

“bang bang bang bang ……”

However, compared to the parties’ dumbfoundedness, they watched from the sidelines The visitors saw that the match was divided, but the spectators who watched a wonderful matchup did not hesitate to send cheers and applause.

“Damn, let’s treat Exeggutor and Jynx.” Not paying attention to the surprise of the two opposite people, Liang Ren said to Levitate at his side Slowpoke to the warm applause of the audience.

“Yadu——٩(⊙o⊙*)و好~” After Slowpoke replied to complied, he raised his hand to the two Exeggutors and Jynx that had passed out and lost the combat capability and shot two Heal Pulses.

“Thank you~” Seeing Liang Ren’s actions, Yongtai who finally came back to his senses quickly thanked him.

It was Yoko on the side. He saw Liang Ren’s Slowpoke in midair by Confusion Levitate, with a looking thoughtful look on his face.

I glanced up and down at the teenager who was wearing a white baseball cap and disposable medical mask. He suddenly thought of and so on Yoko, covering his mouth with both hands and a look of surprise on his face.

“Ahhh, you are…”



—————— ————

The battle is over, Liang Ren, who has been identified, was taken to take a photo together, and signed a name on the Poké Ball of the young couple.

Seeing that Yongtai and Yoko finally left, Liang Ren and Casey, who were sighed slightly in relief, took Pokémon to the front deck of the communication ship to blow the air.

During the battle just now, the communication ship had set anchor and left Baifan Port. It has been sailing south for a while now.

“Compared to the mainland, the temperature on the Orange Islands is much warmer.” Casey said with his hand on the white-painted iron railing at the front of the deck.

“After all, it is an equatorial tropical region, which is normal to be warmer than the mainland.” Liang Ren nodded said.

When he left Saffron City this morning, Liang Ren added a slightly thicker coat. Now the communication ship is heading south and entering the Orange Islands, and the temperature has gradually risen again.

A t-shirt and a thin coat are completely enough. Even if hu hu is blowing the sea breeze, Liang Ren does not feel cold. Of course, this is also related to his good physical fitness and strong physique.

“The Orange Alliance has just been established, and the new Gym has not yet been implemented. Liang Ren, you probably can’t immediately go on a trip to play Gym.”

“Next, Liang Ren How did you plan?” The girl turned to Liang Ren and asked.

“First go to the Orange Alliance headquarters: Pummelo Island, discuss the issues created by the new Gym with the Orange Alliance, and then decide as soon as possible.”

“The rest is oranges. Alliance is busy on its own.”

“After that, I plan to go to Asia for a special training period. Cloyster is hitting the Elite level. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the strength of the other main Pokémon.”< /p>

“In addition, Casey, you can also consider if there is any Pokémon you want to take. Although this year’s Spring Festival is over, when you send Little Lei to Unova at the beginning of next year, you have already planned to take a gray-blue duck. Cultivate.”

“But the three Pokemons are still a little bit short.” Liang Ren said.

“Uh-huh—it’s not anxious to conquer the new Pokémon. After all, I’m not a professional trainer. Rather than cultivating strong battle strength, I tend to discover some talented dancers. Miaozi.”

Casey said that she not at all refuted Liang Ren’s suggestion.

However, as a girl with independent thinking and independent thinking, Casey is not blind in doing things. She has her own considerations in accepting Pokémon.

Of course, Liang Ren doesn’t insist on this kind of thing. His purpose of saying this is just to suggest that’s all. It’s a good thing for girls to have their own ideas.



The sun is shining and the wind is surging.

The communication ship departing from Baifan City went all the way south, stopping at some small island ports from time to time to pick up and drop off passengers. Until more than three hours later, the communication ship finally arrived at Liang Ren and their destination: Pummelo Island .


“The communication vessel from Baifan City has arrived at Pummelo Island Port. The communication vessel will dock at Pummelo Island Port for 30 minutes. Passengers arriving at the port Please bring your luggage and prepare to disembark.”

“Remind again…”

“Brother Liang Ren, we are here.” Looking at the beautiful island behind the port, Casey’s face A smile appeared.

People who were born and grew up in the interior have a natural longing for the sea, but after a few hours of boat ride, the scenery on the sea will feel very boring after a long time.

Now finally arrived at the destination, not to mention Casey, even Liang Ren feels very happy.

“Um~ let’s get off the boat.” Liang Ren took the gym bag from Casey’s hand, and took the girl and Slowpoke Pokémon off the boat.

Pummelo Island, as the headquarters of the Orange Alliance, the original residents of the island have also moved out, although the port of Pummelo Island is a very large port on the communication ship navigation route.

However, the passengers who disembarked on Pummelo Island were not at all. Liang Ren and Casey took the passengers who got off the boat from the boarding ladder and lay on the deck to blow the wind, and the two curious again Gaze.

Before fighting with Yongta and Yoko on the ship, most passengers on the ship knew that Liang Ren and Casey were also Pokémon trainers, and they were also very powerful.

“Why are you all staring at these two people? Is there anything special about these two people?” A young man on the deck asked curiously to the person beside him.

“Mr. Danny, you are the ship on the Hamlin Island port. You may not know that. When the communication ship left the port of Baifan City in the afternoon, the two men and another young couple had a wonderful doubles Competition.”

“Opponent sent two powerful Pokémons, Exeggutor and Jynx. However, within a few rounds of the match, they were defeated cleanly by these two youngsters.”

“These two youngsters are very strong, and you see these two people disembark on Pummelo Island. According to me, these two people are most likely to join the Orange Alliance.” A middle age person speculated dressed as a fisherman.

“Your guess is very likely to be correct. The descendants of an old friend of mine work in Alliance. Now our Alliance has just been established. I heard that in addition to the original South In addition to the Doji Gym, a new Gym will be established.”

“These two young trainers, maybe they are the talents recruited by Alliance——”

“… “


Liang Ren and Casey who disembarked took Pokémon away. The two did not know what the many tourists on the communication ship said about them. Of course Even if you know it, you don’t care.

He is not the talent recruited by the Orange Alliance, nor is he the candidate for the next Gym Leader of the Orange Alliance’s new Gym, but he has a great say in the creation of the Orange Alliance’s new Gym.

“Director Liang Ren~” Just walked out of the dock, Joy, dressed in a gray and black inspector costume, hurriedly greeted him with a subordinate.

When the communication ship was about to dock, Liang Ren called Joy Hong. As the director of the Kanto Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau, Orange Alliance had to send someone to pick it up.

However, seeing Joy Hong personally pick him up, Liang Ren felt a little surprised.

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