“Wait, I see, it’s lightning, it’s the force of nature!!” Liang Ren yelled suddenly in his heart.

Zapdos’s Speed ​​Stat is obviously not high, and it also lowers its own strength to the same level as Pidgeot. It stands to reason that the speed should not be comparable to Pidgeot.

But in fact, Zapdos’s backwardness from the very beginning has slowly become a head-to-head, and now the flying speed has surpassed Pidgeot.

Liang Ren couldn’t figure it out, but Sky suddenly awakened him from a thunder, and a flash of Spark flashed in his mind. He probably already understood the reason.

Zapdos, who guards the Thunder Island, is called the God of Thunder, although it is now depressed to play with Pidgeot.

But as an existence beyond the championship level, Zapdos’s understanding of the forces of nature and the mastery of the laws are not possessed by Pidgeot, and it still exists even if its strength is lowered.

Whether it is the law or the natural force that was realized during the breakthrough championship, these things have all been integrated into the body of Zapdos and within the body energy.

Zapdos suppresses strength, but only confines a part of the power within the body, and the remaining small part can only exert Elite-level strength.

Zapdos can control the amount of power that can be adjusted within the body, but it cannot change the quality.

Because Pokémon power within the body goes from gaseous state to liquid state to solid state→……This process of continuous improvement in quality is unidirectional and irreversible.

The natural power of the breakthrough champion level comprehension, the Heaven and Earth Law Power of the Divine Beast level are all integrated into the Zapdos power within the body. It can be imagined that Zappos power within the body is better than the Elite level of Pidgeot within the body How much higher the quality of strength.

If you compare the two to fuel, then the power of Pidgeot within the body is like dry firewood, and the power of Zapdos within the body is underground oil.

Because the strength is reduced to the same Elite level as Pidgeot, the amount of oil used by Zapdos, the energy produced after burning is roughly the same as the energy produced by the burning of Pidgeot.

This is the essence of Zapdos depressing power. It only and can only control the number of power within the body called.

If it is really just a simple use of burning fuel, then maybe a lot of dry wood and a small barrel of oil can be equated.

The key is that Pokémon’s use of power within the body is not at all so simple.

Pidgeot Speed ​​Stat is very high, it can be considered that Pidgeot within the body is equipped with a high-end engine, and Zapdos Speed ​​Stat is low, which can be thought of as being equipped with a slightly poorer engine.

Pidgeot uses within the body’s’Elite grade low-quality engine oil’ to drive high-end engines, and Zapdos uses within the body’Divine Beast grade high-quality engine oil’ to drive engines with lower performance.

The actual energy exerted by both parties is different from the simple combustion described above.

Specifically, high-end engine hardware can bring greater premiums, or high-quality fuels will bring excess profits.

It depends on whether the performance weight of the Pidgeot engine exceeds the Zapdos engine is more important, or whether the oil of the Zapdos within the body exceeds the weight of the Pidgeot within the body oil.

During the race just now, although Pidgeot took the lead and left Zapdos far behind, he was quickly overtaken and surpassed by Zapdos.

It can be seen that although Pidgeot has a considerable advantage in Speed ​​Stat, Zapdos power within the body has a greater quality advantage compared to Pidgeot.

“Surely it is the “force of nature”~” Switching the angle of view to Pidgeot, through Pidgeot’s sharp eyes, Liang Ren really saw a thin layer of Lei Gang’s body around Zapdos Existence.

If Pidgeot uses the speed-up abilities like “downwind, Agility…”, behind him, there seems to be a violent wind pushing it forward.

Then Zapdos turns itself into a thunderbolt lightning, speeding forward at the speed of thunder, and the two sides compare and judge immediately.

“Hey~” competed with Pidgeot and surpassed each other. After a while, Zapdos seemed to lose interest in the game.

After reminding Pidgeot with a high-pitched bird song, Zapdos finally started to attack.

“Chuck!!” Zaptos waved its gold Yellow surface and Black inside, which looked like wings with two layers of feathers. An arm-thick lightning slammed towards Pidgeot.

At this moment, Liang Ren is still immersed in the power of nature that Zaptos accidentally revealed just now, and he has not yet come back to his senses.

He was amazed at the powerful increase in strength brought by the force of nature, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to make Pidgeot realize their own force of nature.

Lucario and the Sovereign Snake have started moving towards Quasi-Elite to initiate a sprint. I believe that whether it is breakthrough Quasi-Elite or Elite, it takes less time than Slowpoke’s three-echelon main force.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are the forerunners of Senior. It would be too shameful if they were easily overtaken by Lucario.

Now the three main players have broken through to the Elite level, so it is time to consider how to attack the championship and understand the natural trend.

Of course, Zapdos has just lowered its strength to the same Elite level as Pidgeot, but it can still be as strong as that. Liang Ren believes that in addition to the forces of nature, there should be more Top Rank power and deeper levels. s reason.

Limited only by his own strength and vision, Liang Ren could not see that’s all for a while.


Liang Ren thought about and comprehended the power of nature. Outside, Pidgeot and Zapdos were fighting fiercely.

On the stone platform, Casey and Pokémon thought that Liang Ren was commanding operations silently through the fetters, and they cheered and supported Pidgeot with excitement.

But in fact, Pidgeot is fighting Zapdos alone at the moment. Fortunately, the autonomous combat capabilities of the Pokémon under Liang Ren’s hands are very outstanding. For a while, Pidgeot is not too embarrassed.

“Boom~” Thunderbolt hit with the “Minimize” dodge Zapdos, restored the original Pidgeot, and slammed Dragon Pulse back.

Suddenly lifted into the air, landed suddenly, flying at low altitude into the dense stone forest, you chase me, the two sides use Ability to bombard each other from time to time.

Strength reaches the level of Zapdos, even if it is the control ability of Thunder Wave, which is not lethal, and the Electric Type Primary Rank move “Thunder Shock”, Zapdos can display terrifying formidable power.

Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Zap Cannon…

Scythe, air blast, Hurricane, Air Slash…

If Zaptos is a thunder, Then Pidgeot is the wind, because Zapdos has suppressed the strength to Elite Early-Stage. Although Zapdos is still very strong, the real battle strength of Pidgeot is not what Level can describe.

In the sky above the stone forest, Pidgeot and Zapdos are playing extremely fiercely between you and me, as if the wind and thunderbolt are wrestling in the air, vying for the throne of sky Totem.

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