“The monarch snake, your next training is very simple, do not use any protection and auxiliary capabilities, just enter the snowfield alone and brave the wind and snow, if your body feels cold, then you will absorb the spiritual marrow beads The power of the Water Type inside.”

“The ice attribute restrains the Grass Type. The bitter cold environment of the Ice Island can not only speed up the excitation of your Water Type bloodline, but also have a good cold resistance to your body. Exercise.”

“You can take this opportunity to make up for this shortcoming, so I hope you don’t let me down.” Liang Ren said to the monarch snake.

Liang Ren told it about activating the Water Type power in the bloodline when he was still on Pummelo Island, so it is strange that the monarch snake is not at all.

If the Water Type bloodline is activated, then if you encounter Fire Element and ice attribute opponents in future battles, the monarch snake will not appear so weak.

As for the weaknesses of the three types of Attributes: Insect, Poison, and Flying, except that Bug Type is really very restrained, the two Attributes of Poison and Flying are actually a pseudo-restraint for Grass Type.

Flying Type Most abilities have very strong cutting and tearing Twisting Power, while Grass Type Pokémon defensive power is not very strong.

Wood fiber can easily break the defense under such cutting and tearing and strangling attacks. This is the real reason why Flying Type restrains Grass Type.

As for Poison Type and Grass Type, it is actually limited to Acid, Gastro Acid, Acid Spray, Corrosive Gas and other strong acids and alkalis, which have strong burns and corrosiveness.

And fierce poison, a toxin that has a powerful damaging ability on the blood fleshy body, will have an obvious restraint effect on the Grass Type Pokemon.

As for normal attacks like Smog, Sludge Bomb, Gunk Shot, and Sludge Wave, it is actually not at all too obvious for Grass Type Pokémon.

Because of Grass Type Pokémon, whether Ingrain soil absorbs water and soil nutrients, or Synthesis’s instinct, the body will accumulate some toxins.

On the resistance to toxins, among the Pokémon that eliminates iron bumps like Steel Type Pokemon and has the characteristics of blood fleshy body, Grass Type Pokemon is actually very resistant to toxins.

It can be seen from the fact that most of the secondary attributes of Grass Type Pokémon are Poison Type.

So when it comes to helping the monarch snake eliminate and make up for its shortcomings, Liang Ren really pays attention to the three attributes of fire, ice and insects.

Once the Monarch Snake Water Type bloodline is activated and has Water Type as the second Attribute, the weaknesses of fire and ice will be successfully compensated.

As for the Bug Type, Liang Ren didn’t at all think too much at a time. It is normal for Pokémon to have weaknesses. Liang Ren is also impossible to let the Monarch Snake have no weaknesses in Attributes.

Just like Liang Ren’s three Trump Card main players, Flying Type’s Pidgeot has defeated many electrical Pokemons. Among Slowpoke’s defeated, there are also many Dark Type Pokemons.

After Cloyster assimilated and absorbed Never-Melt Ice, the fire resistance was greatly improved, but Fighting, Rock, and Steel type still exist. These three weaknesses are shortcomings.

However, relying on the terrifying defensive power, long-range firepower, and the “extremely cold body + snowfall” innate talent feature produces a wonderful chemical action after the sustained recovery power, even if encountering this Attribute to restrain Cloyster.

So far, no Pokémon has obtained any benefits under Cloyster.

Help the monarch snake activate the Water Type bloodline power. This is what Liang Ren has done the most to make up for the shortcomings of Attribute. You must know that his breeding concept has always been to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses rather than complement weaknesses.

“Wum–” To Liang Ren’s clear and amber-like maroon eyes, the monarch snake was also nodded as heavily as Lucario before.

Most of Grass Type Pokémon has a mild personality, not like Fighting Type Pokémon, which is born with a strong belligerence factor in the bloodline.

However, the ups and downs of life experience created the monarch snake’s desire to become stronger, and the desire of the monarch snake to fight and become stronger is even stronger than Lucario.

Through the eyes of the monarch snake, such as the normal pomegranate flesh, Liang Ren read the seriousness and determination. The monarch snake’s eyes seemed to say: “Master, I will not let you down.”


“Tolerance of the cold is only the second, the primary goal is to let the body absorb the Water Type power in the spiritual marrow beads to awaken the Water Type bloodline.” Seeing the monarch snake turning around and preparing to go to the snowy field for training, Liang Ren exhorted him again.

“Wum–” The monarch snake, nodded, also walked through the low bushes in the foothills like Lucario, moving towards the outside.

However, Lucario’s training ground is on the flat snowy ground near the bush, while the monarch snake’s training ground is a vast snowfield shrouded in bitter wind and snow.

We went to Snow Mountain yesterday afternoon. When Liang Ren passed through the snowy field, they even stepped forward without Slowpoke to support the protective cover. As a result, they were blown back several times by the raging snow. step.

Do not use any protection and auxiliary abilities to travel on the snowy field. At this time, as soon as the monarch snake enters the vast snowy field, its body is shivered and crawled to the ground by the cold wind and blizzard.

“Wum!!” The monarch snake lifts the head unyielding, a cloud of wind and snow screams and screams, the body of the monarch snake is directly rolled into midair, and it takes a while to drop Fell to the ground.

After entering the snowy field, the monarch snake is impossible to move a single step. It can only leaned down and crawled forward slowly and hard.

Half of his body was tightly attached to the snow, and he insisted, but before one minute, the monarch snake felt that his body was completely frozen, but what the monarch snake can do at this moment is to meditate continuously in his heart. “I want to become stronger…I want to become stronger…”

Under the strong will of the monarch snake’s heart and the cold environment outside, the body of the monarch snake comes from a powerful life to survive Instinct also began to guide and absorb the Water Type power in the spirit beads on the neck, necklace pendant.

As the Psychic Type power is drained by the Slowpoke in the Psychic Marrow Bead, the remaining Water Type power is like a pool with a gap, even if there is no active absorption by Pokémon now, there will be normally The power escaped.

However, this part of the power is usually leaked out, and the body of the monarch snake will not and disdain to absorb it.

As a pure Grass Type Pokémon, the body of the Sovereign Snake seems to understand that maintaining pure strength is of great benefit to higher levels of breakthrough in the future.

However, the body of the Sovereign Snake usually resists and rejects the Water Type power leaked out by absorbing the spiritual marrow beads. However, after the body is frozen at the moment, it is found that absorbing the Water Type power can resist the cold.

The instinct in the body of the monarch snake can no longer maintain the original nobility and reservedness.

After chanting’true fragrance’, he began to actively absorb the power escaping from the spiritual marrow beads like a baby waiting to be fed.

But at first disdains, but now it feels like it can’t be climbed high.

‘Non-Water Type Pokemon can’t turn on the switch to actively absorb the guiding power’, the spiritual marrow beads leaked the Water Type power and instantly became a limited sale and membership system.

Under the threat of the cold, the monarch snake’s body instinct began to fight hard like a spiritual bead, indicating that its direct blood relative is Water Type Pokemon, and its body also has a’noble’ Water Type bloodline flowing.

I beg the spiritual marrow bead for convenience, let it take a few more Water Type powers to keep out the cold.

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