Pidgeot is very powerful, especially the most skillful kite tactics. The terrorist attack originally limited to close hand-to-hand combat suddenly became a violent wind crossbow pointed finger towards the sky.

With the blessing of various auxiliary capabilities, Pidgeot, the windy crossbow, every destructive power and amazing hurricane crossbow that Pidgeot shoots can make Zapdos feel a burst of pressure.

Pidgeot is huge, and it does give people a kind of attack route that it uses like Braviary. Who else is the fierce and unafraid of death spirit willpower is more Pidgeot The traits of recklessness.

But is Pidgeot really a brash man who loses his senses and rushes to fight with opponent when the blood rushes to his head? Obviously not.

Pidgeot is an assassin, a shooter, an opponent who relies on speed to fight a set of bursts, and relies on flexible movement to play kites.

Like looking for’Totem’ Pidgeot for revenge on the deserted stone forest island a while ago, Pidgeot exploded with all his power in the face of Zaptos.


Shunfeng+Agility +Double Team +Substitute +Spark One Flash

Aerial Ace +Steel Wings+Dragon Claw

Juggling + Feather Dance + Minimize ……


If Pidgeot’s kite tactic is the crossbow body of the windy crossbow, before the battle begins The increase in fetters links and Mega evolution is a powerful mechanism.

The super powerful Unique Ability of “Air Blast, Ultimate Impact, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush, God Air Strike, Dragon Strike, and Destruction Strike” are the crossbow arrows of the Great Wind Crossbow.

In the face of Zaptos, Pidgeot tried his best to fight.

But even so, Zapdos still does not fall behind, even if it has suppressed its strength to Elite Early-Stage.

“hong long long……” Since the battle officially started, the thunderstorm cloud group covering the island of thunder has been rioting. From time to time, a sky thunder will land. If it hits Pidgeot, then there is no doubt that it will be Hit hurt.

If Zapdos is struck in the body, it will restore the charge within the body.

If you miss the stone forest below, it will strengthen the huge natural “Electric Terrain” of Thunder Island, and increase the formidable power of Zappos Electric Attribute moves.

Thunder Island is the domain of Zaptos, just like the bitter ice Island is the home field of Articuno and the hot Fire Island is the home field of Moltres.

Zapdos has no chance of losing in an absolutely favorable home field.

“Hmm~Little Brat is good, but after playing for a long time, let me see the Ability you used yesterday.”

Spread your wings and take the initiative to use your body Zapdos, who caught a falling thunder, spoke to Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——Since you asked Zaptos, then please catch it.” Pidgeot, who fluttered smoothly and hovered in midair, responded.

“Hey~ come.” Zaptos replied, without any fear on his face.

“Beep Diao——!!!” MegaPidgeot responded with a cry of Zapdos.

The broad wings flapped violently, flying up high into the sky in the wind, and after being accumulated to the limit in an imposing manner, a Great Roc Spreading Wings suddenly burst out of a sacred and domineering golden flame.

“Li! !” Because of the golden flames burning all over his body, the bird song that Mega emits is also very different from usual. Suddenly it seems really like a golden flame Divine Bird Normal, giving people a kind of not angry The feeling of prestige and not to offend.

As soon as the flames spread out, the lead-grey sky thundercloud seemed to have been ignited, and the surface was stained with the color of flames.

Imposing manner accumulated to Peak, MegaPidgeot after using Divine Bird did not hesitate at all, spreading its wings and swooping down, like a flame Meteorite smashing down Zapdos.

“Whh~” was locked on by MegaPidgeot’s attack, Zaptos below also put away his contempt, and his expression became more solemn.

“Om~” mobilizes the power within the body that has just been restored by the Thunder Charge. Zapdos condense a light green eggshell energy shield in front of the body.

This is the Ability “Protect” that claims to have Absolute Defense in the same level. Zapdos does not dodge, it seems to be ready to take the attack of MegaPidgeot head-on.

However, “Sacred Air Strike” is a powerful combo technique formed by Divine Bird’s fusion of air blasting. It is not only the damage of Divine Bird Tackle, but also a second-stage damage of air blasting.

“Li! !” In the sky, just as the Golden Flame Divine Bird dived down quickly, and was about to hit the protective shield supported by Zapdos, the Golden Flame Divine Bird suddenly bulged and then violently A horrible column of sonic air screamed towards Zaptos.

In the spiral groove outside the shallow blue “Air Blast”, the golden flames wrapped around MegaPidgeot’s body, like a golden dragon gun with beautiful carvings, pierced through the air fiercely to Zaptos and propped up Protective cover.

Protect is known as the Absolute Defense Ability in its class, and MegaPidgeot will now use its sharpest spear to attack Zaptos’s strongest shield.

Look at whether lance was broken or the shield defense was broken.

“Bang… Bang!!!” The stone hammer beats the drum, and the air blast hits the protective cover. The loud roar not only makes the Casey on the stone platform more than tinnitus, but even Liang Ren, who had been stunned for a long time, was also awakened.

In the smoke of the explosion, golden flames flowed light flashed past, and Divine Bird’s second-stage damage directly hit Zapdos fiercely to the stone forest below.

After a roar, Zaptos, who fell into the stone forest, broke several stone pillars in succession, and finally stopped.

“唳~cough cough!!!” Zapdos slipped and fell along the stone pillar and coughed in embarrassment.

“The strength that Little Brat showed in front, even if it was placed in the Pokémon of Elite’s mid-term strength, is a well-know figure. I originally thought that this was its limit.”

“Didn’t expect that the power that Ability burst out just now reached the later stage of Elite. It’s really the younger generations will surpass us in time!! cough cough~”

Zapdos, who landed, touched with wings Touching a cluster of crystal flowers growing on the stone next to him, absorbing the pure electric Attribute power in the golden crystal, Zapdos regained some spirit.

Control the power of recovery within the body, open the ban set by yourself before the battle, and a terrifying force like the vast ocean returns to the body.

Zapdos then stood up from the ground, shook the dust and stone chips on his feathers, then flapped his wings and flew back into the air.

In the sky, Pidgeot has also withdrawn from the Mega evolutionary state at this moment, landing on a stone pillar protruding from the stone forest, standing there, panting with his beak open.

Pidgeot is not as powerful as Zapdos. Even if most of its power is sealed, it can be restored by thunder and Growth’s energy crystal Charge in the stone forest.

Before fighting with Zapdos for so long, within the body was consumed almost, and now using the Unique Ability of “God Air Strike”, Pidgeot has little physical strength left. Was exhausted.

“Pidgeot, catch it.” On the stone platform behind the cliff, Liang Ren took out a blue orange and threw it towards Pidgeot.

“Beep carving, ah (՞ਊ՞)~”

The blue orange thrown by Liang Ren accurately fell into Pidgeot after he was trained by throwing a baby ball. In the mouth.

A blue orange chews the Swallow belly, after a while in the stomach, it is quickly decomposed into nutrients and energy to be absorbed by Pidgeot.

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