“Shen Air Strike, Dragon Strike, Destruction Strike” is actually a three-stroke conceptual combo technique, which seems to be just a combination of two moves with the ability of the Attribute, doing two things at the same time.

But it is not easy to integrate perfectly. This is all conservative. It should be said that it is very, very difficult.

Because different abilities have different’potentials’, the structures of energy operation techniques inside different abilities are also quite different.

To combine the two abilities of Ability will not conflict, nor will it consume a lot of physical energy, but the two abilities will hedge against each other and weaken each other, resulting in a great discount on formidable power.

Although it uses the same Attribute Ability combination, the Ability used for the combination is either the Top Rank Ability or the Unique Ability of the department.

Compared with ordinary Ability, the reason why Top Rank Ability is called Top Rank Ability is because its internal energy technique collective is more complicated.

The combination of low-level Ability is like two building blocks, but the combination of Top Rank Ability is like combining two precision instruments in the Contest Category.

Not only can it not damage the two precision instruments, but it also becomes a more sophisticated instrument with a more perfect function after the Contest Category is opened and combined.

Only after thorough analysis of these two tricks of Ability, and a thorough understanding, can the research on Ability reach Grandmaster Level.

The three-stroke concept combo of “Shen Kong, Dragon and Destruction” is the later stage of Liang Ren’s experience in Mt. Moon. After Alliance issued personnel appointments, Liang Ren continued to stay in Yangjiaofeng Valley. Raised during the shelter.

Afterwards, in order to complete these three combos, Liang Ren looked up a lot of “Pokémon Ability Master” occupations and related information about the above-mentioned skills.

Previously, the “Air Blast·Pseudo” Ability learner was made through ordinary Ability, and then it became the Ability master of the entire Pokémon professional circle: Nian Kusumoto.

Learning that the other party had published an autobiography, in order to complete the three-stroke concept combo of “Shen Kong, Dragon and Destruction”, Liang Ren immediately bought it and read it.

I even spent some money afterwards and asked a lot of questions about anonymous payment on a certain platform.

However, for the three-stroke combo, Pidgeot can only use it once in the great decisive battle of the professional five-star promotion tournament.

However, Pidgeot has not been able to fully control the combo of “God Strike”. As for “Dragon Strike, Destruction Strike”, it is far away.

But there is a will.

Liang Ren believes that he has the first successful experience of using magic air strikes. Using this as a breakthrough, he believes that the next training should be much smoother than expected.


Pidgeot stood motionless on the rock for nearly ten minutes. In order not to disturb Pidgeot to find the feeling, Liang Ren also stood silently in the snow.

There were big snowflakes floating on the sky, and after ten minutes of motionlessness, Liang Ren soon covered his head and clothes with white Icirrus, and he almost turned into a snowman.

While looking for feeling in Pidgeot, Liang Ren also recalled the situation of the great decisive battle on the night of the professional five-star promotion.

The last game Ritchie sent was the Trump Card in his hand, with a small bangs on his forehead, named Pikachu of Rennes.

Electrical department plays Flying Type. From the Attribute point of view, Liang Ren is not dominant, but Liang Ren Sheng has a good understanding of the original plot and is also very familiar with Pikachu’s battle.

So after a simple test, the Heat Wave Ability, which was strengthened by Sunny Day, suppressed Ritchie’s Pikachu and had to carry the heavy stone that was knocked up with the steel Iron Tail Bar as a shield for defense. .

After being aware of Liang Ren’s tactics of “boiling frogs in warm water”, Ritchie chose cutting off one’s means of retreat stake all on one throw, revealing his strongest trump card “ZAbility”.

Faced with opponent’s invitation to fight, Pidgeot, who activated spirit willpower, did not shrink back. Liang Ren, who was emotionally infected by Pidgeot, also accepted Ritchie’s great decisive battle invitation.

