Just like when Aura was developed in the First Rank segment, Lucario’s Ability pool was very deep, but whether it was a melee material attack or a long-range special attack, the Ability that Lucario mastered was a single-strike Ability.

Lack of range attack ability, facing Pikachu, a petite but very agile and very fast Pokemon, it is more difficult to deal with.

So at that time, Liang Ren used the wind of Aura as the starting point and developed a large-scale attack Ability “Aura · Great breakthrough” for Lucario like Lie Hurricane.

Today’s Aura development in the Second Rank segment, Liang Ren’s idea is the same as before, still starting from the macro, micro, and size perspectives.

The big aspect means to increase the hit output and the big Unique Ability that can defeat the enemy at a critical moment; the small aspect is naturally to make up for Lucario’s shortcomings.

In addition, if time is spared, Liang Ren is also preparing to develop some ordinary Ability, because sometimes Lucario can’t immediately use Ability after a quick face.

Most of the time, you have to rely on ordinary Fighting attacks such as “fists, feet, elbows, and knees” to fight the opponent. If it is a flesh and blood body like Pikachu and an opponent who is not skilled in defense, it is still it is good.

But once you encounter Rock Type and Steel Type Pokémon that are skilled in defense like Golem and Steelix, ordinary Fighting attacks will not be able to deal much damage.

So for the development of Aura in the Second Rank segment, Liang Ren is preparing to train Lucario to integrate Aura’s power into ordinary Fighting techniques such as “fist, foot, elbow, and knee”.

In this way, as the fighting technique used by Lucario most in battle, formidable power also has a very considerable improvement.

“Aura is your innate ability. It is not difficult for Lucario to integrate Aura into one move, so let’s start with the development of Aura Ability.”

At the foot of Volcano in the inner circle of Fire Island, the monarch snake went not far away to run the practice of Water Pledge and Grass Pledge by himself, and Liang Ren personally Coaching Lucario to develop Aura.

“In the First Rank paragraph, we developed the “Spiral Aura Sphere, Great Breakthrough, Invisible Shield, Counterattack Shield” four strokes Aura Ability. The invisible shield and counterattack shield will grow together with your strength. So defense Ability is enough. “

“As for the spiral Aura Sphere and the Aura breakthrough, the former is a unique ability to deal damage, and the latter is a range attack, which mainly plays a role in disrupting the opponent’s opponent rhythm in the battle. “

“These two abilities will be used more in battles in the future, so we need to upgrade these two abilities before developing new Aura Ability. “

See Lucario listening very carefully, Liang Ren also took out the notebook from the system backpack and turned to the page of these two skills Ability upgraded version, which was done by Liang Ren some time ago.


“ao 嗷——” Lucario nodded, it has always believed and obeyed 100% of Liang Ren’s decisions.

“This is an upgraded of “Spiral Aura Sphere” The version “Aura Spiral Shuriken”, and the upgraded version of “Aura · Great breakthrough” is this move “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”. “

“Aura Spiral Shuriken is a unique Ability, it is difficult to complete this Ability upgrade, so we first upgrade Aura Grand Breakthrough to Aura Wind Killing Formation. “

Finding a flat Volcano rock and sitting down, Liang Ren began to explain to Lucario the Ability principle of “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”.

“Since we are talking about Ability upgrade rather than development, the latter is formed on the basis of the former…”

The outward diffusion of Aura Force will produce a Very strong but very warm wind, and compressing this bizarre Aura wind into a mimicry, forming an Aura · Great breakthrough like a strong wind.

“Aura · Breakthrough” makes up for Lucario’s lack of large-scale strikes. At the same time, Aura’s big breakthrough does not consume much physical strength. It is a magical skill that interferes with opponent and disrupts the rhythm in battle.

However, the Aura breakthrough is not without its shortcomings, that is, the lack of lethality. In the face of some opponents who are huge in height and weight, and can “stand the wind”, the Aura breakthrough fails.

So “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” is to strengthen and upgrade the lethality of “Aura · Great breakthrough”.

As for the principle, in the strong wind of “Aura · Great Breakthrough”, a large number of wind blades with extremely cutting power are added to form a wind Killing Formation.

In this way, it not only retains the advantages of “Aura · Great Breakthrough”, which has a large attack range and disturbs the enemy, it also makes up for its lack of lethality.

“How about it, are you confident to complete it?” Liang Ren asked with a smile, turning his head to look at Lucario who was listening intently.

“ao ao~” Lucario nodded.

→Psychometry, telepathy.

→Perceive the Aura of others.

→projection’s own Aura.

→Transfer Aura to other objects.

→Make the flower of time activate the reaction.

→Release the airflow to blow the animal body.

If Aura is an innate ability of Lucario, then the above six functions are Aura’s own abilities.

The third function “projection’s own Aura” means that Lucario can transform Aura, the power born in the mind, into various physical forms according to his own wishes.

It is precisely because of the functional nature of Aura that Lucario was able to perform the Aura Sphere attack, and this is also the basis for Liang Ren to develop this series of Aura Ability.

“Since we are confident to complete it, let’s try it now.” Putting away the notebook, Liang Ren patted Lucario said on the shoulder.

After all, Lucario was also unambiguous, and went straight to the open space next to him to start the “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” attempt.

“You first try to turn the Aura of Spit Up in your mouth into Aura wind blade.” Seeing that Lucario has been posed, Liang Ren on the side took out a separate notebook for data recording.

“ao 嗷——” Lucario nodded, his mouth opened, his small mouth turned into a Hurricane eye at the moment.

A strong Aura airflow gushes out directly from the mouth, but this gust of wind is not at all dissipated, but after being Spit Up half a meter away from the mouth, it quickly condenses into pieces of shallow blue Aura Wind blade.

This kind of strange scene is a bit like on an ice island with a freezing temperature of more than ten degrees below zero, opening a breath full of water vapor.

The breath was only a short distance away from the mouth, and it was frozen into snow powder and tiny pieces of Icirrus by the extremely low temperature.

However, the breath turned into flying snow, which was caused by the cold external environment.

At this moment, Lucario’s opening Spit Up’s Aura’s weather turned into a piece of slap-large shallow blue Aura wind blade, but it was the result of Lucario’s active control.

Liang Ren just sat down to explain the Volcano Rock of “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” to Lucario. At this moment, he contributed its last strength.

“peng peng peng peng…” was hit by the dense Aura wind blades, the hard Volcano rock resembling the dough held by the noodle chef in his hands, was quickly cut into pieces by the dense wind blades Fragments.

“Not bad~” Witnessing a huge Volcano rock being dismembered into pieces, Liang Ren was very satisfied with the lethality of Aura Wind Blade.

at first Regarding the Aura wind blade lethality in the “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”, Liang Ren’s expected goal is to at least reach the level of the sickle (cyclone knife).

But after Lucario controlled the wind of Aura to form the wind blade of Aura, Liang Ren found that he still underestimated the power of Aura.

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