Of course, in the face of such begging, although the Spiritual Marrow Orb does not at all show arrogance, but it does not give up the principle. It cannot absorb power without Water Type Pokemon.

See the spiritual marrow pearls partial and incorruptible. There is no way to go, under the threat of cold and death.

The body of the monarch snake converges and compresses the power of the Grass Type to make room, while stimulating the power of a certain water blue sleeping in the bloodline.

The monarch snake on the edge of the snowy field moved towards the snowy field with difficulty. Under the stimulation of the cold environment, the power of the water type bloodline in the body of the monarch snake, which was suppressed by the overbearing power of Grass Type, is also beginning to wake up.

Everything is in accordance with Liang Ren’s plan, moving towards a good direction is developing.

Although the Water Type bloodline of the Monarch Snake has been dormant and hidden because of being suppressed for too long, it is now awakening little by little.

This process may not happen overnight, but as long as there are signs and trends of awakening, as long as the cold external environment stimuli and the induction of spiritual marrow beads persist, the Water Type bloodline of the monarch snake will definitely awaken.

The hardworking monarch snake also inspired Lucario on the snow not far away. His eyes burned with raging fighting spirits, and Ice Punch became more and more harsh and cold, just like the cold wind on this rugged snowfield. Flying snow.


Across a bush forest Barrier, Liang Ren could not see the training of the two pets on the snowfield and snowfield outside, but he believed that Lucario and the monarch snake were Will not let him down.

At this moment, only Pidgeot remains by Liang Ren’s side. For him today, only Elite-level battle strength can support his current status.

If you want to get more in the future, Elite-level battles are just the beginning. To continue to climb up and sit on the throne that has been vacated for many years in Kanto Alliance, this strength is not enough.

Fortunately, Liang Ren has a very clear plan for himself and Pidgeot’s future. As long as there are no major problems in the process, I believe the future will be bright.

“Let’s start too~ Pidgeot. In the morning, we will practice Snow Mountain’s wind and snow test, and in the afternoon we will practice combo skills.”

Listening to Lucario outside practicing boxing. In the movement, Liang Ren also patted Pidgeot’s shoulders instructed.

“Beep Eagle——” Pidgeot nodded, oh la la spread out his wings with a bang, and slammed his sturdy body like a fighter plane Normal, which rushed straight against the wind against the wind of Great Snow Mountain.

Before I went to the Ice Island to do Snow Mountain Headwind Flying. Pidgeot couldn’t even break through a kilometer. Now that the strength reaches the Elite level, the height of 1,000 meters will leap over in the blink of an eye.

At the beginning of the Mt. Moon pulse experience, Pidgeot completed the test of the weird sound waves of the “Yijiaofeng River Valley”. The lingering low-frequency sound waves exercise Mental Force, while the sharp and high-frequency sound waves exercise Pidgeot’s body through tremor. strength.

After the physical fitness has been greatly enhanced, physical strength, endurance, and explosive power have all increased simultaneously. Faced with the biting cold wind and the strong airflow suppressed from the top of the Great Snow Mountain, Pidgeot performed very well. Strong.

One kilometer…in the blink of an eye.

Two kilometers…Flying speed is not reduced

Three kilometers…Flying speed is slightly reduced< /p>

Four kilometers…Slightly irritated

Five kilometers…Start using Ability

Six kilometers…Activate the bravery of burning mind



In the disconnected bond link and Mega evolution, Pidgeot simply used his own strength and tried his best to stop at 6700 meters.

Great Snow Mountain has a total altitude of just over 10,000 meters. With Pidgeot’s current Elite strength, he has done his best to reach 6,700 meters. Liang Ren expressed his satisfaction with this achievement.

The next time is relatively sufficient. After a period of training, if the original record is not shortly impacted, Liang Ren is still very confident in completing the Great Snow Mountain trial.

“Beep Eagle——” fluctuated up and down at a height of about 6,700 meters. After insisting on seeing that there was no way to fly higher, Pidgeot stuck out his claws and left a mark on the cold mountain rock wall .

The huge body of a fighter jet instantly swooped down and landed quickly.

“hu hu…” The wind hit the ground, and the snow on Ground was blowing all over the sky. Liang Ren couldn’t help but pull the scarf around his neck to block his face.

“Beep Eagle-only rushed to 6700 meters, boss, what do you think.” Pidgeot asked for his credit, arching his head in Liang Ren’s arms.

“Compared with the 700-meter record set in the last time I came to Ice Island, I have improved by a full 6000 meters this time. This result is very amazing.”

“But next exercise , I need you to use one-tenth of your usual speed and keep flying upwards at a constant speed.” Liang Ren, who has observed the Pidgeot challenge just now, said his request.

“Beep Eagle——Flying upwards at a constant speed at one-tenth of the usual speed? This will increase the physical exertion. I am afraid that I will not be able to rush to 6700 meters next time.” Pidgeot was a little embarrassed. .

However, seeing Pidgeot’s reaction, Liang Ren couldn’t help but shook the head and said: “Let you do Snow Mountain upwind flying exercise, not just for the height of 10,000 meters, but for you to challenge There are gains in this process.”

“Hone your will, exercise your body, improve your body’s ability to resist cold, and enhance your ability to control airflow and wind.”

“So Can you fly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain? This is actually not at all as important as imagined. After all, flying against the wind is just a task form. I want to see your gains and improvements.”

Looking at the puzzled Pidgeot, Liang Ren said solemnly.

Since when he was still in Pidgey, Liang Ren praised his intelligence all the time. Pidgeot’s wisdom is not much lower than that of Slowpoke. At this moment, after Liang Ren mentioned it, Pidgeot also understood the meaning of Liang Ren.

Looking up at the towering and steep Great Snow Mountain, Pidgeot’s sharp pair of bird eyes seemed to penetrate the heavy snow and saw Cloyster and Slowpoke who were training hard in the Snow Mountain Tianchi.

As Liang Ren’s initial Pokémon, the Oldest Big Brother in the team, and Pidgeot, the first breakthrough Elite in the team, is now overtaken by two companions again.

Pidgeot is under pressure, and now Pidgeot is turning this pressure into a motivation to work hard.

After the day after tomorrow, the upper limit of Pidgeot’s individual value Aptitude is 601, although it is not as good as Cloyster’s 640 and Slowpoke’s 660.

But the individual value of the innate talent of 601 has exceeded the level 3 Divine Beast such as Quasi-Legendary and Articuno, and Illusory Beast such as Mew Celebi.

In addition to the eagle inheritance obtained from the bird trainer clan, Pidgeot’s road has not yet come to an end, and its potential has a lot of room for exploration.

“Elite level is just the starting point, Pidgeot~As long as you want, it is not difficult to break through championship level with your innate talent, so come on, don’t let me down.”

< p>Looking at Pidgeot, Liang Ren said silently in his heart.


After Pidgeot withdrew his gaze, he started training under Liang Ren’s Coaching.

Instead of pursuing altitude data one-sidedly, after slowing down the flying speed, the 100-meter sprint became a marathon. Pidgeot finally felt the difficulty in the process.

For the second flying challenge, Pidgeot finally activated the bravery of burning aspirations and tried his best to fly more than 3100 meters. This result did not even reach half of the first time.

However, with Liang Ren’s encouragement, Pidgeot is not discouraged, but chose to forget the 6700m at first and choose 3100m as the best result for challenge and breakthrough.

The whole morning passed unconsciously, and Pidgeot’s progress was clearly visible after his mentality was correct.

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