Taking cold marrow mutation, assimilating and assimilating Never-Melt Ice, and evolving the orb of ice in the mouth, resulting in a trace of meteorological authority.

Cloyster has won a lot of opportunities and fortuitous encounters, but as the main force of Liang Ren’s team, Cloyster has been steadily and steadily laying a solid foundation along the way.

This breakthrough Elite level is also completely where water flows, a canal is formed.

On the bitter ice island, on the top of the frozen Snow Mountain, and under the coaching of Articuno, the god of ice, Cloyster has realized his own spirit willpower during this time.

“”Ice Will”? “Call out Cloyster’s Attribute panel to check. Below the Cloyster feature bar, there is as much willpower as Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

Although Liang Ren’s voice is low, the Articuno on the Altar of Ice is still I heard it.

Although I don’t know why Liang Ren knew of Cloyster’s will to comprehend, Articuno was not too surprised when he remembered that he established a bond with Pokémon.

” Huh~” Articuno whispered, and under Slowpoke’s translation, he explained to Liang Ren the “ice will” that Cloyster had understood.

“Ice, winter, wind and snow, frost, extreme cold, etc., these wills can all be attributed to a kind of will of ice.”

” Compared with the other latter, the ice will of you, Cloyster, is the closest to the will of the source ice.”

“Although the will is only a clear comprehension, it will impact what you humans call champions in the future. At the level, you will also comprehend the power of nature.”

“When you reach the Divine Beast level like me, you can get access to the most original Law Power, which is more high-end and more powerful.”< /p>

“But you, as a Cloyster, can understand the spirit willpower of ice, which is infinitely close to the original “ice”, at the quasi Elite breakthrough Elite level. It can be seen that this girl’s innate talent is also Peak’s. “

“Cultivate it well, maybe it will have the probability to reach this realm in the future. “Slowpoke translates Articuno’s words for Liang Ren like simultaneous interpretation.

“The ice will is the will that is closest to the original “ice”. “After the explanation of Articuno, the god of ice, Liang Ren has a better understanding of the ice will of Cloyster.

“Then Articuno, what did you understand at the beginning? “Liang Ren asked curiously.

“Huh~” Articuno raised his head proudly.

“The Divine Bird is revered as the god of ice by the islanders of the Orange Islands, and understands Nature is the most original “Ice Will”, and the laws he mastered are also the most original “Ice Laws.” “

“Is the will of ice and the law of ice?” “Liang Ren muttered, and he was secretly surprised.

“Hmm–of course, most of the Articuno clan comprehend the wind and snow will and the wind and snow laws. Only a genius like me can understand the most The original will of ice and the law of ice. “

Articuno is obviously an arrogant and narcissistic person. Because of Liang Ren’s identity, Articuno not only did not hide his information, but spoke it out in a very high-profile manner.

Look With this look of Articuno, even though Liang Ren couldn’t help but spit out Articuno’s really stinky and narcissistic, but Casey’s eyes looking at Articuno were full of admiration.

He was saying: “It’s so amazing, I am indeed the god of ice. “

Although Liang Ren and Articuno talked about this because of Cloyster’s understanding of the “Ice Will”, but seeing Cloyster in a breakthrough, Liang Ren didn’t at all continue to take Articuno’s words.

With Articuno’s arrogant and narcissistic character, and it is long-awaited that no one will speak with him on the Ice Island, if Liang Ren continues to answer, it is estimated that Articuno will keep talking.

Liang Ren they walked to the leeward place beside the ice altar, and they guarded Cloyster quietly without making a sound.

Although there is no bond link, from the perspective of Cloyster’s growing breath, Liang Ren also knows that Cloyster’s breakthrough has come to the most critical moment.

Having stayed at the quasi-Elite level for a while, the liquid power of Cloyster within the body has been polished to the critical point of the upcoming breakthrough.

The power of the whole body has migrated to the very center of the body, here is the’dantian’ position of Cloyster’s body. The liquid power turns into a bright blue cold spring.

At this moment, under the guidance and control of the “Ice Will”, this Wang Lingling’s cold spring gradually began to freeze, and soon the gurgling cold spring, just like the Snow Mountain Tianchi Normal where Liang Ren is located, Was frozen into a solid.

Although the liquid force has become a solid state, it is only the product of the strong action of Cloyster’s “Ice Will”, and the power transformation is not at all completed.

“ka ka…” This frozen cold spring in Cloyster’dantian’ suddenly cracked under a twisting and squeezing force, and the ice cubes melted by the cold spring were quickly crushed and crushed into Debris and ice scum.

“hu hu……” A sudden burst of Dendemille blew from the dantian, the crushed ice slag was swept towards Sky and flew away, as if Blizzard Normal was suddenly blown on a snowy field full of snow. .

However, the broken ice that was caught in midair was not at all dancing randomly, but under the control of the “ice will” moved towards the middle, it gathered and formed a snow vortex.

The power that has been crushed, after being crushed and sieved by the snow vortex, has now become a snow powder material with no visible particles.

As if the preparatory work has finally been completed, the snow powder in the sky is once again guided by the “ice will” to be drawn into the snow vortex.

At this moment, the dusty snow powder is put together again, and under the action of the ice will, the structure is compressed while being combined.

Heat expansion and contraction, liquid water freezes into solid ice, and the volume will increase a lot. Therefore, the previous freezing of cold springs into ice is not a transformation of the source of strength, at most it is a physical level change.

The snow powder caught in the snow vortex at this moment is undergoing a real power qualitative change.

Some rules in the dark seem to give some hints to the “ice will”. The snow vortex starts to operate under a certain unique and profound and complex technique, and a grain of snow powder seems to be a construction The most basic building material for a strong fortress.

In the snow vortex, the combination was carried out according to the drawing requirements given by the rules of the underworld. This process is actually not long. The Dendemille who looked at it was drawn into the snow vortex and was at the bottom of the snow vortex in the blink of an eye. There was a flash of light.

It is like a diamond under the light, reflecting the sparkling crystal light.

This is not the unit of measurement used in the world of jewelry, carats, even pigeon eggs cannot be used to describe them, because the above two are too small.

At the time when Pidgeot broke through Elite, all the liquid power within the body was condensed and transformed into a green jujube size, diamond shape, and the overall color is light azure. There is a cluster of golden rootless flames in the center of the interior. The strange energy nucleus that curls and burns.

While wearing the “Holy Crown” by mistake, Slowpoke, which absorbs the energy of the Emperor Qi cloud to obtain the inheritance of the Wisdom King, condenses a fist sized, round energy crystal core like Gold Jade Sootopolis.

The size of the energy crystal nucleus is closely related to Pokémon’s talent potential, and the innate talent Species Strength of Cloyster has been increased to the limit of 640 by adding points.

Although it is not as good as Slowpoke’s 660, it is much higher than Pidgeot’s 601. At this moment, the combination of snow powder is inhaled and transformed by the snow vortex.

A little diamond light flashed at the bottom of the snow vortex, and the misty snow vortex moved upward, and Cloyster’s energy nucleus gradually revealed its full appearance.

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