This is also a diamond-shaped energy nucleus, but compared with Pidgeot鈥檚 energy nucleus, Cloyster鈥檚 energy nucleus is completely different in two points.

First of all, the energy crystal core of Cloyster is as clear as an ice diamond, without any color.

It is not as light azure as the energy nucleus of Pidgeot, there is also a cluster of golden flames burning in the curl.

Secondly, although the energy crystal core of Cloyster is not as big as the energy crystal core of Slowpoke.

But compared to Pidgeot’s energy crystal core, which is only a green jujube, this ice diamond energy crystal core of Cloyster is also the size of a lemon.

It can be seen that the talent potential of Cloyster, although not as good as Slowpoke, but compared with the Oldest Big Brother Pidgeot in the team, Cloyster’s innate talent is still slightly higher.


“Bzz Bzz Bzz!!!” The energy nucleus is formed, and the “ice will” is integrated into the energy nucleus, which is stronger than before Many times the pure and powerful force gushes from the crystal core.

This power flows through Cloyster’s whole body, and begins to make it the final step of quasi-Elite breakthrough, which will further improve and strengthen the physique.

When doing this step, Liang Ren, who was staring at ice sculpture outside, was also aware of it.

“ka ka…” Elite-level power began to temper Cloyster’s body, because there was no 100% strength control right after the breakthrough, and the escaping power made Cloyster’s whole body brilliance flow.

The trembling force of Bzz Bzz caused the ice cubes that had sealed Cloyster’s body to ka ka shatter, and the chill of Snow Mountain became active because of the Cloyster breakthrough Elite level.

Under the influence of the characteristic innate talent, sky began to float snow and Hail, and at the same time one after another aurora appeared on the top of the mountain Sky.

The colorful aurora resembles fluttering veil and curtains, as well as colored silks and ribbons that are blown towards the sky. The curtains of light are not affected by the strong winds on the top of the mountain, and are free to flow in the wind and snow.

This kind of natural phenomenon was not only seen by the two Divine Birds on Fire Island and Thunder Island, which are Trident-shaped adjacent to the Ice Island, but also by islanders on the island of Asia. This scene.

Saman, as the Great Elder and priest on the island, and Flora鈥檚 elder sister, the last sea maiden of the lineage of Asia Island hurried to the sea cliff altar to find the sage Hippo King.

There are not only three Divine Birds stationed on the Three Gods Island, but the lineage of Asia Island also has the responsibility of guarding the Three Gods Island. Seeing a natural phenomenon on the Ice Island, a group of islanders also panic.

“Don’t worry, this is the Cloyster breakthrough Elite natural phenomenon under Master Envoy.” At the sea cliff altar, King Hippo said with his back to both grandfather and grandson.

“Has the Messenger breakthrough Elite level yet? Laura revealed to me that Pidgeot and Slowpoke in the hands of the Messenger are already Elite level.”

“Now add Cloyster, the messenger is so young that he already has three Elite Pokemons. I am simply unheard-of with such an innate talent.” Saman sighed with the bird head sacrificial rod.

“In your human world, such an innate talent is indeed terrifying, but it is precisely with such an innate talent that the trainer is selected as a spokesperson by Master Lugia.”

Hippo King, with his hands on his back, looked at the highest ice island among the three islands in the distance, said calm and composed.

As the first Pok茅mon to follow the sea god Lugia, in the world of Hippo King recognition, the Elite level is just just entered, and only the champion level has some help for the sea god Lugia.

However, Liang Ren breeds three Pok茅mons with Elite strength at a young age. It is indeed amazing to put the human world outside.


When Saman was speaking with King Hippo, the aurora of Snow Mountain Sky on the ice island has disappeared. This is where Cloyster completed the breakthrough and converged his power result.

The cold mist filled, and the broken ice rocks began to peel off. Cloyster, who had been frozen for three days and nights, was finally unblocked and awake.

The white thorn armor is like Wanzai Hanyu Normal, and there is a layer of shock-absorbing inner armor with a slightly blue color inside. The innermost is the spherical body of Cloyster ice blue.