The Z-Power Ring worn by Ritchie inspires the deeper power of the Electric Type Z pure crystal. “Gigavolt Havoc” is upgraded to “Ten Thousand Volt”! !

Seeing Ritchie and Pikachu starting their big moves, Liang Ren also put out his full effort to start Mega evolution based on the establishment of bond links.

After activating the Bravery of Burning Will, I used Divine Bird + Air Blast, which is the Ability of “God Air Strike”.

In fact, the Shenkong strike hadn’t been completed yet, but I don’t know why. Under the stimulus of the atmosphere at the time, Liang Ren felt a very strong feeling.

He and Pidgeot will definitely be able to successfully use this combo skill “God Air Strike”, and in the end he and Pidgeot did use this terrifying ability.

Divine Bird + air blasting, Divine Bird is behind the front air blasting. Just when the two sides are about to collide with each other, Pidgeot use enhanced air blasting.

Now it becomes an air blast before Divine Bird is behind.

Air blasting collided with Pikachu’s tens of millions of Volts, and the formidable power was enhanced by Divine Bird’s brilliant gold flames. The enhanced version of air blasting squeezed Pikachu’s colorful Divine Lightning “tens of millions of Volts.”

Ten Thousands of Volt backlash, enhanced version of air blasting, Divine Bird front Tackle, under Tri Attack, Ritchie’s Pikachu was directly killed in seconds.

The situation of great decisive battle is still vivid when I want to come to Liang Ren, his blood is surging like Volcano lava, and his heart is full of pride.

“Will it be the power of emotions and will? Is it the surging emotions that made Pidgeot successfully use the sacred air attack?” Frozen, Liang Ren asked himself in his heart.

“Beep Eagle——” When Liang Ren was immersed in memory, Pidgeot, standing still on the rock, suddenly let out a clear and high-pitched bird song.

I saw it jumped, flapping its wings violently, and its body was like an arrow, shooting straight into the snow-filled sky.

“Boom——” Huanghuang Jinyan burst out from within the body, and the graceful and elegant Pidgeot turned into a majestic flame Divine Bird.

divine might be like a prison, sacred and inviolable.

Facing the Pidgeot piercing the sky, the wind and snow and turbulent air blowing from above the Great Snow Mountain suddenly stopped in fear, and made a way to both sides.

Pidgeot seems to be playing Divine Bird at the moment, but this is just the appearance. You must know that Pidgeot did not use Divine Bird’s Ability when he was doing the Upwind Fly challenge in the morning.

At that time, I tried my best to spread my wings and fly high, and finally rushed to a height of 6,700 meters. At this moment, the Pidgeot of the incarnation Golden Flame Divine Bird has already broken through a height of 6,700 meters.

One or two hours have passed since I had a meal at noon. Naturally, Pidgeot is impossible to make such a big improvement.

The reason is that Pidgeot is not using Flying Type’s big move: Divine Bird, but a more terrifying move.

Pidgeot incarnation Divine Bird soared into the sky, as if something on the sky covered by wind and snow was angering and provoking it.

Raise the imposing manner to the Peak and the anger to the limit.

Golden Flame Divine Bird was suppressed by the cold wind and heavy snow and could no longer continue to rise. At this moment, a bit of anger accumulated in his chest was accompanied by a howling sound.

“Li! !”

“Boom——” The surface of the compressed light blue spiral air column is stained with a little gold flame.

Golden Flame Divine Bird blows with anger. This air column is like a skyrocket, with the anger and unwillingness of the Golden Flame Divine Bird, blasting towards the enemy on the highest sky.

The air column pierced and tore through the thick clouds, the blazing golden flames melted and evaporated the big snowflakes, and the misty sea of ​​clouds at the peak of Great Snow Mountain was also perforated by this imposing manner of terrifying air column.

“唳~” Articuno, squatting on the ice altar in the Snow Mountain Tianchi, suddenly eyes opened, looking surprised at the air column piercing the sea of ​​clouds.

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