“Not bad, Lucario, you really did not disappoint me. The training goal of the First Rank segment was successfully achieved.”

Let Lucario disperse the “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” in his hand. , Liang Ren applauded with a smile on his face.

“ao 嗷——!!!” Lucario called out.

The hard work is not only rewarded by the improvement of strength, but also praised by the trainer, which makes Lucario, who has a loyal personality, feel happy from the heart.

“But I can’t relax yet~” Liang Ren patted Lucario’s shoulders, “There are two more stages of training afterwards. If they are all successfully completed, then they will truly master “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” “This great Unique Ability. “

” And Lucario, if you can master this ability, then challenge the Orange Alliance Gym, you will become the main force along with the monarch snake. “

“So please come on~” Liang Ren smiled and encouraged.

“ao oh-I will do my best, sir big brother! ! “Lucario clenched his fist and made an effortful motion in response.


I have been doing high-intensity training for five consecutive days, but now the time is a bit tight, but there is no way. Let’s take a break for two days alone.

However, Liang Ren has also found a way to relax Lucario and the Pokémon.

“Let’s go, let’s go and have fun together. spa. “

Back to the camp, after a short break after dinner, Liang Ren and Casey put on short-sleeved and t-shirts that they only wore in summer, and walked to the inner island with a few Pokémon.

Island of Fire is a small island formed by the eruption of Volcano. The fire altar guarded by Moltres is built on the edge of Volcano’s mouth.

Before, Casey brought a few Pokémons. I went to the inner island of Volcano for anti-high temperature training. After finding that Volcano had several natural Volcano hot springs at the feet.

After that, Liang Ren and Casey finished their training every evening, ate dinner, and finished eating. Come to the hot springs with Pokémon.

Even Cloyster, who doesn’t like the hot and high temperature environment of Fire Island, heard from Monarch Snake and Lilligant that his skin will become better after soaking in the hot springs.


Cloyster, who has been staying on the Great Snow Mountain of the Ice Island, comes to Fire Island Bubble Hot Spring with Pidgeot and Slowpoke every evening.

“Ya Duo——٩(๑^o ^๑)۶ set off, go to the hot springs. “

“Pidgeot-(՞ਊ՞) I love taking a bath! ! “Pidgeot, who didn’t like to wet feathers before, is now impressed by the charm of hot springs.

The two each took a small bathtub and led a group of Pokémon to the foot of the inner island Volcano, in a clearing. , There are several large and small hot spring pools scattered around.

The two large hot spring pools next to each other are separated by a simple wooden board like a screen.

Liang Ren Take Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario, and Dratini four’boys’ in the pool on the left.

Casey brings five’girls’, Lilligant, Bellossom, Froslass, Cloyster, and Monarch Snake. Soak on the other side.

“oh la la…”

Take off your clothes and put them on the fence. Liang Ren takes a few Pokémon down to the hot spring pool.

The soft spring water is touching the body like a hand made of silk. At this moment, it is not only the × chocolate that everyone enjoys silky.

“Liang Ren, ten days from the Orange Alliance’s The Gym is officially open. Which Gym do you plan to start from? “On the other side of the wooden fence, the voice of Casey came from the hot spring pool.

“In ten days, the Gym under the Orange Alliance will be officially opened. Time flies so fast, unconsciously in Sanshin Island. I have been training for two months. “

“I’m challenging but not in a hurry. I have time, but Casey on your side, Saffron Middle School. This semester is about to end, right? When are you going back to take the final exam? “

Lining his head on the towel beside the hot spring pool, Liang Ren asked, like Casey on the other side of the fence.

He has now graduated from Saffron Middle School, from the Alliance. And he didn’t arrange as many jobs as other recruited talents.

In addition, he is now the director of the Pokémon Inspectorate. He is already at a high level of power. There are many subordinates and Old Senior like Joy Male. Now he only needs to concentrate on improving his strength.

And Casey is different from him. Although she has already met the requirements for graduation, she has not yet applied for graduation. She is still a student of Saffron Middle School.


As a student of the privileged class, it is no problem to take a long vacation to travel and practice, but it is still necessary to go back to school to take the final exam near the end of the term.

Participating in the final exam is after all a Saffron middle school privileged student It is also an obligation of ordinary class students.

The monthly and mid-term absenteeism are still reasonable. If even the final exam is absent, the school will not be able to examine the privileged class students. The progress of the semester is up.

In addition, ordinary class students also need to pass the final exam, compete with the privileged class students for the grade ranking, kick out those who are lower than their own, and let themselves enter the next semester. Among them.

“I’m going to stay another week and return to school. After the school’s final exams are over, Liang Ren, you have just finished the special training. When the time comes, how about we meet again? “

On the other side of the fence, Casey asked Liang Ren for advice in a deliberate tone.

“No problem, I will wait till you get back before I do the Gym challenge. After all We made an appointment when we came, didn’t we? “Liang Ren said with a smile.

Casey took a long vacation from school to accompany him to the Orange Islands to travel and experience, but because of his official duties, he stayed with him on Sanshin Island for nearly two months.


The bitter cold island of ice and the hot island of fire have been carried on the islands with extreme climates for so long.

Although Casey’s strength has improved a lot, it is still new He bought a Pokémon, but he still felt a little sorry, and always felt a little sorry for her.

Of course, the girl stayed with him on the extreme climate of Sanshin Island for nearly two months without complaining. It also made him very moved, and the feelings between each other have deepened a lot.

“Well, when I come back from school, I will accompany Liang Ren to travel and play Gym, and then become Liang. Brother Ren, you are a witness to the “Victory Hall” on Pummelo Island. “

Heard that Liang Ren is willing to wait for her to come back before starting to challenge the Gym of Orange Alliance, Casey also feels full of sweetness and happiness.

Training and traveling with her boyfriend, Not only do I have a great time every day, but my strength has also improved very quickly, especially now that there are more Froslass in the team.



“gu lu gu lu ~” After Liang Ren and Casey had finished talking, a gu lu gu lu bubbled in the hot spring pool and then came out. This is exactly what Pidgeot looks like after the hot spring.

“Beep Eagle——Boss, I suddenly remembered one thing and forgot to tell you. I accidentally used “Sacred Air Strike” when I was doing electrical resistance training in the afternoon. As a result, Zapdos pulled me to accompany me. It fights. “

“Because I was a little tired after training for a day, I will explain that I will fight it again in the next day. You explain that I will not be able to pass Thunder Island. “Pidgeot exposed a head from the hot spring pool, blinked his eyes and asked Liang Ren.

“What’s wrong, why not go?” “After hearing Pidgeot’s words, Liang Ren’s expression was a little puzzled.

“Beep Eagle~Boss, didn’t you say that the three Divine Birds guarding Sanshin Island are that their own hard power has surpassed the championship level. Does it exist at the Divine Beast level? “

“Zapdos is so strong and he is still looking for me to fight, this is not deliberately wanting to abuse me, boss, do you think I was training in Thunder Island during this time, and it was noisy to Zapdos and he was not happy It’s~”

Luotangji Pidgeot asked Liang Ren with a grieved expression.

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