~The cool breeze blows gently until it quietly enters my clothes

~ I can’t hear the sound when I sneak in in summer,

~The days passing by in a hurry make me feel alive


~Remember the colorful scene…

Take off the thick down jacket and wear a light dress from early autumn. The girl stretched out like a little kitty waking up.

The cool sea breeze is blowing, and the peculiar street trees on the streets of Southland: palm trees are also squeaked by the sea breeze.

Listening to “Season of Wind” with headphones in, the girl’s face was full of cozy and comfortable expressions. At this moment, Casey did not realize that she had been followed.

Is a young man who seems to be about seventeen-eighteen years old. He is not very tall. He wears a black woven hat. The ears show less than the curls that are not completely covered by the hat. Dye perm.

Put your hands in your trouser pockets, hung more than ten meters away.

This thin and thin young man pretending to look down at the phone, but from time to time he raised his head and glanced at the girl in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

“Sister Casey, someone is following you behind.” Casey was walking on the sidewalk, listening to a song, suddenly a voice rang in her mind.

“Xiaolu, are you talking?” Casey suddenly stopped and took off a headset, as if wondering if he was hearing a hallucination.

“It’s me~” The white Premier Ball that was shrunk and placed in his pocket trembles slightly and emits light blue fluorescence. Lucario uses Aura to communicate with Casey like a telepathy.

“Xiaolu, you just said that I was being followed?” Casey, who learned that he was not hearing a hallucination, asked in surprise.

“Yes~ Sister Casey, you have been followed.” Lucario, who has reached the quasi-Elite level, even if he stays in the baby ball, the powerful Aura can still perceive the surrounding Malice.

This is also the reason Liang Ren normally takes Lucario wherever he goes. Just now because he was worried about Casey’s safety, he asked Lucario to follow her.

“Sister Casey, do you want me to help you teach this guy?” In Poké Ball, Lucario asked telepathically.

“No.” Casey put on a headset that he took off again.

She pretended to be nonchalant and continued to walk forward, but she had turned off the music on her phone and was quietly communicating with Lucario in her heart.

“Xiaolu, how far is the person following me from me, and what does it look like?” Casey asked.

“That person is ten meters behind you, a thin young man with a black knitted hat on his head.” In Poké Ball, Lucario briefly described based on Aura’s feedback.

“That’s it~” Casey replied to complied in her heart. Instead of turning her head rashly, she glanced forward. She didn’t go in the direction of Feeding Street, but turned into the next one to use Leisure in the small park.

The young man with the scorpion head, who was trailing behind, was thinking about when to start when he saw the girl suddenly turned into a deserted park.

The thin young man immediately quickened his pace followed along, and his face showed a joyful smile of “sent to the door by myself”.

Casey turned into the unmanned park ahead and took out a tissue to pretend to be wiping the phone. In fact, he used the phone screen as a rearview mirror to secretly observe the situation behind him.

Sure enough, there was a bleak youth who followed her into the park. Casey’s willow eyebrows were slightly frowned. It was the first time that she had encountered such a thing when she grew up.

“Huh~” Casey kept walking, tapping a few baby balls in his pocket with his fingers, and after a deep breath, he gradually recovered his composure.

She is not a weak ordinary girl, two Gym-level Pokémon and one elite-level Pokémon.

This kind of strength can be regarded as a top-notch player even if it is placed among professional trainers. A Hooligan Casey can still handle it consciously.

even more how Lucario still followed her, although Lucario is only the Pokémon of Liang Ren’s second echelon, but also not average person can contend.

Casey, who was very determined, came to a bench next to a small dam in the park and sat down, as if not aware of being tracked, each minding their own business played with his mobile phone.

“jié jié ~” The thin young man who followed Casey to Xiaobazi with a quick trot, grinned with teeth wearing metal braces, and gave a smirk.

Then strode towards Casey sitting on the bench and came over.

A shrinking white Poké Ball in the girl’s pocket swayed slightly, as if the flowing Hooligan in front of her had any excessive words or actions, it would come out, fiercely teaching her.

“Step on…”

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Casey sitting on the wooden bench in the park seemed to have discovered someone, so he took off his headphones and lifted the head.

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?” Casey Zi asked the incoming person.

The other party hasn’t made any excessive actions, even if he knows that the other party has followed him, when facing the stalker, good education still keeps the girl’s verbal politeness.

“jié jié ~”

“I dropped an item just now when I was in the Pokémon center. It seems to be picked up by you, so now I’m here to find you and get it back to me Things.”

Looking at the gentle and polite simple girl in front of him, the thin young man grinned and said with a scornful and treacherous smile.

“I didn’t find any lost items at all just now. If you lose something at Pokémon, you should find the front desk and ask Nurse Joy to ask.”

Casey shook the head replied, but her answer was obviously not at all satisfactory to the visitor, and the loss of something was originally just an excuse he made up.

“The thing I lost was found by you. Someone saw it in the center of Pokémon just now.” The thin young man drew two steps forward.

“I said I didn’t find what you lost, and you don’t get close anymore.” Casey emphasized.

“You said that if you don’t have it, then you don’t have it? Unless you search the bag for me, if not, I will leave immediately.” Although the thin young man didn’t get closer, the crumb smile on his face became more obvious.

“You don’t have the right to search my bag.” Casey shook the head. In the face of Hooligan’s deliberate troubles, she can still maintain her sense. She has to say that she is very cultivated.

“Tell me, what are you missing?” Casey adjusted his breathing and then asked the youth.

“hehe ~ I lost a piece of Dawn Stone, but I bought it at a high price, but I lost it at the Pokémon Center just now, and someone saw that it was picked up by you “

“Dawn Stone!!!” When the other party said that it was a Dawn Stone that was lost, Casey raised her head and glanced at the youth’s face and the unabashed greed in her eyes. She finally figured it out. The entire process of development.

It turned out that when she was at the Pokémon Center just now, she took out the Dawn Stone and handed it to Liang Ren to see. After being discovered by this person, she became greedy.

Knowing that the other party is stalking her is not because she is in trouble and wants to ask her for help or has other legitimate reasons, but because she wants to snatch the Dawn Stone she just bought.

No matter how gentle the girl’s character is, she can’t help but feel angry at this moment.

“You leave me now, or I’ll have to notify Officer Jenny.” Casey suddenly got up from the bench, with anger in his beautiful eyes, and sharply rebuked.


“Originally, you gave me Dawn Stone and it was fine, but since you are so impossible to tell good from bad, then let me teach you a lesson Come on you.”

The thin young man finally got rid of his disguise, showing his greedy and ugly face, throwing out two Poké Balls and shouting: “Weezing, Venomoth, teach me fiercely!!!”

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