An ice crystal sharp horn that can pierce granite protrudes from the body. This is an anti-injury weapon that is sharper than that of armor.

“Congratulations~ Xiaobei, now you have finally reached the Elite level.” Liang Ren said.

“Ticket鈥斺€?!!” Cloyster squinted his eyes, nodded with joy.

Successful breakthrough, under the black altar with freezing ice, Cloyster is like an ice sculpture jade work of art.

“Articuno, many thanks for the care you have taken to Cloyster during this time, otherwise Cloyster will also impossible to break through to Elite so quickly.”

Cloyster completes the breakthrough, Liang Ren immediately not at all I hurriedly called Cloyster’s Attribute panel to view, but sincerely thanked Articuno.

Although Articuno Coaching Cloyster cultivation, this was an emergency landing of Flight H9536 at Johto Goldenrod City Airport before, and he and Lugia promised to each other when they met at the Western District Port Terminal.

However, Articuno is very grateful for Articuno’s dedicated Coaching Cloyster cultivation, Coaching it controls the meteorological authority within the body and comprehends spirit willpower. Liang Ren is still very grateful.

See that Liang Ren didn’t immediately ask about the situation of Cloyster, but thanked him for his instinctive little action that didn’t seem to be fake.

Articuno was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the young man in front of him. There was a bit less arrogance in his eyes, a bit more closeness and recognition.

“Hey鈥斺€擨 like the character of this little girl very much, very much like me. Even if Master Lugia didn’t order me, I am willing to coach its cultivation, so you don’t have to thank me.” Articuno said.

“Cloyster is my Pok茅mon, and your Help is Help me. Since I have received your favor from Articuno, thanking you for this is the most basic benefit.”

“This time I didn鈥檛 bring any Present to the Orange Islands. This is the fruit of the Orange Islands special education that the Orange Alliance executives gave me the previous two days.”

“I will present Buddha with borrowed flowers as a favor, and combine these Treasure fruits will be given as a Present to Articuno as a thank you gift.”

Speaking of Liang Ren, he took out a large fruit basket and put it in front of Articuno at the Altar of Ice.

In the previous Big Dipper new Gym creation plan, Liang Ren mentioned that the new Gym should be used to select locations reasonably to promote the economic development of the Orange Alliance.

The economy of the Orange Alliance relies on tourism and the breeding of edible fruits and medicinal Berry. There are currently four fruits that are only available in the recorded islands.

One is the “Miyazaki Mango” known as the Son of the Sun.

Because of the careful breeding and the guarantee of sufficient light Scald conditions, this beautiful red-skinned mango is 15 times sweeter than ordinary mangoes, and the price of only one piece on the market is tens of thousands.

The second is “Tiansuke Watermelon” because the skin is black and the annual output is only more than 100.

Even though it has a slightly better taste compared to ordinary watermelons, but because of its scarcity, the previous 7.7kg Tasuke black-skin watermelon was even sold at a high price of 38,000 at the Fruit Fair. .

The third is “Ruby grapes”, each of which is the size of a ping-pong ball, a bunch of 700 grams of Ruby grapes, the highest transaction price on the market is 73,000 yuan.

Fourth is “Yubari Melon”. The size, roundness, weight, and uniformity of the mesh on the surface of the honeydew must be consistent.

Because the breed requirements are very strict, this delicious and beautiful honeydew melon was sold for 180,000 yuan in two pieces in the fruit market.

Orange Alliance made two fruit baskets with these four precious fruits to give to Liang Ren and Casey, which is a very precious Present.

At this moment, Liang Ren took out his fruit basket and gave it to Articuno. Although Articuno doesn’t know how valuable these fruits are, his nose is still very good.

If you get close and smell it, you will know the value of this basket of fruits.

“鍞斥€斺€攖he little girl just broke through, and it will take some time to cultivation to master the power after the breakthrough.”

“So you don鈥檛 take it away for now Let this girl stay in Snow Mountain, and I will help you to adjust for a while.鈥?After looking at Liang Ren, Articuno opened the mouth and said.

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