Island of Ice, Island of Fire, and Island of Thunder are combined into Sanshin Island.

The three small islands are close to each other. The island of Ice has the highest topography and is located in the middle, while the island of fire and island of thunder are separated on two sides, and the overall shape is like Trident.

After staying in Ice Island for more than a month, Pidgeot completed the Great Snow Mountain 10,000-meter upwind Fly challenge as early as half a month ago, and gained various qualities such as physical strength and Performance. Greatly improved.

In addition, he has the experience of “Dragon Strike”. Pidgeot has learned the combination of “Dragon Strike and Destruction Strike”. The progress can be described as Extrreme Speed.

For more than a month, before going to the island, Liang Ren set the training goal for Pidgeot, and Pidgeot has achieved it during his time on the ice island.

In addition to the two ice island special trainings before and after, Pidgeot’s body has a very high tolerance for cold, and the exercise that he gets on the ice island is not great.

Next, like the monarch snake completing the “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge” combined technique, Pidgeot will temporarily extend the Third Rank special training.

After thinking about it, now that Pidgeot has strong resistance to cold, can I exercise Pidgeot’s resistance to electrical forces?

Thunder Island, which has been shrouded in thunderstorms all the year round, is simply a natural training venue tailored for Pidgeot for Third Rank training.

In addition to Pidgeot, after spending more than a month in the Ice Island, the Monarch Snake’s body’s cold resistance has also been improved. After the Water Type bloodline is activated and awakened, the Monarch Snake is completely unafraid of the cold.

But for high temperature, although Pidgeot has awakened the Water Type bloodline, it has a fire-resistant Water Type physique.

But without long-term targeted training, even if the body is not afraid, the monarch snake still has a natural and instinctive fear of flames and high temperatures psychologically.

So it is very necessary for the monarch snake to transfer the training ground from the bitter ice island to the hot and hot fire island.

Compared with the island of ice, the island of fire is also more suitable for Lucario to do training. After all, Fighting and Steel type restrain the ice attribute, and Lucario’s Steel Type physique also has a very high resistance to cold weather. Sex.

Although the ice island is cold, it does not actually bring much pressure to Lucario today. On the contrary, the hot and high temperature environment of the island of fire is more suitable for tempering Lucario’s body and spirit.

Receiving the warm invitation from Moltres and Zapdos, after thinking about it, Liang Ren decided in his heart. After returning to the ice island cedar forest camp, Liang Ren told Casey Zihe his thoughts. A crowd of Pokémon.

“Send Pokémon to the Isle of Fire and the Isle of Thunder to train?” Casey was taken aback, remembering that he was almost hit by a sky thunder when he was on the Isle of Thunder, and Casey couldn’t help but shrink in fear Shrink neck.

However, the girl did not refute Liang Ren’s plan because of this little accident. After thinking about it, she continued to ask: “Brother Liang Ren, can you talk about the specific arrangements.”

“Extreme external environment can play a very effective training for Pokémon. At present, except for Cloyster and Dratini, the other Pokémons are not suitable for continuing to train on Ice Island.”

“So my arrangement is, except for Cloyster to stay on the Ice Island to receive Coaching from Articuno, Pidgeot goes to Thunder Island to train, and Slowpoke goes to Asia Island to follow the Hippo King for a period of cultivation.”

“Monarch Snake and Lucario, I will take them to Fire Island for special training. As for the little Dratini, I haven’t figured out how to arrange it yet.” Liang Ren said his thoughts.

“Uh~That’s it.” After listening to Liang Ren’s arrangement, the girl groaned and fell into thinking.

Boys are more decisive in everything they do, and at the same time they like changing and challenging things. This is particularly evident in Liang Ren.

As a girl, she actually lived on Ice Island for more than a month. Casey has become accustomed to such a steady rhythm. During the day she trains not far from Liang Ren, and both are in each other’s In sight.

After a busy day, after training in the evening, the two took Pokémon and walked hand in hand on the beach, and went to the beach at low tide to pick up all kinds of fresh seafood washed ashore by the tide.

Let Liang Ren cook in the evening and make a large table full of sumptuous dinners for her and a group of Pokémon, and she is like a gentle and virtuous wife.

He helped Liang Ren beat him, watched the fire and let her clean up the dishes after dinner. After dinner, the two of them sat around the burning fire, with Liang Ren Talk about current affairs, talk about the cultivation of Pokémon, etc.

These small things, straightforward boys may not care, but in Casey’s heart, these trivialities in life are the happiness she wants.

When it comes to life and career, boys are seeking change and girls are seeking stability. Now Liang Ren says that the next training plan needs to make some changes. Girls are actually unwilling from the heart.

She likes this kind of steady-paced happiness on Ice Island, but Casey has a gentle personality and suppresses her emotional emotions. In fact, she knows that Liang Ren’s arrangement is the most suitable.

Only by following the new training schedule, Pidgeot’s strength will be rapidly improved.

Liang Ren can have the strength and achievements that he has today, perhaps because he has the reason that he can abandon his emotional emotions when facing choices and then make the most rational and effective decisions.

In the past one month or so, Sayuri and the beautiful two Pokémons have almost exercised their cold resistance. Next, they will switch to the hot and hot Fire Island training, which will also work for two Pokémons. More effective.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Casey quickly made a decision.

“The hot and high temperature environment of Fire Island is also very suitable for Sayuri, Meili and Snorunt for high temperature training.”

“But Sayuri is still close to the beautiful cold training To the limit, Snorunt is still between Level 3 and LV.30”

“So Liang Ren, you go to Fire Island first. I will stay on Ice Island for another week. After a week, I will be here. Bring Sayuri, Beauty and Snorunt to the Fire Island to join you.”

“In addition, this week, I will take care of the little Dratini. The cold weather in the Ice Island is also a kind of exercise for Dratini. , If you let it go with you to the island of fire, there will be no such exercise effect.” Casey said.

She and Liang Ren have already established a romantic relationship, and they know Liang Ren.

Knowing that the other party is not that kind of distracting character, she wants a lot of little happiness in the days to come. Right now, the Orange Islands still focuses on the experience of improving strength.

So with regard to Liang Ren’s changing training plan, Casey did not get too entangled with her.

“In this case, it couldn’t be better.” Liang Ren took the girl’s hand and hugged it lightly. Casey’s understanding made him very happy.

With such a girlfriend, I believe that no matter which boy it is, he will cherish it from the heart.


After another day in Ice Island, the two-day vacation ended, and the Pokémons began their training life again.

According to the plan, Pidgeot went to Thunder Island and Slowpoke alone to the Sea Cliff Altar of Asia to follow the Hippo King cultivation, and Cloyster continued to stay at the Ice Altar to receive Coaching from Articuno.

Dratini stayed on the Ice Island and was temporarily taken care of by Casey, while Liang Ren took Lucario and the Sovereign Snake to the Fire Island.


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