“Aura Sphere → Spiral Aura Sphere → Aura Spiral Shuriken…”

This set of common origins continuously upgraded and strengthened Ability, the source of powerful lethality, except for the Psychic itself like Aura Strong is the spiral force.

In the original Aura Sphere, the spiral force only made the formation of Aura energy bombs stable, and the formidable power was mainly derived from the blasting force released by the explosion of the Aura Sphere.

The spiral Aura Sphere was developed in the Second Rank paragraph, which guides the energy of the disordered movement inside the Aura Sphere to rotate in an orderly manner, adding the force of rotating cutting to the original blasting force.

Today’s “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” has once again strengthened and upgraded the spiral force in the first rank spiral Aura Sphere.

Let the spiral Aura Sphere break through the original limit, so that the speed of the Aura Sphere reaches the threw away energy wind while the vortex absorbs the energy wind, forming a very cutting around the energy core of Aura Sphere Powerful Aura Shuriken.

Although Liang Ren can foresee, to break through the original limit and let the spiral Aura Sphere perform super Rapid Spin, it will cause a very large load and pressure on Lucario’s body.

But if this ability is successfully upgraded, the formidable power is absolutely terrifying, enough to become Lucario’s Unique Ability.

“ao 嗷——!!!” After listening to Liang Ren’s explanation, Lucario looked extremely excited.

“Don’t be too happy, the training of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” is divided into three parts by me. “

“The first part is to control the spiral Aura Sphere to super-Rapid Spin until the energy wind threw away forms the visual shape of a shuriken and a paper windmill around. “

“The content of the second part is to maintain the stability of such a hurricane nuclear bomb-like Energy Ball until the internal structure does not easily disintegrate, lose energy, and explode under slight stimulation. “

“The goal of the third part of the training is to strengthen the control of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” and the stability of its Ability until it can throw “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” Ten meters away from the hands can still maintain the shape. “

Looking at Lucario’s full of fighting spirit, Liang Ren talked about the goals to be completed in the next three stages.

There is half a left before the official opening of the Orange Alliance Gym. Month time, in these 15 days, it takes about 5 days to overcome a stage, and it is still very difficult.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother, I believe I can. “Lucario doesn’t seem to know what the difficulty is. After listening to Liang Ren’s description, he still has a high spirit.


“In this case, what are you waiting for? Let’s start training Right. “Liang Ren closed his notebook with a snap, and started training with Lucario.


He was placed outside for a long time and went to see him with Liang Ren. And experienced various things, so the wisdom of Liang Ren’s Pokémon is not comparable to that of the normal trainer’s Pokemon.

Lucario is very smart and has a high perception. Regarding the Aura spiral shuriken, the principle of characteristics As well as the things to be done at each stage, it will be remembered.

Whether it’s training or what to do, let Pokémon know and have a general idea in mind. This is more like manipulating a thread than a trainer. Commanding with full authority like a puppet is much more effective.

This is the experience of Liang Ren and Pokémon who have been together for a long time, and the feedback given by Lucario in the actual training that follows once again validates Liang Ren. His experience.

“Very good! ! Lucario, continue to maintain the rotation of Aura Sphere, concentrate on not having any distractions. “Liang Ren happily praised Lucario in the open space.

Only the first attempt was made. Lucario held the spiral Aura Sphere in his hand, and the speed has made a big breakthrough.

“Chi chi ——! ! “The spiral Aura Sphere held by Lucario’s hand makes a chi-chi piercing cutting sound under the super Rapid Spin.

On the side, Liang Ren takes out his mobile phone and takes a photo to record the spiral Aura Sphere at this moment. Shape.

Although the speed of the spiral Aura Sphere has increased at this moment, it is still the same as before. It is a basketball-sized blue Energy Ball. The surrounding energy wind does not at all threw away and forms the visual effect of a shuriken.

But every ten minutes, I took a photo and recorded it with my mobile phone. Looking through the photos in the mobile phone’s Photo Album to compare before and after, Liang Ren found that the lines on the outer circle of the spiral Aura Sphere became more blurred towards the back.< /p>

It feels like a basketball becomes a ball of yarn, and the ball of yarn becomes a more fluffy pompon. The fluff on the surface of the ball of yarn behind it also begins to baring fangs and brandishing Claws came out.

Of course, this is just a description and metaphor. The actual situation is that with Lucario’s efforts, the speed of the spiral Aura Sphere continues to gain breakthroughs.

The spiral Aura Sphere rotates Faster and faster, the internal energy will be threw away because of the high speed, but the suction generated by the energy vortex of the Rapid Spin inside the Aura Sphere will only absorb it.

Not only threw away This part of the force, as well as the surrounding wind, air currents and other energies will be drawn and drawn, and then a Dao Void magical energy wind will be formed around the outer ring of the spiral Aura Sphere.

The first day of training At the end, the lines of the spiral Aura Sphere only become a little fuzzy. There is only a small amount of energy wind around the Aura Sphere, but even this has brought a lot of pressure to Lucario.

2nd day Liang Ren used The bond link has been increased, Lucario’s Mental Force has been enhanced, and the control of the spiral Aura Sphere has also been greatly improved.

Controlling the spiral Aura Sphere for super Rapid Spin has been able to threw away a finger-length away The energy wind, from the perspective of the beholder, seems to be an illusory sun with a solid sun inside.

3rd day Based on the bond link, Lucario used Meg a Evolution, the control of Lucario, which had reached its limit, was once again greatly improved.

The spiral Aura Sphere does a super Rapid Spin, and the energy wind threw away has reached half a meter, and from the side observation with naked eye, in the energy wind formed around the spiral Aura Sphere, there is faintly like a fan. The afterimage formed by the rotation of the blade.

On the fourth day, Lucario controlled the spiral Aura Sphere to super-Rapid Spin. The energy wind threw away was nearly one meter in diameter.

The illusory fan blades in the energy wind have turned into the expected shuriken dart shape. The training of the First Rank segment of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” can be said to be basically completed.

On the fifth day, which is the last day of the planned First Rank training session, Liang Ren lifted the increase in the Mental Force link during the training, and in the afternoon Liang Ren let Lucario withdraw from the Mega Evolution.

On this last day, Lucario completed the display of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” under normal conditions.

“chi chi chi chi ~”

On an open space outside the Fire Island, Lucario right hand holds a shuriken-shaped spiral Aura Sphere with one hand.

Because the spiral Aura Sphere rotates too fast, the whole makes a sharp chi chi cutting sound, as if a super typhoon like Level 16 has been compressed and condensed to form a hurricane nuclear bomb.

Standing from a distance, looking at the “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” held by Lucario, I had guessed that this Ability formidable power would be terrifying, but Liang Ren still has a kind after seeing it with his own eyes. Feeling frightened.

The imposing manner of this “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” already feels like a hurricane.

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