
Go back to the camp and let a few Pokémon play around, while Liang Ren and Casey start to cook lunch.

In the morning training, a few Pokémon consume a lot of energy. Pidgeot, Lucario and the Monarch Snake are the most obvious. The two Pokémons on the girl’s hand are not obvious.

But even so, the amount of lunch Liang Ren prepared for his pets is much larger than usual.

“Everyone is here for dinner.” Pokemon food and Pokéblock are readily available. There is no time passing in the system backpack, and Liang Ren has prepared a lot without fear of expiration and deterioration.

After returning to the camp, Liang Ren helped a few Pokémons prepare food and water. Liang Ren and Casey then came to slowly cook their own lunch.

Compared with yesterday, now that three meals a day have become much simpler after the official start of the special training life.

Liang Ren did not cook at noon, so he hung the hanging pot used for steaming rice and boiled it with water, then added the noodles, various vegetable seasonings and luncheon meat, and finally cooked it. Two eggs were beaten on his ramen.

Without even picking up, the two of them dragged the stools, sat around the hanging pot, and ate directly as if they were fishing hot pot.

“hu hu~sucking~”

“Hmm!!” Blowing the heat, a mouthful of ramen was sucked into the mouth, Casey’s eyes shined, holding the chopsticks in the hand The cheeks flushed with satisfaction.

“Brother Liang Ren, your cooking skills are also very good, right? Such simple dishes are so delicious.” The girl said with a look of admiration.

Genetic has acquired Mother Masako’s food gene, but Genetic has no innate talent for cooking at his father’s Futian Dahe.

For people with superb cooking skills, Casey has an almost blind worship.

In addition, her mother’s long-term brainwashing also made her believe that only by marrying a man who is very good at cooking can she truly have the happiness of marriage.

At this moment, I swallowed a bite of ramen and looked at her boyfriend in front of her. The girl’s sense of happiness was already overwhelming.

“During the special training, everything is mainly about training for Pokémon. The time is tight, so our three meals a day are kept simple. When the special training is over, I will cook for you again.”< /p>

Looking at the girl who is shrewd and rational when she is doing things normally, she becomes charming and cute when she gets a meal, Liang Ren can’t help but show a gentle smile on her face.

“Hmm~” The girl was nodded, as if there was a dull hair on top of her head shaking continuously.

After lunch, the two of them simply tidied up, and then took a few Pokémon to the ice beach on the edge of Ice Island for a walk to digest.

When the time came to one o’clock in the afternoon, the two had already brought Pokémon to the foot of Great Snow Mountain where they were training in the morning.

“Brother Liang Ren, I will take Sayuri and Meili to train.”

“Okay, let’s work hard together.” Liang Ren returned her with a hearty smile.

Looking up at the sky, the snow stopped for a while at noon, and as the sun in the center of the sky began to tilt towards the west, the snow fell again.

“hu hu…”

The cold wind was mixed with snow particles, like a Brine whip and slapped Liang Ren’s face.

On the rugged snowy field behind, heavy snow like goose feathers fell quietly, densely layered like a white curtain covering the whole earth.

Compared with the morning, the ice island in the afternoon was colder. Even Liang Ren, who had just eaten with plush gloves and a scarf, couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

“Lucario, your training mission has been arranged, and it will not change in these three days, so please do it yourself.”

“ao 嗷——” Lucario nodded, solution Pass the scarf on the lower neck to Liang Ren, then turn around and moved towards the bush and walk to the snow on the other side.

“The wind and snow on the snowfield in the afternoon is heavier than that in the morning. Monarch Snake should do what you can. Don’t go too deep into the snowfield. If you encounter danger, remember to use Ability to signal me and Pidgeot.”

“Wum–” Monarch Snake also nodded, turned around and moved towards the rugged snowy field covered by wind and snow.

The cold weather in the Ice Island has a very obvious effect on accelerating the activation of the Water Type bloodline by the monarch snake.

If you simply enter the frozen snowfield alone, the instinct of the monarch snake under the threat of cold and death will also stimulate the awakening of the Water Type bloodline.

But forced suppression will only lead to more intense resistance. Always using the external cold environment to stimulate, it is very likely that the monarch snake will try to adapt to such an environment instead of succumbing and activating the Water Type bloodline.

But the Spiritual Marrow Bead gives the arrogant body instinct a step down. It is like a protagonist in adversity, and the Spiritual Marrow Bead is the cheat of the protagonist.

Although the cold and killing weather is very torturous, the body instinct of the monarch snake with spiritual cheat can suppress the arrogance and resistance instinct, and is willing to endure a moment of injustice.

Worthy development, wait for oneself to awaken Water Type bloodline to meet the conditions of use of the spiritual marrow beads, when it can absorb and use Water Type power for its own use.

The monarch snake who successfully counterattacks will no longer fear the cold of the Ice Island, and the arrogant Blizzard will no longer be able to lower its head.

If it is said that under the stimulation of cold weather, the awakening speed of the monarch snake Water Type bloodline will increase by 1% every hour.

Then the monarch snake wearing the spiritual marrow beads has at least doubled its progress every hour, and it is conservatively estimated that it has reached 3%.

The hourly awakening progress increased by 3%, and it increased by 12% in the morning. The training started at one in the afternoon, and there were four hours in the afternoon.

According to this data, if the monarch snake trains for eight hours a day, the water type bloodline awakening progress will reach 24% a day, and the monarch snake will fully activate its hidden Water Type bloodline power within a week. .

Of course, this percentage data may not be accurate, but Liang Ren believes that the error is not large. Looking at the back of the monarch snake leaving, Liang Ren is full of confidence.

“Within a week, the monarch snake will definitely be able to awaken the Water Type bloodline.” Liang Ren secretly asserted.

After Lucario and Monarch Snake left to train alone, Liang Ren also started Coaching Pidgeot and started training in the afternoon.

“In the morning, we will do the Snow Mountain Upwind Fly trial, and in the afternoon we will do the combo training.”

“Pidgeot in the professional five-star promotion match before “Shenkong Strike” You have successfully cast it once, so then we will first train God Air Strike. “

“I believe that the experience gained from the top of the air strike will also be of great help for the later learning and training of “Dragon Strike, Destruction Strike”. “Liang Ren said to Pidgeot.

“Beep Diao—Boss, I will cheer. “Pidgeot whispered, and solemnly replied.

“In this case, let’s start too. “Liang Ren nodded said: “You first find your own feelings, and see if you can successfully use “Sacred Air Strike””

“Beep carving——” Pidgeot nodded, flew to the next rock and stood quietly Fudo began to recall the feeling of using the air strike before.

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