“Okay, then we start training.” Seeing Lucario’s fighting spirit, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face.

The training in the First Rank segment of “Aura · Spiral Aura Sphere” is not easy. Controlling the spiral Aura Sphere for super Rapid Spin will put a very large load on Lucario’s body.

Five days to complete the training goal of the First Rank segment.

It is inseparable from Lucario’s long-term fighting technique training to have a strong physique and Steel Type physique, which has a very large increase in defensive power of the body.

But even with a strong physique, Lucario was still exhausted during the First Rank training period.

Of course, it’s not Lucario’s character if you are tired. So now Liang Ren said that the task difficulty of the Second Rank segment is not lower than that of the First Rank segment, and Lucario’s fighting spirit is still very high.

However, Liang Ren said that the task difficulty of the Second Rank segment is not lower than that of the First Rank segment. This is not a cracking a joke. Lucario soon suffered.

“chi chi ~” held Aura Sphere with one hand, and soon Aura Sphere threw away the shuriken-shaped cutting energy wind. The whole process took no more than two seconds.

“Hmm, not bad.” Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction, “Lucario, your training this morning, is to run with me with this “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”. “

“Huh? ? ? “Hearing Liang Ren’s peculiar request, Lucario turned his head and his face was full of question marks.

“Haha, have you forgotten? What I said just now is to be able to use and maintain “Aura Spiral Shuriken” in various states. “

“As the main force of my subordinates who can stand alone, the battles you will encounter in the future will be one-to-one or even one-to-many. Without a companion to help you, there is no chance of peace of mind. many. “

“Learning to walk A (moving and attacking while moving) is the most basic combat literacy, whether it is a normal attack or a big move like “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”, You must reach this level. “

Looking at Lucario with a question mark on his face, Liang Ren said solemnly.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother, I will cheer. “Lucario, knowing that Liang Ren didn’t joking, seriously nodded replied.

“Well, let’s start training and keep up with me. “Liang Ren took off his shirt and slippers, leaving only a pair of knee-length shorts.

With a naked upper body, like a shorts boy, he ran happily on the beach bathed in sunshine on the beach.


“ao 嗷——”

The Lucario behind him is like the torchbearer of the Alliance Conference, but instead of holding the torch in his hand, it is a huge “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”.



The first day of training is to exercise Lucario. In various situations, he can use Aura spiral shuriken and maintain it. Ability stability.

In the morning, Lucario’s training content is to run with Aura spiral shuriken. In the afternoon, the training content is to stand on a 1.5-meter-high rock with Aura spiral shuriken. Jump off.

Running and jumping, this is the most normal state in battle, it is impossible to stand still.

Be aware that even the Cloyster with the spell turret will move frequently in battle, so let alone the agile and robust Pokémon like Lucario.

However, Lucario did not let Liang Ren down. The training on the first day of the Second Rank segment of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”, performed and maintained Ability while running and jumping, were successfully completed. .

These seem to be just two very strange training events.

But the actual effect ultimately produced is that Lucario’s strength control of the ability of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” has been strengthened.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, the first day passed smoothly, Liang Ren and Lucario have already entered the state of special training.

After soaking in the hot springs and sleeping beautifully at night, Liang Ren and Lucario both regained their spirits on 2nd day, and their eyes looked brighter than the first day.

After arduous training, Essence, Qi, and Spirit, which are one person, one pet, have also undergone transformation. Compared with the Normal trainer and Pokémon, Liang Ren and Lucario are unique in their temperament. Kind of very out of the ordinary feeling.

The special training is still continuing, and the monarch snake also joined in the 2nd day training.

It is still running on the beach with “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”, but there is an additional training content, that is, it is possible to be attacked by the monarch snake trained in shallow water at any time.

Although he does not use his full strength, he is often caught by the monarch snake’s water gun sneak attack, splashed with water, or thrown by the tail of the water, which is a very big interference factor for Lucario. .

At first, when I was suddenly attacked by the monarch snake, the Aura spiral shuriken in Lucario’s hand would become unstable, and energy would escape or even explode directly.

But slowly Lucario got used to it. Of course, it wasn’t that it adapted to endure a certain amount of damage when casting Ability, but it adapted to stay focused and calm when disturbed.

This is the receipt Lucario got after the 2nd day training.

In the 3rd day of training, the difficulty has been upgraded again. Although the monarch snake no longer performs sneak attacks with the low-damage ability of the water gun.

But Lucario, who runs towards the beach just and honorable, uses hypnotic techniques such as Sing and Grass Whistle.

Although Lucario had used Iron Defense to strengthen the defensive power before the training started, if you can’t stand the sleepiness, letting Aura’s spiral shuriken explode directly in your hand will also cause Lucario to be injured.

In the process, Liang Ren will also encourage Lucario from the side, the trainer and Pokémon to be together, and the fighting training’s tenacious will is strengthened again.

Although there were still several deafening explosions on the beach on New Day, at dusk, Lucario was able to keep his mind and maintain his Ability again when he was disturbed by the hypnosis of the monarch snake.

The training for the Second Rank segment is over half of the time, and Lucario’s condition has gradually improved.

On the fourth day of training, the monarch snake still interfered from the side, but the difficulty escalated again. The monarch snake did not use hypnosis in the sea.

On the beach, while chasing Lucario, while using water guns, Vine Whip, Water Pulse to attack, and also use ultrasound, Glare and weakened version of petrochemical power.

The interfering factors become more and more powerful, and it becomes more difficult to maintain the stability of the Aura spiral shuriken in your hand.

Because in this process, in order not to be forced to control Ability, Lucario has to run and jump to avoid.

On the fourth day of the second rank special training, the scene simulated by Liang Ren is getting closer and closer to the real battle. Only through such training can Lucario be considered mastered. This trick is Ability.

So on the fifth day, which is the last day of the second rank training of “Aura · Spiral Shuriken”, the interference of the monarch snake escalated again.

In addition to chasing, attacking, controlling and interrupting, the monarch snake even used his Trump Card and turned the beach into a quagmire with the combination of “Water Pledge + Grass Pledge”.

Training seems to have completely transformed into a battle. Under the attack and interference of the monarch snake, Lucario, who had improved a lot, became embarrassed again.

But training is just training, not real battle. All this the Monarch Snake does is to interfere, so by the afternoon, Lucario has adapted.

By the end of the training in the evening, Lucario has completed the stability of the “Aura · Spiral Shuriken” in his hand under various interference from the monarch snake.

Lucario’s Second Rank training has officially ended, but Casey is also ready to go back to school.

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