
Will: “Ice Will” (Note: The will forged in winter and severe cold, the awakened ice bloodline makes it possible to manipulate And use strength of Cold Ice.

The body turns into ice that never melts. Every special attack carries the cold energy that freezes the enemy’s bloody fleshy body. Every physical attack carries The sharpness and sharpness of the ice.


Material defense and special defense enjoy a 50% increase, and physical attack and special attack enjoy a 100% increase respectively. Attack Ability and the body are similar to opponent When contacting, increase the probability of opponent freezing by 50% on the original basis)


Click on “Ice Will” with your mind, Liang Ren also clarified the various effects brought by the will of the ice in his notes.

“Double defense increased by 50%, double attack increased by 100%, and the probability of opponent freezing increased by 50%, not bad~” Looking at the description in the comment, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

220 points of physical defense, 152 points of special defense, Cloyster’s defensive ability has always been a point that Liang Ren is proud of. On this basis, it is increased by 50%, and within the same level, no one can break Cloyster. The defense is gone.

As for the 100% increase in double attack, the increase in special attacks will be larger, while the physical attack will be smaller. After all, Cloyster’s physical attack value is only 23

but 50 The percentage increase in freezing probability really makes Liang Ren’s eyes shine. If the opponent can be frozen, then with the strong output capability of Cloyster, it is estimated that no one can stand it.

“Like Pidgeot, abandon defense -50% and focus on offense +100%, and every move is accompanied by an imposing manner with the will to “burn the brave”. “

” and Slowpoke’s suppression of non-king Pokémon by up to 100%, and 50% damage reduction and attack bonus compared to “King’s Will” when playing against Psychic Type Pokémon. “

“Cloyster’s “Ice Will” is so strong that he can’t lose Pidgeot and Slowpoke at all. “Liang Ren sighed in his heart.

Of course, for this result, apart from gratification, Liang Ren has only pride in his heart. After all, the three pets are the main force of the Trump Card that he breeds.

It was he who created the power of Cloyster, and Cloyster has made him who he is today.

In the future, Liang Ren will continue to rely on the power of a few pets if he wants to get more. With more powerful strength, you also need to rely on him as a trainer.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot whispered, Dual Wingbeat broke through the bitter wind across the open snowy field, and then plunged into it. In the wild forest.

The sharp bird eye searched for the target, and quickly found the three big tents in the Cedarwood Camp.

The broad wings spread flat, and then quickly dived and landed. Before, Casey had swept away the thin white snow that has now accumulated. At this moment, it was blown towards all around by the airflow brought up by Pidgeot’s landing.

Because of the evolution of Cloyster and the Slowpoke behind, he clamored to stay with him. Cloyster delayed a little time before returning to the camp. It was already more than six o’clock.

Although the Orange Islands are located near the equator, the day and night are almost equal throughout the year, but it is also the time for the sun to set at six o’clock.


moved towards overlooking the sky, the setting sun floats on the surface of the sea, the sky and the sea are burning red.

However, on the ice island where snow has been falling all the year round, it also faces the sea, but at dusk there is no sound of the evening breeze blowing on the coconut trees, and there is no sea wave surging on the beach and kissing the feet of a child picking shells. .

Ice Island’s Sky is always full of wind and snow, the pure white snow field has replaced the golden Beach, and all around the blue sea is frozen into ice.

On such a bitterly cold island, perhaps the only romance and warmth at dusk is the fire that burns vigorously in front of the cedar forest camp.

“Liang Ren, I’m not good at cooking, I Watch the fire for you. “Looking at the busy young man, the girl bent a finger and nodded the smooth forehead above her eyebrows, and said with a little shame.

“Okay—” Liang Ren nodded, did not reject the other party. “Cook the rice first, don’t make the fire too big, just moderate. “

“Okay. “Casey was nodded, took a bungee from his pocket, pulled his hair back into a short ponytail, and then squatted in front of the fire with a hanging pot to watch the fire.

“ao ao~ “Lucario on the side brought a small stool from the dining table and ran over and handed it to Casey who was watching the fire.

When traveling outside, Liang Ren was in charge of cooking and cooking, and Slowpoke was in charge Using Confusion to wash dishes, Lucario helps to pick up vegetables and watch fires.

Now Casey has joined the small team of Liang Ren, because she has a good personality, and knows how to score and bear some things and not give others. Troublesome traits.

She was not only first accepted by Liang Ren, but also Pokémon under Liang Ren quickly recognized Casey, and now she is smoothly integrated into this small team and family.


“Thank you Xiaolu. “Receiving the small stool that Lucario handed over, Casey thanked him with a gentle smile on his face.

The longer Pokémon gets along with the trainer, the deeper the bond, and the traits of his own trainer will get on his body. At this moment, Casey saw her boyfriend’s silent but gentle side from Lucario.

“Xiaolu, help me peel the yam and wash it. It’s really cold. For a while. Let’s make a lamb chop soup with yam and coconut milk for you all. “

“ao 嗷——” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Lucario was nodded happily.

The sharp alloy claws popped out of the palm rest, and the super high Ability proficiency made it It was easy to remove the skin of the yam without using a planer.

After Lucario peeled the yam, it was washed with clean water before it was placed next to the cutting board and handled by Liang Ren. .

At this moment, Liang Ren has processed a green coconut and poured out the sweet coconut milk for later use.


< p>……

On the cold wind whistling on the snowy field outside the cedar forest, the camp is very warm. The crackling firewood emits a soothing woody fragrance, and the fire light shines on the girl’s cheeks.

The smoke curls up to the sky, and the Fragrance of food is floating in the woods, attracting the Wild Pokémon living in this wood.

The girl watching the fire has red cheeks like an apple, and her eyes are on fire for a while. He stayed for a while and focused on the busy teenager, with endless tenderness and love in his eyes.

Lamb chop soup with yam and coconut milk, beef with sour soup, chicken nuggets in bean sauce, beef with ginger , A pot of miscellaneous grains of rice.

Because there is one more member in the small team on this trip, because of their own reasons, they brought the other party to this cold and deserted island, the first dinner Liang Ren also did a lot more than usual.

In addition to Monarch Snake, Lilligant and Bellossom, Pidgeot and Lucario all sat around the table with Liang Ren and Casey and enjoyed dinner.


“If I knew that I would make so many delicious foods tonight, would Slowpoke regret staying on Great Snow Mountain? “Liang Ren smiled whispered in his heart.


After dinner, she was preparing to clean up, but Casey took the initiative to take the job and said she was not good at cooking. So during the next trip, Liang Ren was in charge of cooking and she was in charge of washing the dishes.

But I couldn’t help her, Liang Ren followed her, but looking at the busy girls, Liang Ren’s eyes It’s all gentle.

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