“I’m going to find the huge Pidgeot on the deserted stone forest island to seek revenge, didn’t expect Pidgeot. You still have this thing in your heart.”

Hearing what Pidgeot said, Liang Ren touched it. Touched his chin and said.

“Beep Eagle-I finally came to the Orange Islands once, I was beaten and fled by that guy in the first fight, and I could only introduce it to the island’s stone forest in the second fight. , Rely on speed and flexibility to entangle it.”

“I have never beaten it from start to finish. This time I must succeed in revenge and wash away the shame it brings me.”


Speaking, Pidgeot spontaneously activated the passive Ability effect of “Burning Will” due to his emotions. Of course, this also made Liang Ren see Pidgeot’s determination.

Pidgeot evolved to its final form when it left the Orange Islands and returned to the mainland, passing through the C20 Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island in distress.

The two previous fights against the huge Pidgeot of Heavenly Pillar Peak on the deserted stone forest island were all in the form of Pidegeotto. Although the strength of the special training on the ice island was greatly increased, they did not beat the opponent at that time.

Now I come to the Sanshin Island for special training again, and it took more than a month to complete the development of the Three Great Unique Ability and the trial of the Great Snow Mountain flying against the wind at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Now there is a week to go to the Isle of Thunder, and the special training goal Pidgeot set by Liang Ren has been exceeded.

Now it feels that its strength has reached a Peak again, so it finally couldn’t help but propose to Liang Ren to seek revenge for the enemy that once brought it shame.

“Pokémon’s strength develops to the later stage. Only when Understanding Heart Seeing Nature maintains the understanding of its thoughts, can it have continuous stamina and push Pokémon forward to breakthrough.”

“Any heart Obsessions will kill Pokémon’s indomitable and sharp momentum, even more how Pidgeot is the domineering fearless will of “the courage of burning will”. “

For Pidgeot’s firm eyes full of fighting intent, Liang Ren weighed and thought about it in his mind, and nodded agreed.

“Okay, I continued to train for a week. Next, I am going to give you a two-day break, since you want to find a giant Pidgeot to fight. “

“Then tomorrow I will accompany you to the Heavenly Pillar Peak on the deserted stone forest island. “Liang Ren said.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Thank you, boss! ! “



One night rest, 2nd day Liang Ren took the monarch snake and Lucario, and rode Pidgeot towards the desert stone Go to the forest island.

Blue sky and white clouds, the waves churning and jumping, sitting on Pidgeot’s back and blowing the sea breeze, Liang Ren also feels very comfortable.

, Liang Ren can see from time to time there are some small islands in the sea below that have not been developed by humans.

Large and small islands are scattered all over the sea, but the Orange Islands are not very populated, except for some Compared with the Great Island, many of the remaining islands are uninhabited islands.

However, the Pokémon world is not limited to the aborigines of humans, and there is a larger number of Wild Pokémon, which is also this World The owner.

The small island that has not been developed by humans, the migrating birds bring all kinds of seeds, plus the suitable temperature and abundant Drought and precipitation in the South.

Liang Many of the small islands Ren he saw are lush and green, covered with lush vegetation and inhabited by a large number of Wild Pokémon.

These pure natural islands are located in Sanshin Island. Liang Ren who trained is simply divided into fruit islands and desert islands.

After training, you can go to the fruit islands to pick some fruits. As for the barren and barren islands, they are naturally given by Liang Ren. Ignore it.

After leaving the island of fire, head south, past the fruit island of lush and green vegetation, and then the desert island full of white flowers and bird droppings. Soon Liang Ren saw his destination The deserted stone forest island and the Heavenly Pillar Peak in the center of the island.

The deserted stone forest island is the name Liang Ren gave to this barren and barren island with more than woods. The steep mountain that pierced the sky was named Heavenly Pillar Peak.

This island was not simply and roughly divided into fruit islands and desert islands by Liang Ren, but was honored to be given by Liang Ren Named.

In addition to the peculiar topography, it is naturally covered by the light of the huge Pidgeot that inhabits the Heavenly Pillar Peak, otherwise this deserted island is not worthy of Liang Ren remembered.

“Pidgeot, get ready for the battle.” After seeing the deserted stone forest island and the Heavenly Pillar Peak, Liang Ren also patted Pidgeot’s shoulder to remind him.

Although he has done two challenges before, but at that time his strength was not enough and his vision did not reach the current level.

The one who abused Pidgeot for the first time and chased him down for two hours.

Forcing him to dive into the sea with the Lapras lent to him by Flora, the huge Pidgeot that dared not show up, to what extent was Liang Ren actually not at all a clear memory.

This is also the time that Pidgeot has evolved to its final form, mastered Mega evolution, breakthrough Elite, and trained on Ice Island for more than a month.

Still patiently waited until all the training items were completed, then proposed to Liang Ren to come to the deserted stone forest island to find a huge Pidgeot to seek revenge, just to have a greater grasp.

According to what Liang Ren once told it, repeating again and again, meaning that in the face of a particularly powerful opponent, it doesn’t matter if you lose once and then lose a second time.

But after losing twice in a row, I still don’t know how to sum up and reflect, I don’t know how to be brave after knowing the shame, and I still lose when I challenge the third time. Then I really lost.

Fortunately, Pidgeot remembered Liang Ren’s words and put them into practice. After half a year, its strength has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Now it feels that it’s okay, so today It’s here again.

The strong wind blew Contest’s feathers flying and dancing, and one dived and landed on the deserted stone forest island, after putting down Liang Ren, Lucario and the monarch snake on his back.

Pidgeot flapped its wings abruptly, shooting straight into the sky like an arrow, with a jet of fighting intent in his eyes.

Looking at the towering Heavenly Pillar Peak, Pidgeot opened his mouth and let out a high-pitched eagle howling.

“Beep Eagle——!!!”

Pidgeot’s voice spread across the deserted stone forest island.

Several Sandshrew who shuttled through the stone forest on the island lifted the head in surprise, listening to this “natural enemy” similar to their family on the island, but the imposing manner was even more amazing.

This group of Sandshrew trembled, and their expression was full of fear, as if in the next second a pair of golden and iron claws caught them flying high in the sky, and then threw them on the coastal cliffs and broke their heads. Blood flow.

The huge Pidgeot’s sharp claws pierced his stomach, and the flesh and blood viscera under the protection of the scale armor were also given to Pluck by Pidgeot’s sharp beak.

Without the compulsory intervention of human beings, the law of survival in nature is natural selection and survival of the fittest. Powerhouse is completely superior to the weak.

“Dagger Eagle——!!!” Liang Ren’s Pidgeot just uttered a provocative call. On the Heavenly Pillar Peak in the center of the island, a huge eagle with an unusually large size also echoed an angry bird. song.

Living on this deserted island, he grew huge after consuming that exotic fruit.

How can the huge Pidgeot, which is used to be the king and dominance of this small island, allow other Pokémon to provoke its majesty, and the opponent is still its kin Pidgeot?


Today it is going to teach the Pidgeot of the same clan who turned up without being invited a deep lesson. Sandshrew’s meat is already tired of eating it. Suddenly he wants to change his taste and try his own Pidgeot. .

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