“Huh~ Next we will stay on the island of fire for training.”

Distribute the main force of the three echelon teams, the little Dratini will be taken care of by Casey, Liang Ren alone will take Lucario Boat with the monarch snake to the island of fire.

This is the territory of Moltres. Liang Ren is not afraid of any danger. He looked at the hot island formed by the eruption of Volcano and said.

“ao 嗷——”


I was still in the cold ice island a moment ago, and the next moment came to the heat and heat In the island of fire, the two Pokémon beside the rapid change of the external environment feel very uncomfortable.

However, the trainer Liang Ren didn’t show much discomfort, and the two Pokémon also tried to adjust their status.

Borrowing Lucario’s Aura perception, one person and two pets quickly found a Growth with a little vegetation, backed by a flat and open land like a huge Volcano rock like a screen.

Because it faces the ice island, the temperature in this area is slightly lower, but the temperature has reached the mainland summer level.

When setting up a tent with Lucario, Liang Ren even took off his T-shirt and shirtless.

Yesterday, I took a rest. Although I am facing strong environmental and climate discomfort after arriving on the Island of Fire today, Liang Ren not at all will train Quash.

After the camp was cleaned up, Liang Ren took the two pets directly to the foot of Volcano in the inner circle to start today’s training.

【Lucario 】♂


Attribute: Fighting, steel

Character: loyalty, justice

Features: Mental Force, righteous heart

Stamina: 80【C】Blue

Attack: 151【A】Red

Defense: 75【 C]

Special attack: 115【B】Purple

Special defense: 75【C】

Speed: 104【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 600

Ability ————

“Attack”: Extrreme Speed, Feint Attack, Force Palm, Crushed Rock, Final Gambit, Aura · Great Breakthrough, Alloy Claw, Vital Throw, Bone Rush, Spark, Reversal, Aura Sphere, Spiral Aura Sphere, Swift, grating cannon

(Fist moves: Thunder Punch, Mach Punch, Piaopiaoquan, Power-Up Punch, Urgent Ice Punch, Meteor Mash, Sky Uppercut, Bullet Punch, Dynamic Punch, Absorption Punch)

“Defense”: Iron Defense, Endure, Invisible Shield, Counterattack Shield, Quick Guard, Counter

“Control”: Thunder Punch (10% paralysis), Ice Punch (10% freezing), Piaopiaoquan (20% chaos), Force Palm (30% paralysis), Iron Head (30% fear), Rolling Kick ( 30% fear), Dynamic Punch (100% chaos)

“Supplement”: Sword Dance, Detect, Calm Mind, Copycat, Metal Sound, Work Up, Refresh

——— —

As the main force of Liang Ren’s second echelon, Lucario started late, but benefited from the improvement of Liang Ren’s training base and the improved experience of breed new Pokémon.

With the cheat of picking up Attribute coins and experience fog group, coupled with Liang Ren’s knowledge, if it is said that a Pokémon must be breed from scratch to maturity of battle strength, it will take one year time.

Then with the improvement of Liang Ren’s trainer level, the cycle of breed Pokémon to maturity of battle strength is also continuously shortened, one year becomes six months, six months becomes 3-4 months……

The improvement of Liang Ren’s trainer’s level is directly proportional to the speed of Pokémon’s improvement. This is particularly evident in the two second-tier Pokémon teams, Lucario and Monarch Snake.

Three and one echelon Trump Card main force, Cloyster just broke through to the Elite level some time ago, but Lucario Level has reached LV.47, and Monarch Snake Level has reached LV.46.

This speed is very, very scary. The first echelon has just passed the Elite level, and the second echelon has reached the threshold of quasi-Elite.

When the outside world was attracted by the three Trump Cards of Liang Ren’s first echelon, two Pokémons of Liang Ren’s second echelon had grown up quietly and at an alarming speed.

Dratini’s entry into the team allowed Liang Ren to finally gather a six-person team to participate in the 6v6 all-hands duel.

According to the current Pokémon’s strength improvement rate, it may not be long before this six-man team will transform into a six-man Elite team.

What Liang Ren needs to do now is to make Lucario and Monarch Snake maintain their current momentum by arranging training time reasonably, so that their strength can be continuously improved.

On the side of the Monarch Snake, it took more than a month to go to the Ice Island. The training of the First Rank segment is to stimulate and awaken the hidden Water through the threat of external cold environment and the induction of spiritual marrow beads. Type bloodline.

Second Rank training is to enhance the water type power, and then make the monarch snake within the body water plant double Attribute power tends to be balanced.

Third Rank training is to learn and fully master the “Water Pledge, Grass Pledge”, and then rely on strength of oneself use to combine Ability.

The first two stages of training have been completed. In the third rank training, the Monarch Snake has also completed more than half, and I believe that the rest can be completed in the island of fire.

Compared to the Monarch Snake who divides the Three God Island experience and penance into two stages, Lucario is much simpler because there are two stages before and after.

The First Rank training is for Lucario to make some breakthroughs in the Ability pool whose proficiency has reached the Top Rank.

The training in the Second Rank segment is the advanced development of Aura.

For the first Rank training, Liang Ren at first said that he only gave Lucario three days. Lucario was also very confident at the time.

However, in the end, it was discovered that both the trainer Liang Ren and Lucario himself, too underestimated the difficulty of the First Rank training.

Ability proficiency has reached the Top Rank, it is not easy to improve further, because this stage is no longer what practice makes perfect.

At this stage, we need to increase the formidable power of Ability, which is no longer what can be done by skills. Some spiritual things like: imposing manner, artistic conception…

On the ice island in the cold weather, Liang Ren asked Lucario to use Ice Punch as an entry point. This was done very well. Lucario really quickly made a breakthrough with his proficiency in Ice Punch.

No matter what you do, it is important to have the right time and place. The three favorable factors of Ice Punch’s breakthrough are all accounted for, so the breakthrough is easy.

The other abilities have neither’time’ nor’location’. It was just Lucario’s reckless efforts, and it took more than a month to barely complete.

Moreover, the breakthrough rate of these capabilities is much worse than that of ice punch, but Liang Ren doesn’t mind, after all, fighting technique cultivation is not an easy task.

There is not much time left until next year’s Kalos P1world Fighting Championship. Then there are very few opportunities for Pokémon to have a lot of free and concentrated time like this.

So next Liang Ren must carry out the second rank Aura development for Lucario.

The Lucario Ability pool is already very deep. The various abilities of “attack, defense, control, assistance, and interference” are mastered, so Lucario is not at all too obvious now.

The development of Aura is aimed at two aspects.

The first one is for Lucario to have Mega Unique Ability like Monarch Snake’s “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge” and Pidgeot’s “God Air Strike, Dragon Strike, Destroy Strike”.

The second is to start small and make up for some of Lucario’s shortcomings.

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