Aura is the power generated by Lucario himself within the body, so the difficulty of controlling the formation of the wind blade is very low. As for the strength of the wind blade, this is linked to the strength of Lucario Aura.

Pidgeot uses the sickle weasel, but it relies on the affinity of the bird Pokemon to the wind, using part of its own power and then integrating part of the natural power.

Condense the wind into a wind blade, which requires certain considerations for the control of one’s own power and the affinity for the wind.

As for the final wind blade formidable power, it depends on the fusion of Pidgeot within the body Flying Attribute and the natural power of wind.

Liang Ren compares the sickle and Aura wind blade.

“Hiss!! If the strength of Pidgeot is suppressed to the same level as Lucario, the lethality of Sickle Itachi is not stronger than that of Aura Windblade.” Liang Ren made a comparison in his heart, but he was compared. The result was shocked.

It is important to know that the initial Ability damage of Sickle Itachi is 80, and the above assumption seems to suppress Pidgeot’s strength to the same level as Lucario, but Ability proficiency has not changed.

As one of the important output abilities of Pidgeot in the early stage, Pidgeot is very proficiency in the ability of Sickle and Itachi, and Aura Windblade Lucario has just been displayed for the first time.

The two sides made a comparison, and the judgment was decided. Moreover, Lucario’s Aura Wind Blade has great potential to be tapped.

“Pokémon’s strength has developed to the later stage. No wonder everyone likes to help Pokémon develop their own Unique Ability. It seems that this is not unreasonable.”

“Only those that are really suitable for Pokémon Skills can fully exert its power, and as Aura Pokémon, Lucario is the strongest power it controls, naturally Aura Force.”

“Aura Sphere is just the most superficial use of Aura, Lucario The Aura Force really needs more in-depth exploration and development to be able to exert its powerful battle strength.”

Looking at Lucario, Liang Ren looked like a treasure mountain.

“Lucario, next we try to do two things at the same time, add Aura Wind Blade to the “Aura · Great Breakthrough”, and upgrade this set of Ability to the final “Wind Killing” Formation”! ! “

Looking at the broken stones scattered on the ground, Liang Ren made a simple record of the data in his notebook, and then continued to give instructions to Lucario.

“ao 嗷——”Lucario nodded, he is very lively when he is not doing things, but Lucario is also meticulous and very serious when he does things.

This time in order to test “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”, Lucario ran to the side. At the rock wall, Liang Ren also deliberately stood back a bit.

Liang Ren has a hunch in his heart that the formidable power of this trick “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” may be a bit scary.

When Liang Ren couldn’t help guessing, he took a deep breath into his lungs facing Lucario who was standing five meters away from the rock wall.

Puffed out air, a strong Aura hurricane blew out, half a meter away from the mouth. In the hurricane, it seemed that a glass mirror that was rolled into the sky was suddenly shattered and turned into a piece of translucent Sootopolis wind. blade.

Under the sunlight, the “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” by Lucario Spit Up looks magnificent.

The fragments of Sootopolis reflect the Mew-like crystal light in the sun, just like the scales on the hurricane god’s dragon body, occasionally colliding with each other under the disorderly movement, emitting a beautiful and sweet sound like a wind chime .

I originally thought that this trick “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” would be murderous-looking and full of destruction. Didn’t expect it turned into a Mew hurricane dragon shining with the crystal light of Sootopolis.

Liang Ren suddenly saw several points of silly, but when Hurricane Dragon hit the rock wall of Volcano, Liang Ren also woke up suddenly.

Ability constructed by his own calculations, “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” is naturally impossible to have a beautiful appearance.

When the hurricane dragon Tackle was on the Volcano rock wall, the shining Sootopolis of Mew instantly turned into a sharp wind knife for deboning.




Tear off the gorgeous camouflage, the wind blade revealing its destructive essence, under the hurricane’s hurricane, instantly drilled a three or four-meter deep hole in the hard Volcano rock wall.

Liang Ren, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, couldn’t help but slipped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. The Ability’s formidable power of “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” really exceeded his expectations.

The destructive power caused by the “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” shown by Lucario just now has surpassed the formidable power of the flying type big trick “Hurricane” at the same level.

“Originally, I just wanted to upgrade the formidable power of “Aura · Great Breakthrough”. Didn’t expect finally created a unique ability for Lucario. “

“human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, life is really full of surprises. “Liang Ren muttered in his heart.

At this moment, Lucario also looked at the big hole in the rock wall ahead with a shocked expression, as if he couldn’t believe it was caused by himself.

” ao Ao-is my strength so strong? “Lucario said in his heart.

“Don’t underestimate yourself, your energy is beyond your imagination. “Liang Ren patted Lucario’s shoulder with a drink ad word teased.

None of Liang Ren’s Pokémon is simple.

Slowpoke and Cloyster are dual Attribute Pokemons but they look Develop in an extreme direction, sacrifice affinity for one of the Attributes in exchange for another Attribute super high innate talent.

In addition to Liang Ren’s innate talent red coin, acquired enhanced innate talent and various fortuuitous encounters, The two favorites that were originally very common in Kanto Region have grown to their current heights.

The same is true for Pidgeot. Innate talent red coins are added, making Pidgeot’s original ordinary innate talent surpass Quasi-Legendary and Level 3 Divine Beast.

Won the Eagle’s champion inheritance at the Divine Bird Festival of the Bird Trainer Clan.

As long as Pidgeot does not forget his original intention, he can always carry out the practice of “burning the brave” spirit willpower, there is no problem growing up to the champion level.

Lucario is the same as the monarch snake.

If you follow the logic of “Bubble’s aria” and infer that the father of the monarch snake is one Primmarina only.

After awakening is activated the day after tomorrow, it is enough to add a water type and torrent feature to the monarch snake, and the strength of the monarch snake father is evident.

The bloodline Hereditary Ability that can turn lifeform into real stone, whether it is Genetic, father Primarina or mother monarch snake, can prove that the monarch snake has a very powerful bloodline.

In addition to absorbing the power of the Slowbro Spirit Orb, the Monarch Snake has won half of Slowbro’s championship inheritance. The future of the Monarch Snake is also smooth.

And the strength of Lucario’s innate talent does not depend on the origin or individual value.

Hatched from the egg, it can be genetic to the “Extrreme Speed, Aura Sphere” two abilities. Lucario’s innate talent is definitely Peak’s in the Lucario’s ethnic group.

Because there is no way to learn Aura Sphere at the Riolu stage, even if the Aura power you master is inherently very powerful.

If you can learn Aura Sphere at the Riolu stage, only in the original Sinnoh Region plot, the’Aura successor’ selected by the royal family of Lucario Kingdom can be understood in advance.

And in this part of the plot in the original book, Riolu was able to learn Aura Sphere, or it was because of Ash, a half-hearted Aura brave, to encourage and guide him.

So from this point of view, Lucario’s innate talent can be seen, although unlike Pidgeot, they get the inheritance of the champion powerhouse.

It’s not like the monarch snake, after awakening a powerful bloodline, the strength soars, but for Lucario who owns Aura Force, having Aura already has everything.

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