not reject Asia Lineage, but hopes Asia Lineage will join Alliance to enhance the legitimacy of orange Alliance.”



The weather was very high in the afternoon. Sitting on the small balcony of the villa, bathed in the warm sunshine, the beautiful woman was in her arms.

Seeing that Casey was interested in the Orange Alliance, Liang Ren also patiently explained to her. Liang Ren picked some information about the Alliance and the information about Divine Bird in Asia listen.

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