“Weezing, Venomoth, teach me fiercely!” Seeing that the girl was not ready to hand over the Dawn Stone obediently, the gangster youth released two Pokémon and directly ordered the robbery.

“Since you want to Snatch my Dawn Stone, then let me see if you have the patience, come out Snorunt.”

Casey’s patience is finally consumed. At the end, seeing the gangster youth sent Pokémon to attack, she backhanded two steps back and threw a Poké Ball.

“Mi~” has been training on Ice Island for more than a month. Snorunt is no longer the new Macy when I first met. Now the level has been upgraded to LV.30.

Looking at two fierce Pokémon leaping towards him, Snorunt seemed to be dancing, jumping and jumping easily and staggering two Pokémon Tackles.

“Snorunt, catch—” At this moment, Casey, who retreated to the back of the park bench, took out a blue oblate shape from his small shoulder bag, and threw out a gem that shone like eyes.

When Casey took out Dawn Stone, the greedy color in the eyes of the bastard young man almost overflowed his eyes.

Seeing Casey throwing Dawn Stone towards Snorunt, the gangster young man almost immediately moved towards his two Pokemon ordered: “Weezing, Veneomoth, take Dawn Stone to me.”

“Hehe~Can you grab it?” Casey smiled disdainfully.

While Casey was talking, Snorunt’s short legs jumped violently, and his petite body jumped into midair to catch the Dawn Stone she had thrown over.

“Since you want to Snatch my Dawn Stone, then I will show you the power of Dawn Stone.” The zipper of the satchel was closed, and a happy smile appeared on Casey’s face.

“Snorunt, evolve!!” Casey yelled.

“Sneez—” Casey just yelled out, in midair caught Dawn Stone’s Snorunt, and the body and Dawn Stone released the dazzling light of evolution.

“Ahhh ~ damn!!” Seeing that the precious Dawn Stone was used by Snorunt in front of him, the gangster young man suddenly shouted flustered and exasperated.

“Weezing, Venomoth, teach me fiercely from this kid.”



in midair Weezing with a crying face and Venomoth with a light purple body, follow the instructions of the youth.

One casey moved towards the back of the park bench ran into it, and the other moved towards the evolving Snorunt attacked. Facing such a crisis, the girl always had a confident smile on her face .

“Woo~~” When the two Pokémon were about to attack the target, Snorunt wrapped in the light of evolution in midair finally absorbed the energy in the Dawn Stone.

As soon as a quick whine sounded, a thick fog instantly enveloped this area, not only the fog, but even ice-cold wind and snow floated in the fog.

After living in Ice Island for more than a month, Casey has long been accustomed to the cold and snowy weather. On the other hand, this gangster has lived on the warm southern island for a long time. He has never experienced the cold and Blizzard.

At this moment, the biting cold wind engulfed the wind and snow, and the gangster young man shivered suddenly, “Ah-snee! What’s going on? Why is it snowing~”

Not only are the young people confused, but Weezing and Venomoth, who were about to launch an attack in midair, were also stunned. The fog blocked their sight. Now they simply don’t know where the target is.

“Woo~oo~” The cold wind is getting more and more bitter, and the sound of wu wu’s wind is full of weird whistling noises, and the stunned young man raised his hand to cover his face, watching through the fingers The external situation.

I saw a faintly discernible graceful figure in the thick fog and wind and snow, like a snow girl in folk stories.

“Froslass, teach me to teach them, use Confuse Ray!!” When the gangster young man was stunned, there was a sound of instructions from Casey to attack.

“Woo~” The Froslass silhouette who was invisible in the snow flashed, and a string of golden beads of light suddenly flew towards Weezing and Venomoth, who were at a loss and could not see the target in midair.

“Weezing, Venomoth, close your eyes.” After a moment of dazedness, the bastard youth finally realized that it was the Pokémon the girl outside that caused all this.

He heard the command sound of “Confuse Ray”, so he hurriedly issued a response command to the two Pokémons, but the command was still a beat slow after all.

In the thick white fog, you can’t see your fingers, suddenly the golden brilliance flashes, and Weezing and Venomoth almost instinctively moved towards the light source.

“peng peng peng peng ~” The dazzling ball of light that Confuse Ray turned into suddenly exploded like a colorful ballroom lamp. When the gangster youth commanded, Weezing and Venomoth had fallen into chaos.

Although he did not attack himself, he temporarily lost the ability to attack Froslass.

Control the Mist to fade, so that Casey can see what’s happening in the fog.

“Froslass, let these two villains see the consequences of angering us, use Icy Wind.” Behind the park bench, Casey pinched a pink fist, panting with rage.

“Woo~” A soft whistle of Froslass came from the wind and snow and heavy fog, but although the sound was soft like the dream of Normal, the wind and snow suddenly became violent in this light sound And bitter.

“Weezing, Venomoth, wake up soon!!” The young gangster was forced to retreat by the wind and snow, and at the same time he did not forget to order his two Pokémon.

However, Weezing and Venomoth, who were already in chaos after being hit by Confuse Ray, did not order to dodge. Instead, they took the initiative to move towards the place where Froslass attack was the most violent and rushed over, instead, like moth flies into the flame.

In ancient times, people’s understanding of Pokémon was not comprehensive enough, which led to some unknown and undiscovered activities of Pokémon, and there were many monsters circulating among the people.

According to the legend, the “Snow Girl” who lives in Snow Mountain, will create illusions when the wind and snow hits, and then let the unsteady humans be frozen to death by the wind and snow is actually Froslass.

Making illusions seems to be an innate ability of Froslass. Weezing and Venomoth, who are in chaos, take the initiative to pounce on Icy Wind like moth flies into the flame.

Amidst the sound of ka ka freezing, Weezing and Venomoth were instantly frozen into two ice sculptures, and the young gangsters who had retreated outside roared and roared.

“Weezing, use Explosion, and be perish together with each other!!!” The savage young man moved towards Weezing shouted with a hideous face and a loss of reason.

However, Weezing, who was in the dual control of chaos and freezing, did not act as if he had not heard the instructions of the gangster youth.

But Casey, who had already stood out from behind the park bench, did not hesitate to attack again.

“Froslass, give them the final blow, use Ice Punch~” Casey ordered.

“Woo–” Froslass, who was hidden in the snow and fog, returned to complied, and his body suspended in midair rushed forward.

The hand under the wide dancing sleeves clenched into a fist, the crystal clear and near-transparent ice crystals flickered, and Ice Punch pierced through the cold wind and slammed fiercely on two ice sculptures like a broken Ice Hammer. Body.

“peng peng ……oh la la !!!”

“ka ka ……”

The ice-breaking blow instantly knocked down two Pokémon, and then Anxious for the extremely cold fist that came with Ice Punch, the two Pokémon were frozen again.

Different from what was just now, the eyes of Weezing and Venomoth in the ice sculpture Pokémon have turned into dizzy spirals and have lost their combat capability.

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