

Successfully promoted to a professional five-star trainer, and successfully graduated from Saffron Middle School, Liang Ren felt relaxed and comfortable from the heart.

Everything that should be prepared before the business trip has been prepared.

Calling the family and Alliance, Liang Ren took Lucario to the Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym in the eastern suburbs to bid farewell to Kiyo and the senior and junior brothers.

One night off, at 8:30 in the morning on the 2nd day, Liang Ren and Casey took a taxi to Saffron East Station.

The train ticket and SS Ticket were booked in advance yesterday. The two took a train from Saffron East Station to the west to the port city of Baifan City.

Baifan City can only be regarded as a third-tier city among all Kanto cities. It is not close to the economic hinterland of Saffron City. High-speed rail is not at all available between the two cities.

Liang Ren and Casey are on an old green train.

After the catenary on the top of the locomotive transmits electrical energy to the locomotive through the pantograph, this old-style steel dragon slowly drove out of Saffron East Station and flew towards the West in a burst of long jets. .

In November, the southern country is warm as spring, but it is already winter in the hinterland of the mainland where Saffron City is located.

Although it was early winter, the temperature in the morning had dropped to ten degrees Celsius. Liang Ren and Casey, who were sitting near the train window, turned their heads and looked out the window.

Above the wasteland shrouded in frost and fog, the land is bare, and everywhere is bare, giving people a desolate feeling.

Although it hasn’t started snowing yet, this vast wasteland is shrouded in early morning frost and fog, and some places are already shining with cold silver light.

“Casey, are you cold?” Liang Ren thoughtfully asked the girl sitting across from the small table.

“It’s not cold–” The girl shook the head.

Under the influence of Liang Ren, Casey now has the habit of getting up early and doing morning exercises every day, and she is very aware of the drop in temperature.

And when she went out in the morning, Liang Ren had specifically asked her to add an extra dress.

“The youngster’s body is better than those of us Old Guy. You see I wear a cotton jacket.” Sitting next to Liang Ren was an old man with a weathered face.

Hearing Liang Ren talking with Casey, the old man said with a simple and kind smile on his face.

“The temperature has dropped a bit badly recently, so you should wear more clothes, but you can see that your body is still very strong, uncle.” Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

“The cold in the morning is a bit heavy, Great Grandpa, you have a cup of Scald to warm up your body.” As the two talked, Casey, who was sitting opposite, took out two large stainless steel vacuum flasks from the fitness bag. .

The solid color is Liang Ren’s, the powder paint is her own, Liang Ren’s cup is made of black tea, and her cup is made of milk tea.

Unscrew Liang Ren’s water cup, poured a cup of hot tea with the lid and handed it to the old man, and then casually poured a cup of hot tea with the lid of her water cup and handed it to Liang Ren who was sitting across from her.

“Thank you girl~” The old man took a sip of Overheat tea and thanked him.

“youngster, this girl is you…”

“It’s my girlfriend.” Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

“so that’s how it is, this girl is kind-hearted, although she doesn’t wear gold and silver like those rich Young Lady, but this looks is the life of the rich.”

“This girl with a blessing in her eyebrows, not only will she enjoy her life in the future, but the man will be very smooth and smooth regardless of the official business career.”

After checking Casey’s eyes, he turned to look at Liang Ren seriously and said.

“youngster, Senior has something to keep in mind for you, you girl is a Vanguard, don’t betray such a good girl like the playboy in the city.”


After a cup of hot tea, the old man seemed to open the chatterbox, but the old man’s words made Liang Ren and Casey sitting across from him feel a little shy.

“Uncle, you still look at your face.” Liang Ren asked with a smile.

“Youngster, don’t look at the uncle like this, but I’m very experienced in people. When I was young, there was even a gamer who thought I was very innate talent and wanted to accept me as a discipline. “

“Wow! Great Grandpa is really amazing—”



Saffron City It was a three-hour drive to Baifan City. The scenery outside the window was bleak and bleak, and the journey was quite boring.

However, upon encountering such an old man, Liang Ren and Casey also accompanied them to chat and pass the time. Three hours passed in a flash.

“Master, we’re at the station, you sit down, let’s go first.” Hearing the announcement of the train’s arrival, Liang Ren got up to help Casey carry his luggage, and walked towards the door of the car. Say goodbye to the old man.

“Great Grandpa, let’s go, I wish you a pleasant visit~” Casey also waved his hand.

“Holle, girl, go walking slowly, I wish you all the best.”

The old man greeted Casey and warned repeatedly: “youngster, always remember the uncle If you are a Wangfuxiang, you must not be half-hearted and let her down.”

“Get together and get married when you are almost done. What will you do to keep you rich in the future? Everything will go smoothly, did you hear it~”

“I see, uncle, I remember, thank you uncle for your Gold Jade kind words, we are gone–” Liang Ren smiled towards this funny The old man waved his hand.

Then I walked out of the car with my luggage. Baifan City is a relatively large stop. There are a lot of people getting off the car, and the inside of the car and the door are also crowded.

Liang Ren didn’t patronize him either, and he held the girl’s hand for fear that she would be separated from him.

Looking at the youngsters on the platform outside the car holding hands and walking towards the exit, the old man who stretched his head and looked at the window of the tenth car was nodded with satisfaction.

“It is good to be young, if I had…oh!” The old man sighed shook the head, with a touch of remembrance and regret on his face.


“Brother Liang Ren, where are we going next?” Coming out of the train station, looking at the swelling sea at the other end of the zigzag coastline, the girl turned Asked the boy with a handsome face next to him.

“The communication ship from Baifan City to Pummelo Island was 13:20 in the afternoon. It is now more than eleven o’clock. We walked slowly to the lower city area and we can almost have lunch.”


“When Shellder evolved, setback came out. When I went to Binu City to the southeast, I also stayed in Baifan City for more than a long time. I know that there is a shop that has pineapple Roasted Meat which is very good. I will take you to try it.” Liang Ren said.

“Good–” The girl is nodded, Baifan City is distributed in a narrow strip along the coastline, and the train station is on a platform with a relatively high topography in the innermost part of the city.

The sea breeze from below blows over, and the girl’s cream-colored soft hair flutters messily in the wind, adding a strange charm to the girl, just like the famous oil painter’s painting “Girl in the Wind” “

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario, Monarch Snake, Dratini, everyone come out.” Looking at the elegant Baifan City below, Liang Ren threw a few treasure balls with a big hand.

“Sayuri, beautiful, let you two come out to breathe.” Seeing Liang Ren’s movements, Casey also released his two Pokémon.

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