A box of bait and a Flute, the Monarch Snake has a large number of sparring objects.

Four hours later, the sun hadn’t completely set in the western sea. At this moment, I stood on the seaside reef and looked into the distance.

The azure sky is full of beautiful sunset clouds of orange, yellow, orange and red, and the sea is also reflected by the setting sun to present a shimmering red seascape.

“Monarch Snake, take a break. Today’s training is almost over here.” Liang Ren stood on the reef and said to the Sovereign Snake.

“Wum–” The monarch snake in the shallow water of the beach returned to complied.

With a long groan, a stream of pure water was drawn from the sea below him, and then turned into two interlaced water rings to encircle the body of the monarch snake.

This is the Water Type Recovery Ability: The liquid circle can absorb the water in the air to form a water ring around the body. During the Ability maintenance period, it can continuously provide nourishment and recovery for Pokémon.

The monarch snake is now a waterweed double Attribute Pokémon. In addition to the grass Attribute moves such as Synthesis and Green Grass Field, it can also use the Water Type move of the liquid circle to recover.

If in battle in the future, if the opponent wants to use weather abilities like praying for rain to weaken the monarch snake’s synthesis’s recovery, then the liquid circle can have an unexpected effect.

“Bubbling…” Under the nourishment of the light blue Water Type power released by the water ring, the monarch snake who has been training hard for a whole afternoon, the physical fatigue quickly recovered.

As for mental exhaustion and exhaustion, a deep sleep at night, I believe that 2nd day will become refreshed, and all the experience in training will be digested, and the monarch snake will also master the ability and strength Be more proficient.


“ao ao~”

Take a look at Lucario with the monarch snake, this guy is still working hard on training.

When Liang Ren left at noon, he gave Lucario a small pot of blue orange to restore his energy. Now Lucario has eaten a small pot of blue orange.

By squeezing physical strength again and again, and recovering again and again, Lucario’s control of his own strength has become more sophisticated.

After an afternoon of training, the skill of “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” has also reached the Top Rank. Liang Ren is very satisfied with the result.

“You can rest~Lucario, today’s training is hard, and I have a meal tonight.” Liang Ren said.

“ao 嗷……” Aura perceives that Liang Ren hasn’t approached yet, Lucario has found him coming.

From Liang Ren’s body, I felt Aura’s feedback with “joy and satisfaction” emotions, and the corners of Lucario’s mouth also raised a curve.

Although becoming stronger is my instinctive pursuit, I can make my trainer feel satisfied, and I will be very happy as a Pokémon.



Take Lucario and the Sovereign Snake to the Island of Fire. In a blink of an eye, one week has passed, and every day of this week, Liang Ren All had a very fulfilling life.

With regard to the development of Aura for Lucario’s Second Rank segment, in addition to at first’s “Aura · Wind Killing Formation”, Liang Ren later gave Lucario a training to integrate Aura into “fights, elbows and knees”.

This process can be understood as’enchanting’. The real enchantment is to attach magic to the weapon, and what Lucario has to do is attach Aura to the common Fighting techniques of fists, feet, elbows and knees.

Aura is the power that Lucario has innately mastered, so this’enchanting’ is not very difficult. It is just doing two things at the same time when using Fighting spells to attack Aura’s power. It’s just a blessing to the move.

This training only took one day, Lucario mastered all the tricks and was able to use it skillfully in the evening.

Although the Great Unique Ability “Aura Spiral Shuriken” has not been trained yet, the process of’enchanting’ is going so smoothly.

Liang Ren couldn’t help but on a whim, and helped Lucario develop four strengthening moves with the four attacking parts of the opponent ankle and elbow.

Respectively: “Aura · Gale Palm”, “Aura · Gale Kick”, “Steel Elbow”, “Iron Knee Top”

” Gale Palm, Gale Kick” is Aura strengthens Ability, emphasizing a speed and burst. The former is a hand movement. Although it is a palm, it can also be transformed into a punch.

The latter “Kick in the Wind” is not only an attack on Ability, but also can be used to move and quickly advance.

In previous battles, Lucario often used the “Extrreme Speed” explosive acceleration feature to initiate a charge towards the opponent, although it achieved the purpose of quickly getting closer.

However, “Extrreme Speed” is a Top Rank Ability, and every time it is cast, it will bring a lot of consumption. At the same time, Extrreme Speed ​​is used as an attack Ability, and it is difficult to temporarily change the move once it is used.

Generally speaking, if it is just to quickly rush to the opponent side, using Extrreme Speed ​​this trick consumes a lot of Ability, quite a feeling of overkill.

That’s why Liang Ren developed the ability to “kick in the wind” for Lucario. Aura turns into a gust of wind to wrap his legs. When launching an attack, he has a powerful thunderbolt. Has the speed of squally wind.

Compared with “Extrreme Speed”, the ability of “Gust Kick” is less expensive, and it is also very flexible in form and function.

The two abilities of “smashing the steel elbow” and “iron knee top” are aimed at strengthening the elbow and knee attacks.

But unlike the “Greece Palm” and “Greeze Kick”, the steel elbow and iron knee top are strengthened and blessed with the strength of Lucario within the body Steel type.

At first Liang Ren was also prepared to use Aura Force, but later he considered the fragility of the joints, weighing the pros and cons, and finally chose the Steel type power with X Defense.

After the Fighting technique’enchanting’ and the separate strengthening moves for the four parts of the hands, feet, knees and elbows were developed, the initial “Aura · Wind Killing Formation” was added with the ability to upgrade.

So far, the Aura development of Lucario’s Second Rank segment has completed 2/3, and only the training of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” is left.

In the Orange Alliance two days ago, Joy Hong called to contact him.

According to the plan he provided, the creation of the seven new Gyms of Orange Alliance and the transformation of the four old Gyms have been basically completed.

At most half a month, the seven new gyms of the four old gyms of the Orange Alliance Southern Cross and Big Dipper will be officially opened. Then Liang Ren can challenge and conduct work inspections. Up.

Liang Ren is quite satisfied with the work efficiency of Orange Alliance, and his training here is almost coming to an end.

Except for Lucario’s Second Rank segment Aura development has not yet ended, other monarch snakes, Cloyster, Pidgeot, and Slowpoke have all exceeded expectations and completed the training goals.

However, there is still about half a month before the Orange Alliance Gym opens. During this time, Liang Ren is still very confident to help Lucario complete the “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” exercise.

However, I went to the hot island of fire and continued for a week of high-intensity training. Both the Monarch Snake and Lucario needed a day off.

In addition, after a week of “lightning strike” anti-electricity exercises and speed training of “lightning strike avoidance” in Thunder Island, Pidgeot also asked Liang Ren to take a vacation.

He said he would go out to seek revenge! !

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