After cleaning the cooking utensils and tableware, the two burned some Scald again, and each took a bath in the third tent.

The small things that were originally done in the city now need to be handled by themselves. It is a test for both of them now.

On this freezing desert island, each person can live in an independent big tent and take a Scald bath. This is because Liang Ren has a system backpack with unlimited storage.

Otherwise, the living conditions of the two may be more difficult.

After washing and tidying up, after talking for a while, the two of them each took Pokémon back to the tent Rest, raising their spirits to prepare for the special training starting tomorrow.

Soft as flocculent, light and even as silky clouds, surrounded by Yingying Haoyue gradually raised from the sea.

In the night sky, in addition to a few scattered cold stars, the moon also began to emit wisps of light.

Looking up at the night sky from other warm islands will feel cool and pleasant, but the clear light of the cold stars and the bright moon falling on the ice island makes the night here even colder.

But the two who have fallen asleep don’t at all feel anything, nothing to say until dawn.


I’m used to getting up early and morning exercises. Even when I come to the bitter ice island, this habit has not changed. It’s just getting brighter, Liang Ren and Casey have put on them carefully The clothes came out of the tent.

“Brother Liang Ren~Morning!!” The girl greeted Liang Ren, while covering her mouth and hitting a Yawn.

“Morning-Casey.” Seeing the girl’s cute movements, Liang Ren’s face showed a gentle said with a slight smile: “How is it? Rest was not cold last night?”

“Very good, of course, thanks to your Psychic innate talent, Liang Ren, this time I brought enough quilts. I was not cold at all when I fell asleep last night.” The girl replied.



Flicking a bucket of water, the two of them took Pokémon to do a simple wash while chatting, and then Started a day of morning exercises.

Liang Ren The content of their morning exercises is nothing more than running. The daily plan is in the morning.

Morning jogs seem simple, but morning jogs have a kind of’switch effect’, which can turn on the body for the first start of a new day.

The exercise intensity of morning jogs is not too great. As the beginning of a new day, it can keep your body energetic throughout the day without causing excessive load on your body. The efficiency of things.

But compared to the city, the morning jog on the Ice Island of World of Ice and Snow is much more difficult than usual.



Liang Ren, Casey, Lucario start the head, Monarch snake, Lilligant , Bellossom followed behind, while Pidgeot was flying freely in the sky.

Liang Ren They did not go out of the forest. The morning jogs took place in the cedar forest with relatively small snow and wind, but even so, the two of them began to gasp for breath after running for 20 minutes.

On the snow, it’s easy to step down one step at a time, but it’s not easy to pull the sunken foot out of the snow pit with heavy resistance.

However, it is precisely because of difficulties that there is enough exercise effect. You must know that Slowpoke is applied to the Gravity field on the side in the morning jog, and Slowpoke is not there today.

Liang Ren When they were running in the woods in the morning, Wild Pokémon living in the woods also hid in the dark to peek, and occasionally Liang Ren would find the silhouettes of these guys.

Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Delibird, Smoochum, Swinub, Sneasel, Snorunt, Snover…

All are Pokémon of Ice Type, except for Ice Type Pokémon of Kanto Region, Liang Ren I also found Pokemon from other regions such as Johto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, etc. I don’t know how they came to Ice Island.

I found these guys secretly watching them running in the morning, Liang Ren didn’t take seriously either.

After sharing Lucario’s senses, Aura checked and found that they were all Pokemon with mild personality and disliked fighting, which made Liang Ren less interested in them.

It was Casey who noticed these Little Brat peeping and looked at them with a smile. After all, there are many rare Pokémons that only other regions have.


After the morning exercise, the two who returned to the camp drank saliva and wiped off their sweat with a dry towel.

After a simple breakfast, I took Pokémon out of the camp and started a new day of special training.

Liang Ren’s special training location is in the foothills of Great Snow Mountain, which is the place where Pidgeot was the last time he came to Ice Island to help Pidgeot fly against the wind.

Riding Pidgeot to the destination, Liang Ren heaved a sigh of relief, rubbing his gloved hands and looked towards the girl on the side:

“Let’s train separately next , But Casey, don’t stay too far away. If there is any danger, I can rush over immediately.”

“Okay.” Casey nodded, glanced at it, and hit the mark. In a clearing not far from Liang Ren’s training ground, the two of them also started their training today.

Regarding the training arrangement, Liang Ren had already made a detailed plan when he arrived at Pummelo Island, the headquarters of Orange Alliance a few days ago.

In this special training on Ice Island, except for the little Dratini, every Pokémon has a very heavy task.

The breakthrough Elite-level Cloyster now has Articuno to help Coaching. Slowpoke, who stayed at the Snow Mountain altar, can also arrange training by himself, and Liang Ren’s burden is slightly reduced.

But to help the three Pokémons, Pidgeot, Lucario and Monarch Snake, conduct special training. Considering the goals of the three pets, Liang Ren’s task is not light.

Pidgeot, as the team’s Oldest Big Brother and the first breakthrough Elite Pokémon in the team, is now not only overtaken by Slowpoke, but even Cloyster is also catching up.

Now Pidgeot also feels a lot of pressure. In this strong competitive atmosphere, it must also work hard to improve its strength. Fortunately, Liang Ren has a detailed plan.

Ice attribute restrains Flying Type, in the freezing ice island, as long as you stay for a while, even without special training, Pidgeot’s cold tolerance will be improved.

Therefore, regarding Pidgeot’s next special training arrangement, Liang Ren excluding cold resistance is divided into two parts.

1. Fly up against the Great Snow Mountain, where Liang Ren took a few pets to the Ice Island last time. Pidgeot’s main training content.

But last time until leaving the Ice Island, Pidgeot faced the Great Snow Mountain’s headwind Fly. The altitude did not even break through one kilometer. This time the strength reached the Elite level. I believe it can set a new altitude record.

Mt. Moon’s 10,000-meter challenge in the Yangjiaofeng River Valley, Pidgeot has overcome after the breakthrough Elite level. In front of me, the Ice Island, the Great Snow Mountain, which is also nearly 10,000 meters high, I believe Pidgeot can also Conquer.

Pokémon’s strength is the result of a combination of all aspects.

Flying against the Great Snow Mountain, Fly will greatly enhance Pidgeot’s physical strength, strength, endurance, explosive power, and wind strength control.

Against the bitter wind and mad Blizzard, challenging the 10,000-meter altitude of Great Snow Mountain is also the core mission of Pidgeot’s special training.

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