What Liang Ren didn’t know was that his plan on the creation of the new Gym of the Orange Alliance and the reform of the competition system gave Joy Red and the senior leaders of the Orange Alliance a big surprise.

After talking to Liang Ren on the phone, Joy Hong called another sister Joy man in the Kanto Alliance Pokémon Supervision Bureau.

At the time, the Joy man had heard Liang Ren’s introduction to the Orange Alliance’s Gym and competition system reform plan, and she was also amazed. In fact, when at first Alliance assigned such a task to Liang Ren, she also embraced it. Some doubts.

Strong personal strength is one thing, but work ability is another thing. However, Liang Ren gave her a big surprise this time.

Not only are the two sisters of Joy Red and Joy, Liang Ren handed over the reform plan here. Liang Ren has gained a lot of popularity in both the Orange Alliance and Kanto Alliance.

Although Liang Ren doesn’t know these things, he really hopes to see this result.

“Director Liang Ren, welcome~ It’s a hard journey.” Joy Hong received warmly.

“No hard work~”



The communication ship arrived at Pummelo Island on Thursday afternoon A few points, and a few words with Joy Hong, Liang Ren and Casey took Pokémon back into the baby ball, and then drove to the Orange Alliance headquarters with Joy Hong in the car.

After the residents on the island moved out, the entire Pummelo Island is where the Alliance headquarters is located. Various functional departments are scattered on Pummelo Island. The highest point on the island is the Pummelo Stadium and the Victor’s Palace.

In the past, the Orange Islands challenged and obtained the trainer of the four Gym Badge of the Southern Cross. You can challenge the chief trainer at Pummelo Stadium. If you win, the name of the trainer can enter the hall of winners.

Originally according to Liang Ren’s plan, now he is also playing Gym to collect the Southern Cross Gym Badge, and then prepares for the final challenge to the Orange Alliance chief trainer Drake.

However, the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Mt. Moon’s pulse has been out for more than two months. He has joined the Kanto Alliance and became the leader of the Pokémon Inspectorate.

Now I come to the Orange Islands again. It is only a secondary task to play Gym and participate in the Winners Cup. The first task is to travel as the leader of Kanto Alliance. Coaching Orange Alliance will reform and improve the Gym and tournament system.

The car stopped in front of a luxurious hotel on the east side of Pummelo Island. This is the place built by the Orange Alliance to receive foreign guests.

“Director Liang Ren, Casey’s Young Lady, the two of them who have been on the road boat fatigue for a day, now stay in the hotel for a while, and we will catch the wind for the two in the evening.”

“As for official business, wait for Director Liang Ren to take a rest, and we will have a meeting tomorrow. What do you think?” Joy Hong asked Liang Ren respectfully.

“a guest will comply with the wishes of the host, Director Joy, please arrange it.” When he came to the opponent’s home court, Liang Ren not at all showed any presumptuous behavior, nodded responded.

“Okay, the two rest first. I will let my subordinates come over and invite them to a dinner later.” Joy red nodded, “Xiao Zhou, you help Director Liang Ren and Casey’s Young Lady carry the luggage up Click.”

“Okay, Director~” The subordinate of the driver who had previously helped drive the driver respectfully agreed.



But despite the enthusiasm of the other party, Liang Ren handed his only fitness bag to the other party to carry, four of them Take the elevator to the top floor of the hotel.

Because all the Orange Alliance’s jurisdiction is Sea Territory and islands, plus Pummelo Island is not big, except for the major functional department buildings of the Orange Alliance, they are the Pummelo Stadium, the Victor’s Palace and the Citrus Seaview Hotel. This building is more conspicuous.

The Citrus Seaview Hotel is a place where people from other alliances or other agencies in the jurisdiction temporarily live when they return to the headquarters to report on their duties.

Because Liang Ren’s status is more distinguished, the Orange Alliance here is to arrange super luxury suites on the upper floors of the hotel. When you open the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can not only overlook the scenery of the entire Pummelo Island, but also see the beautiful blue sea .

“It’s so beautiful~” After seeing Joy Hong and his subordinate boat leave, Casey also put down his restraint and opened the floor-to-ceiling window to the small balcony, looking excitedly at the distant seascape.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario, Monarch Snake, Dratini, all of you come out and breathe.”

“But only in the hotel, you can’t go out and play crazy— —” Liang Ren exhorted again.

This is where the headquarters of the Orange Alliance is located, and he is a foreigner sent by other Alliances on business trips. If Pokemon is freely released on the island, it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot nodded out of the baby ball, Liang Ren’s words are mainly to say to it, Slowpoke, as long as they have some snacks, they will stay obediently and won’t run around.


In the living room, the monarch snake, Casey’s son, and her two Pokémons turned on the TV to watch a romance soap opera.

Pidgeot Slowpoke huddled together to fight for snacks, while the little Dratini leaned over Lucario to watch it play games.

After a day’s journey, as Joy Hong said, the boat is fatigue. Rest is not enough during the day. Liang Ren went to the bathroom and took a warm shower.

Then he went back to his room, took out the laptop, and modified the transformation and creation plan of the Orange Alliance Southern Cross, Big Dipper Gym, and the integration of the Alliance Conference and the Orange Winner Cup. And perfect.

In his position, his duty, and his duty, he came to the Orange Islands on a business trip as the head of the Kanto Alliance Pokémon Inspection Bureau this time. All of the above-mentioned matters need to be dealt with carefully.

However, the previous big plans have been given to the Orange Alliance, and the remaining details will be discussed with the senior officials of the Orange Alliance at the meeting tomorrow.

After making a simple modification and improvement of the plan book in the laptop, Liang Ren put the computer away and started to work on his own affairs.

This trip to Orange Alliance was actually just incidental. His main goal is to travel and challenge the Southern Cross Gym, and then participate in the Orange Alliance’s Winner Cup.

However, the Orange Alliance Gym and Conference systems are undergoing innovation. It is unlikely that it will be possible to play Gym in the Winners Cup in the short term, so Liang Ren will also need to make second-hand arrangements.

When the official duties of the Orange Alliance are completed, he is going to the Ice Island for special training for a period of time. He will attack the professional five-star trainer in Saffron City. The Monarch Snakes have received a lot of actual combat training. Settle and digest experience.

Whether it is the main trump card of the first echelon, or the Lucario and the monarch snake of the second echelon, there is still a lot of room for excavation in the short term.

“The time is getting more and more pressing before the Kalos P1world Fighting Championship next year. After helping Lucario consolidate his strength, I will also start the advanced development of Aura.”

“On the side of the Monarch Snake, the explosive attack, the charm control, and the consumption pull. These three sets of tactics seem to be impeccable logically.”

“But once you encounter a professional five-star promotion match like Ritchie An opponent like Charizard, the monarch snake will also be very difficult to play.”

“In the singles game, the pure Grass Type still has too many weaknesses, and the attack surface is not ideal. Next, we must help the monarch snake Master some abilities that can deal damage in the reverse Attribute battle.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

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