“Okay, let’s come again.” After placing the Corphish who has lost the combat capability, Liang Ren took out the White Flute and put it to his mouth, reminded the monarch snake and played again.

“xiu ~~”

The propagation speed of sound in the medium, solid>liquid>gas, the whistle blown by White Flute propagates slowly in the air. When it diffuses into the sea, the speed increases dramatically.

The bait that Liang Ren dropped just now attracted a lot of Wild Water Type Pokémon. At this moment, the whistle sounded, and immediately another dark shadow swam from the sea ahead.

‘oh la la’ broke through the water. This time it was a Krabby who was attracted by the whistle, with a shallow orange back shell and white abdomen, which was very similar to Corphish.


“Qiangqiang~” I caught a glimpse of Corphish lying unconscious on the shallow water beach behind the monarch snake. Krabby chuckled Hoothoot and didn’t know what he said. , But Liang Ren understood the provocative action of swinging crab claws.

“The monarch snake, pay attention to a little bit of strength this time.”

“Puff——” Youngster does not speak martial arts, when Liang Ren told the monarch snake to hold back, Krabby Opening the crab claws, aiming at the monarch snake is a water gun shot directly.

“Bang!!” The monarch snake reacted very quickly, without Liang Ren’s reminder. With the same action as when attacking the Corphish just now, Fujio rolled up a waterspout and drew it towards the water gun.

The water column that Krabby nourished was directly exploded by the tail of the monarch snake. The water splashed everywhere, and a string of dark watermarks was also sprinkled on the golden dry beach.


【Monarch Snake】♀

Level :LV.46

Attribute: grass, water< /p>

Character: arrogant, indifferent

Characteristics: Overgrow, torrent, antagonism

Physical strength: 110 [B] Purple

Attack: 75 [ C] Blue

Defense: 90[C]

Special Attack: 86[C]

Special Defense: 90[C]

Speed: 130 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: 576

Ability ———————

“Attack”: Tackle, Slam, Vine Whip, Return, Hydro Pump, Leaf Blade, Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon’s Tail, Water’s Tail, Water Pulse, Water Pledge, Grass Pledge, Leaf Tornado, Bubble’s aria

“defense” :Safeguard

「Control」:Sing, Grass Whistle, Tension, Attract, Captivate, Petrochemical, Vertigo, Ultrasound, Lovely Kiss, Leech Seed, Glare

「Assist」 : Praying for Rain, Coil, Provocation, Longing, Follow Me, Sweet Scent, Simple Beam, Growth, Sunny Day, Liquid Circle, Synthesis, Grassy Terrain


“Monarch Snake, use Sing.” Liang Ren called out the Monarch Snake’s Attribute panel, and selected one from Controlling Ability to order the attack.

“Woo~oo~oo~” The monarch snake who received the command did not give Krabby a chance to attack again. He sang his voice, and a string of sleepy and beautiful songs passed into Krabby’s ears.

I don’t know if this Krabby is a good friend with the Corphish just now. Seeing the Corphish falling motionless on the beach, he immediately fell into a state of rage.

However, at this moment the singing of the monarch snake came, and the nervous Krabby seemed to have forgotten the idea of ​​helping his buddy Retaliate. His body was like seaweed in the ocean current, swaying left and right leisurely.

“Bang~” He closed his forehead with heavy eyelids, these two windows of the soul, and the crab’s legs softened, Krabby directly slumped into the shallow water and fell asleep.

“OK~Time starts.” Liang Ren took out a timer, looked at Krabby who was asleep, and began to calculate the hypnotic duration of the monarch snake “Sing” on Krabby.

In normal training, we collect more data. Although the actual situation during the battle will not be completely consistent, but I have a general idea in my mind. There is still a lot of help when the card point controls the rhythm of the battle.


Krabby’s strength level is very similar to Corphish, and it is estimated to be in the 20th level. Compared with the monarch snake, there is a very big gap.

After listening to the singing of the monarch snake, Krabby was hypnotized for 5 minutes ’37 seconds″

The first time the data was collected, the second time Krabby was not required to be snaked by the monarch After being hypnotized by the singing, Liang Ren didn’t need to wait for Krabby to wake up naturally.

A tail of water drew over. In his sleep, Krabby seemed to feel a cold icy rain slapped on his face. A shivered awakened decisively.

“Monarch snake, use Grass Whistle. “Finding that Krabby is awakened, Liang Ren directly seamlessly connects with a command.

“Woo~woo~woo~” It was a beautiful song just now, and now it is a soft Grass Whistle sound.


Same sound and dreamlike, Krabby’s sleepy eyes just opened. Before even a Yawn could hit him, he closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

The first time is still the collection of hypnotic time, as for the second time, it is the ruthless water tail of the monarch snake who wakes up Krabby.



“Glare …”

“Lovely Kiss …”

He tried six tricks to control Ability. At first, Krabby was so angry that he was tossed in the end. In a languid spirit, Hoothoot is spitting bubbles in his mouth, as if he is saying forgiveness.

“Let it rest aside, and let them leave together when Corphish wakes up. “Liang Ren said to the monarch snake.

“Wum–” the monarch snake turned towards Liang Ren nodded, and then relayed Liang Ren’s original words to Krabby.

“叽Hoothoot ~”Krabby nodded, he just fainted when he learned that his good buddy, and the Great Demon in front of him stopped tossing himself. Krabby took a horoscope and happily ran to Corphish and squatted.

The “mutated” Pokémon with aquatic double Attribute balance, the monarch snake’s stamina is much stronger than the Pokémon of the same level of other Attributes.

No need to rest, Liang Ren continues to play the White Flute, and continues from the sea. Among the Water Type Pokémon attracted by the prey, militants were screened and summon came ashore.



Seel, Shellder, Seadra , Magikarp, Staryu, Carvanha, Megalodon, Corsola, Qwilfish…

“Attack, defense, racing, control, attack interruption…”

Various The Water Type Pokémon was attracted ashore, because they were all militant Pokémon, and Liang Ren didn’t have much psychological burden to toss him.

Various items are for the monarch snake to exercise, but as a sparring party, these items are really a torture.

Each Wild Water Type Pokémon attracted by the prey, after an average of more than ten minutes of ravages and torture, is like a desperate salted fish lying on the shallows and staring at it. sky makes bubbles.

After regaining their mobility, these languid Wild Water Type Pokémon dragged their tired bodies back to the sea and encountered curious questions from other Water Type Pokémon who were attracted by the prey.

These Water Type Pokémons who have just returned from the shore are all surprisingly unified in their caliber, pretending to be very surprised and memorable.

Said: “There are good things on top, but I won’t tell you the specifics. If you want to know, just go up and see when you hear the whistle.”

“Remember, it only works when you hear the whistle, and you can only go up one person at a time. This is a valuable experience from Senior, you should remember.”

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