
Early in the morning after breakfast, Liang Ren and Casey had already rode Pidgeot to Mandolin Island. Originally, Liang Ren was going to let Pidgeot and Slowpoke escort Casey. The son went back to school.

With Slowpoke guarding, Pidgeot is flying at full speed, and you can get to Saffron City at noon in the morning. However, the girl is afraid of delaying the training of Pidgeot and Slowpoke, and insists on taking the boat back by herself.

“Gull gull……”

“hua hua ……”

The sea breeze is blowing waves continuously, and a group of Wingulls are fanning Ribbon-like wings, with a bright yellow beak looking for small fish in the waves.

The morning sun is rising, and the entire port terminal is shrouded in a warm golden Morning Sun. There will be 20 minutes before the passenger ship will officially leave the port. At this moment Liang Ren and Casey are holding hands at the seawall corridor Take a walk on the road.

“Sorry~ Casey, because of the official business of the Alliance, you let you stay with me on the extreme climate of Sanshin Island for nearly two months.”

Stop Facing the morning sun and the sea, the teenager and the girl stood side by side. The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, Liang Ren said suddenly.

“Why do you have to say sorry.” The girl leaned over and embraced the boy’s arm, “Every day I am with you, I feel incomparable happiness and satisfaction, Liang Ren~ Thank you Bring me to the Orange Islands.”

“Casey~” Turning around and looking at the girl’s gentle watery eyes, Liang Ren lightly hugged the girl in his arms.

With the hands that became rough because of training with Pokémon, she gently stroked the soft hair of the girl Mi Yellow.

“Brother Liang Ren~” With eyes facing each other, two groups of red clouds flew on the girl’s cheeks, recalling the bits and pieces spent on Sanshen Island during this time, and thinking that the two will be separated for a while time.

The shy girl suddenly found courage in her heart. She stood on tiptoe and kissed the boy’s lips actively. Liang Ren’s body stiffened suddenly, but quickly relaxed.

The enthusiasm of adolescent teenagers and girls is bursting out like the morning sun going out to sea, hugging each other’s body tightly, and all the unspoken love words are now in the tongue pushing and entanglement I told them all.

On the sea, Wingull picked up a small shuttle-shaped fish from the tumbling white waves, and the fish’s tail flicked. The splash and mucus on his body threw away a crystal clear silk thread in the golden morning sun.

On the seawall corridor, the two people who have been hugging each other for a long time reluctantly parted their lips.

“Go early and return early.” Liang Ren gently stroked the girl’s hair and said in a warm voice.

“Hmm–” Feeling the temperature of the rough hands on the hands, the soap scent from the boy’s white t-shirt in the sun, and the masculine scent from the boy, the girl is nodded shyly.



“du! !” Sending the girl aboard, watching the disappearing passenger ship and white waves, Liang Ren is still standing at the port terminal and looking up.

Not far away, a man with a piece of cloth on his shoulders who was helping a freighter unload, glanced at the young man who was still standing in the harbor, with an enviable smile on his face.

“You are young, so good!” The middle-aged man who unloaded the cargo exclaimed.

Liang Ren didn’t know the way he was standing at the pier and was seen by others. He was also full of emotion when he looked at the direction Casey was leaving on the passenger ship.

“The bond with this World has deepened~” Liang Ren muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

After crossing to this World, I knew the plot and many aborigines’ unclear secrets because of reading the original, plus an adult soul lived in the body.

at first, he did not consciously show an alienated attitude to the people or things around him, but after living in this World for more than ten years, he slowly accepted the people around him. People and things.

After all, the previous life memory is only about 20 years old. In fact, there is not much left in the ten years to rule out minor things.

After crossing the Pokémon world, he has been living a clear and rational life as an adult. He has been reading and studying in the Celadon City Library since the age of four.

Of his current cognition and three views, 80% are actually based on various knowledge and practical experience of Pokémon world. There are not many things left in the previous life.

He has already become a native of Pokémon world, maybe because of some things in the previous life, compared with the peers around him, it is just a little weird.

I once fantasized about turning outstanding women in the Pokémon world such as Kona, Shirona, Yew, and Diantha into their soulmates, but after they truly integrated into this World, these thoughts were forgotten as a joke.

After all, when a boy was a child, he never said that he would have a lot of beautiful wives when he grew up, or that he wanted to be taken up by a rich woman.

But when I really grow up, I will discover that 99.99% of this World is legally monogamous. Whether you are looking for many wives or being taken care of by a rich woman, you will have trouble.

Birth every ten years is divided into several decades and several decades. This thing is a very realistic thing. Shirona would not like a man who is dozens of years younger than herself.

Of course, after truly integrating into this World, Liang Ren found that he did not like women of Shirona’s age. Of course, he still admired such a powerhouse.

If there is an opportunity, the only thing he longs for is a Pokémon battle with the opponent dignified.

“It’s just a week, and Casey will be back in a week.” Liang Ren looked down at his hand, then made another gesture of hugging the air in front of him, with a happy smile on his face Come.

In addition to family and friendship, he now has a love that cannot be given up. He has truly become a native of Pokémon world, and his bond with this World is inseparable.

At this moment, if a powerful existence appears in front of him and tells him that he can break the world crystal wall and build a space-time channel to send him back to Earth, Liang Ren’s answer will only be “no”.


The sun gradually rises, and the sunlight shining on the body gradually increases in temperature.

After sending Casey away, Liang Ren stood still on the dock for a while and then turned and left. He not at all rode Pidgeot back to the Island of Fire, but took out his mobile phone and looked at the electronic map. , And then walked towards a certain place.

“Leo, you may not know that you just returned from the Unova Region. We also have the Pokémon Alliance in the Orange Islands.”

“The Southern Cross Gym has been preserved, Orange The Winner’s Cup has been integrated into the Alliance Conference.”

“Also… Besides, in addition to the four Southern Cross Gyms, Orange Alliance has also set up seven new Big Dipper Gyms. One of the gyms is on our Mandolin Island.”

Liang Ren took a shared bicycle and rode towards the destination, and saw two young people of similar age on the road.

One of them was dressed in Unova Region style clothes, and the other youth who helped with luggage was in Orange Islands outfit, dressed in a colorful beach with a pair of slippers.

At this moment, this local youth from the Orange Islands is happily explaining to his friends.

“Wow! Sri Lanka~ didn’t expect to go out to study only four years, so much change has taken place in my hometown.”

“We have the Orange Islands. Pokemon Alliance, and there is even Gym on Mandolin Island. Can you take me to see Andy in a while?”

“Of course.” Beach pretended to be a youth and replied happily.

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